Feeling of guilt

I just can't stop, I love it. I love the feeling of being taken by my three dogs, one after another. It's not even just the mounting. I've started to become increasingly affectionate towards them and treating them like my lovers, having them sleep in my bed and give cuddles and massages. Kisses on the lips when I come home.

I've seen beastiality videos and many were just ready to get to the point, get fucked or licked and go on about their day but I don't even masturbate my dogs because I feel like they should do it on their time. I say stuff like "Please, baby, make me yours" while laying on the ground touching myself, usually at least one comes over and attempts humping which get the rest excited as well and it makes me so happy to get attention from them but after having sex with them, I feel disgusting and wrong. I hate myself for being like this with my animals.
Soul mate i like to help or even fuck a after the dog the sight of creampie or cum gush thrills me specially when a woman is taken after multiple dogs or knotted and fucked hard and then after I just cum I do get the disgust feeling and u probably know the rest it's good to hear that it's not just me really XD I'm happy.
Soul mate i like to help or even fuck a after the dog the sight of creampie or cum gush thrills me specially when a woman is taken after multiple dogs or knotted and fucked hard and then after I just cum I do get the disgust feeling and u probably know the rest it's good to hear that it's not just me really XD I'm happy.
post nut clarity
its the same with gay people or polyamorous, child free, single people, or those who are asexual or people who perfer themselves to masturbate, its outside the norm but who fucking cares
Ive dated loads of people into it and even inspired others to get I to it. If you only date other zoos it will help you feel a lot better, like the beautiful and sexy person you are.
I Guess the social aspect. Like if anyone were to find out, they'll be disgusted with me. I'll lose everyone I care about

Does anyone else need to know?

Your dogs are happier and able to express their desires more freely than the vast majority of canines, you're building up a deep, intimate bond which has much potential for good for you all, and you are also enjoying that on a more primal level, too.

In what way are these not "good things" (presuming care is taken with welfare and pack dynamics)?

Social norms of what is offensive, distasteful, or unpleasant are not an absolute; there is no "this is the only we can live", just a messed-up chain of history guided by majorities and loud voices leading to the current state of play as to what is generally "acceptable" within the social framework in which we're each raised. In no way does that make those innately "right" or the "only way to live".

Oh, and it sounds like you're not just treating your dogs like your lovers, they are your lovers. (That little zoophile vs. bestiality distinction that many like around here...).
Do your best for them, but plan ahead - ask yourself what will the relationships be in a week or a month, rather than acting purely on instinct (good as that can be) - and if you do ease back in any way do so gently as they have now tasted those pleasures forbidden to most canines in such abundance. They have feelings, too... as you are well aware! <3

Best wishes; and to y'all!
Oh, and p.s., thank you for taking the courage to ask. You speak well, and from the heart. ❤️

Many of us forget what it's like to have been in a similar position, but probably most of us have been at one time or another...
Does anyone else need to know?

Your dogs are happier and able to express their desires more freely than the vast majority of canines, you're building up a deep, intimate bond which has much potential for good for you all, and you are also enjoying that on a more primal level, too.

In what way are these not "good things" (presuming care is taken with welfare and pack dynamics)?

Social norms of what is offensive, distasteful, or unpleasant are not an absolute; there is no "this is the only we can live", just a messed-up chain of history guided by majorities and loud voices leading to the current state of play as to what is generally "acceptable" within the social framework in which we're each raised. In no way does that make those innately "right" or the "only way to live".

Oh, and it sounds like you're not just treating your dogs like your lovers, they are your lovers. (That little zoophile vs. bestiality distinction that many like around here...).
Do your best for them, but plan ahead - ask yourself what will the relationships be in a week or a month, rather than acting purely on instinct (good as that can be) - and if you do ease back in any way do so gently as they have now tasted those pleasures forbidden to most canines in such abundance. They have feelings, too... as you are well aware! <3

Best wishes; and to y'all!
this is actually fantastic advice, not just with dog sex, but with human relations and just life in general
It is definitely a tough place to be but you can find your way through. I think first you’ve got to figure out what you want. From there you can begin to discover the real you. Of course everyone does go through the feeling of guilt,shame,etc but it’s not wrong to be happy. Just make sure that you and your lover(s) are happy with everything and I say screw the rest!

