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Hows it going! New to Zooville, Not To Zoo.


Well, i guess ill just give a little intro
im 30, Male, Bi, and pretty heavily zoo. have been for a very long time.

I was homeschooled in MD, grew up on a horse farm and had plenty of horses, rode competitively for years. Dressage, Western, Hunter Jumping, Showmanship.
Was very outdoorsy and when i got free access to the internet around the age of 12 or so i downloaded Limewire so i could load up my ipod with free songs.
Thats when i found some beast porn attached to some of the files. and at that time in my life id been learning about sexual education and whatnot the usual in school as i was hitting puberty so since my mother was so christian she taught me that sex was had between people who loved one another deeply and formed a bond.

when i saw this i didnt think of it as just mindless sex, i believed these people had realized they could truely fall in love with another member of a seperate species.
through my research i discovered a word. zoophilia. which was seperate from just mindless beastiality. and it dawned on me that i also loved my horses. but. one in particular way more than any others. and it took me a few years of keeping it to myself but i realized it wasnt just a partnership of horse and rider. i truely loved her.
and when i was about 15 i decided to explore that on a more emotionally and also physical level. it had taken me about 3 years of self exploration and whatnot to feel our trust was more than just one sided from me. our love was equal. she would always be the first to meet me when i went to pasture. she would always be the first to give me affection and always wanted me to be around. when i left the stables for the night she'd follow me to the fence and stand there watching as i left, and i would look back and watch her head hang. i started sneaking out and spending nights in the stables when i knew my parents would both leave in the morning cuz they never woke me or checked my room. and it was marvelous. and we did do physical things more than touch. we did perform lewd acts with one another but that came on occasion. not often and we never really pressed one another. i miss her. i still think every day about her. and i still wish i could find a love that was that strong.

Eventually one day my parents came to me after another 2 years when i was seventeen and they had decided to divorce and sell the farm to move to the city. i was devistated. i cared not for their relationship. i cared for mine. i pleaded and begged. i said id buy the farm when i was 18 just wait a year. they laughed. i pleaded to keep my mare. i begged to have her moved to another farm so i could keep one horse. so they couldnt kill my dreams. i plated it up as i wanted to continue riding and become a national star in the horse circuit. they didnt buy it. they said if that was my dream i could work on it when i was an adult. and so for months i had to deal with the impending loss of the one i loved. and one day i came home and she was gone. my dad had sold her to another farm and she was taken while i was at work, without even a goodbye.

today i live in south eastern florida. lots of things have happened in my life but ive never stopped being a zoo. ive tried to date, ive tried to find someone to love. but ive never been able to find someone who could get me to the sheer happiness and love i felt back then. one day ill find somemare like her. and i wont let go nor let her be taken. sorry for the little sob story. but im just here to talk to likeminded people and meet some good fellows. can just call me moos, all my friends and family have for years. idk even how it started hahaha. but its stuck. so nice to meet you all and ill try to be active, but im super bad at that!
I am always very glad to meet people who care so deeply for their animals. Our animal companions typically have lifespans much shorter than our own, so we have to be prepared for the heartbreak that will happen. It is just unfortunate that your pain was not necessary. Anyhow, you also have a huge number of joyful experiences ahead if you grab them!
I am always very glad to meet people who care so deeply for their animals. Our animal companions typically have lifespans much shorter than our own, so we have to be prepared for the heartbreak that will happen. It is just unfortunate that your pain was not necessary. Anyhow, you also have a huge number of joyful experiences ahead if you grab them!
Oh trust me im well aware of that. And im looking forward to finding somthing just as meaningful one day. That im sure of. But thanks for the lovely welcome!
Hello and welcome to Zooville, so sorry to hear about the loss of your first love like that, hope you find another someday soon.
I hope so too! But thank you for the kind words, im sure as long as i keep my hopes up ill find a girl or even a guy that makes me just as happy. Long as they neigh and have four hooves, they got a chance <3