You’ve got this and don’t be ashamed of yourself in any circumstance
Hope this was helpful in some way and even if I wasn’t you are definitely in the right place to find someone to encourage and talk to in this community!
I just can't stop, I love it. I love the feeling of being taken by my three dogs, one after another. It's not even just the mounting. I've started to become increasingly affectionate towards them and treating them like my lovers, having them sleep in my bed and give cuddles and massages. Kisses on the lips when I come home.

I've seen beastiality videos and many were just ready to get to the point, get fucked or licked and go on about their day but I don't even masturbate my dogs because I feel like they should do it on their time. I say stuff like "Please, baby, make me yours" while laying on the ground touching myself, usually at least one comes over and attempts humping which get the rest excited as well and it makes me so happy to get attention from them but after having sex with them, I feel disgusting and wrong. I hate myself for being like this with my animals.
Don't feel guilty. That post was breathtakingly beautiful. I wish many years of happiness for you and your lovers.
I've been in love with dogs for a few years now and never felt any guilt up until recently. Last time me and my female had mated after I finished I felt guilty for some reason. I only do it when she's in heat and rarely when she's not. She never rejects me and even seems to come back around for more. I even get her (or what I'm assuming it is) to have an orgasm, I'm pretty sure it is because she'll lay down and curl her toes and start thrusting. But for some reason lately I just feel guilt. I never force her and it's always safe and consensual and if she seems uninterested I immediately stop. Idk maybe I'm just being weird. And when I say it's recent I mean like a day or 2 ago.
Nobody harmed, everyone willing, what's to feel guilty about?
You had a good time, she apparently hard a good time, I don't think it's a big deal. Even if one or the other of you isn't always into it at the moment (happens sometimes) I don't think it's a problem so long as nobody is harmed or coerced.
Nobody harmed, everyone willing, what's to feel guilty about?
You had a good time, she apparently hard a good time, I don't think it's a big deal. Even if one or the other of you isn't always into it at the moment (happens sometimes) I don't think it's a problem so long as nobody is harmed or coerced.
True I appreciate that definitely makes me feel better, idk why it suddenly started happening but I just feel like others opinions might help make me feel better about it
Can't see as you've done anything to feel guilty about, it's clear to me you care for her and want her to enjoy the act just as much as you.

And yes what you are describing is indeed her experiencing a orgasm, each one is different in how they respond to one and they range from mild to wild were she will jump up turn in a circle and start bouncing off the walls during her happy dance.
I don't know man that is weird I was guilty at first but got over it. I've never felt guilt after that. Unless you feel guilty for getting her involved in the lifestyle to begin with. But by how it sounds she came on to you. So I don't see a reason to be guilty.
Can't see as you've done anything to feel guilty about, it's clear to me you care for her and want her to enjoy the act just as much as you.

And yes what you are describing is indeed her experiencing a orgasm, each one is different in how they respond to one and they range from mild to wild were she will jump up turn in a circle and start bouncing off the walls during her happy dance.
Thanks I appreciate it. Maybe I'm just going through a phase or just being dramatic. I just needed some reassurance. I appreciate all of the helpful information and support.
Thanks I appreciate it. Maybe I'm just going through a phase or just being dramatic. I just needed some reassurance. I appreciate all of the helpful information and support.
It happens sometimes, I've experienced it as well long ago myself, what helped me the most back then was my doggy girl always curling up beside me afterwards, her feelings were of love and happiness towards me so why feel guilty about bringing her pleasure.
I've been in love with dogs for a few years now and never felt any guilt up until recently. Last time me and my female had mated after I finished I felt guilty for some reason. I only do it when she's in heat and rarely when she's not. She never rejects me and even seems to come back around for more. I even get her (or what I'm assuming it is) to have an orgasm, I'm pretty sure it is because she'll lay down and curl her toes and start thrusting. But for some reason lately I just feel guilt. I never force her and it's always safe and consensual and if she seems uninterested I immediately stop. Idk maybe I'm just being weird. And when I say it's recent I mean like a day or 2 ago.
I mean why do you feel guilty exactly? Sex between 2 organisms who don't dislike the interaction seems positive to me
I've watched zoo porn for nearly 20 years, I'm a 31 y/o male. It was something that instantly attracted me and to this day has an ability to turn me on tremendously. However i've only reached out to people with similar interests recently. Especially people on this site seem to have a powerful sense of confidence in who they are, this makes me incredibly jealous. Obviously this carries a bit of a taboo socially which I get is part of the appeal for some. I raised my interest in zoo to my ex and she was pretty much mortified and i believe it led to the end of my relationship. That could explain why I feel so dirty or guilty or it could be social conditioning. I just feel defective for enjoying it so much.

My question to you all is how do you feel about your own sexual desires, does it make you feel bad? do you not give a shit? obviously there's an element where you do have to be discreet and hide since in many cases it's illegal. I'd love to feel more confident and accept myself. I don't think zoos are doing anything wrong. It's a beautiful relationship and so what if it's between species. sorry for rambling, looking forward to your responses
I've watched zoo porn for nearly 20 years, I'm a 31 y/o male. It was something that instantly attracted me and to this day has an ability to turn me on tremendously. However i've only reached out to people with similar interests recently. Especially people on this site seem to have a powerful sense of confidence in who they are, this makes me incredibly jealous. Obviously this carries a bit of a taboo socially which I get is part of the appeal for some. I raised my interest in zoo to my ex and she was pretty much mortified and i believe it led to the end of my relationship. That could explain why I feel so dirty or guilty or it could be social conditioning. I just feel defective for enjoying it so much.

My question to you all is how do you feel about your own sexual desires, does it make you feel bad? do you not give a shit? obviously there's an element where you do have to be discreet and hide since in many cases it's illegal. I'd love to feel more confident and accept myself. I don't think zoos are doing anything wrong. It's a beautiful relationship and so what if it's between species. sorry for rambling, looking forward to your responses
I dont give a shit.
Happines loves silence.
Indeed you nees to be descreet, but im happy because i found some friends whom i can share my interests and desires without feeling a guilt upon my chest. And im pretty confident when it comes to standoffs, if needed. I like myself, all my fetishes and kinks. I do not harm to any people or animal. Know my limits and abilities.
I didn't harm any animal or person, so don't worry about that. The thing is I feel guilty about the way I feel about animals, especially dogs

I love and am attracted to them but at the same time I can't help but feel like this is wrong, that I will end up hurting them without even noticing, and that maybe I should just go to a psychiatrist... I know this isn't wrong, but... A part of me can't stop feeling guilty and afraid, and feeling like maybe I should try to live a more "normal" life.

I don't really know, and it would be great to know if any of you has felt the same way and how you got through it.

Peace to everyone, have a nice day, and sorry for any bad grammar, English is not my first language and I learnt it by myself
From my first dog there may have been some guilt for me. But this was over a decade ago, so I may not remember how I felt then. I could add for knowing if you're hurting them is watching their body language, and watching their emotions a lot closer.
I know everyone is different, but I just dealt everyday as normal may be find something to do or get my mind off something.
Dealing with guilt is quite common, especially for starting zoos.
Search results for query: guilt

It will pass once you realize there is nothing you can do and you are doing no harm.
I didn't harm any animal or person, so don't worry about that. The thing is I feel guilty about the way I feel about animals, especially dogs

I love and am attracted to them but at the same time I can't help but feel like this is wrong, that I will end up hurting them without even noticing, and that maybe I should just go to a psychiatrist... I know this isn't wrong, but... A part of me can't stop feeling guilty and afraid, and feeling like maybe I should try to live a more "normal" life.

I don't really know, and it would be great to know if any of you has felt the same way and how you got through it.

Peace to everyone, have a nice day, and sorry for any bad grammar, English is not my first language and I learnt it by myself

I think it is a fairly common feeling, most of us grow up in a society that tends to pressure people to conform to certain morms.

As for seeking the services of a psychiatrist, I think most people would benefit greatly from such, but their response to zoophilia should be neutral provided there isn't any harm. I would never encourage someone to take this path because we tend to get emotionally involved with our partners and they do not live as long, so it tends make a life punctuated with loss....something I would avoid if I it were simply a choice.

If individuals choose to share a mutually pleasurable experience where all are adults who can engage or not as they see fit and there is no harm to any party, then I see no reason to feel guilty as I cannot see any harm in it.

I think it is important to reflect on the actions we take and examine them regularly to reduce the chances of acciental transgressions.

Some may find it gross and I'd encourage them to not engage in activity that they find repulsive, but if it works for you and a partner and there's no harm, I see no reason to feel bad about it.

There are ways to test and prove if the encounters are positive or negatve for the dog. Learned behaviors will increase or maintain frequency in the presence of a positive reinforcement and decrease in frequency with a negative/punishment. With that in mind, we can pick a specific "trick" you want the dog to do to invite sex (and never otherwise) then we can teach it using postive reinforcement as usual. Once the dog understands the new behavior/trick, switch to the cue being an invitation for sex. If the dog keeps "asking" with no other reward involved, you've got a pretty reliable answer.
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I used to live with a lot of guilt. I would think that I wasn't normal, that I was dirty, that people didn't really know me,.that I carried a dark secret. But I think it's the pressures of society and maybe my religious upbringing that was at the root of it all. I came to the realization that we all have faults, secrets, a past , what have you. Nobody is the same, yet nobody is better than the next person and that's what makes everyone of us unique and beautiful. I am happy with who I am. I love me and I will only change for the better. Being emotionally healthy means you need to be happy. Be happy with yourself and thankful you are alive.
Oh I felt guilty and sick after coming out to myself and watching my first mare porn, but you will gradually realise that it is simply just society pushing the idea that it's wrong and even "evil". Don't worry. It is perfectly healthy and even natural. Most people actually think about it, even if they don't wanna do it only for being a pariah or being disowned. Your parents, family, friends, neighbours, most if not all of them secretly like it. One or two might've even done it.
Something that can really help with overcoming guilt is coming to the realization that anti-zoophiles are not really the types of people you should be taking moral guidance from.
If you prod most anti-zoos, you will soon become aware that many of them do not actually care very deeply for animal wellbeing, and them worrying about whether or not animals can give consent is usually just an excuse.
When they shun zoos and zoophilia, it is usually not with animals' best interests in mind. It is not like most of them could raise any legitimate concern toward zoophilia.
In addition, most anti-zoos act very immaturely toward the subject of zoophilia, condemning it in a knee-jerky fashion rather than with careful deliberation, which is further evidence that they are in no position to be passing right judgment.

The killing blow, in my opinion, is the fact that the average anti-zoo knows absolute jack about animal behavior and cognition. That means that all the absurd things they say about animals not being able to consent or understand sex are coming from a place of total ignorance about animals, and are vapid. They likely do not know the first thing about how animals think, so you should not take their advice on how to properly treat animals.

(There are, of course, some anti-zoos who do honestly care for animals, and misguidedly believe that zoophilic sex is inherently harmful. I have much more respect for this small set.)
For years I also struggled with the guilt, and telling myself to stop thinking about mares, yet the more I repressed it, the stronger the feelings became. In addition, I didn't grew up with horses, and that made me realise that whatever I was feeling could be something innate.

It seems to me that there is a lot of double standards going on about animal wellbeing, and anti-zoos could gladly use that as an excuse to hide other motives. I figured out that in the end, as I wouldn't hurt the mare (be it emotionally or physically) in the process, there would only be a moral case to condemn me, yet my conscience would be clean.