new guy

  1. Roman99

    Hello Everybody, I'm New

    I simply created this account to meet people with similar tastes to mine, I have strange tastes so I am looking to meet people like me, I want to meet new people, I am learning how this forum works, any help is welcome
  2. TheBod

    New to this and curious

    Hello there I am very attracted to female dogs, but currently don't have the means to own a dog. But I am very curious. Are there any places, I can experience sex with one. I live close to the Hungarian border, and heard it's legal there, is this true? I know these are probably stupid questions...
  3. Dalian2023

    I am new. Be gentle with me

    Hi there you beautiful lot. I am new here after having it recommended. This is a huge. HUGE interest of mine. And I cannot wait to get to chat with you, hear about your experiences and relationships. I'm based in UK. I have none myself, nor do I know anyone that has IRL (that I'm aware of, who...
  4. WizNick

    Advice on training a butt to take a dog

    So down the road if an opportunity presented itself I'd love to experience getting mounted by a dog and filled, but with that said I never really do anal stuff. So what are some tips, devices, etc to help prepare me for that moment when a dog takes me? My first thought is Bad Dragon dildos but...
  5. WizNick

    Hello there! 34 Male

    New to the forum, I've browsed beastiality material for a bit now but never participated. Looking to meet some others also into it and maybe get my feet wet or at the very least take in a show lol. Definitely wanna make friends though because I feel like I've only scratched the surface with what...
  6. H

    Starting out

    All, I’m just starting out from square 0. I have no idea how to go about a lot of this other than what I’ve seen in videos. I’m a youngish male looking for male animals. Any help is appreciated!
  7. Caz Fechter

    Hello :)

    Hi I'm Caz you may also call me Will/William, I'm New here! Pleased to meet cha Hope everyone's having a great day so far or evening whenever it is you are reading this, I will probably for the most part just lurk around maybe leave a comment or two. Hmm not quite sure what else to include I...
  8. tcsuk

    Welcome from UK Midlands

    Hello All, I'm "TC", I'm based in the UK West Midlands. 32, Bisexual Male. However I travel up and down the country quite a lot with work on a daily basis, so I could be wherever! I've been "in to" this life style since I first dabbled around the age of 16, and never found anyone likeminded to...
  9. Beau.Smile

    Long time lurker, first time poster

    Finally got the courage to post my first thread! Lurking the forum I find this to be a very sexy and fun community. Excited to interact with many of you. As for background: Male, 30s, fit (gotta keep the wife happy or the dog gets all of the attention), not sure how I fell into the fetish but...
  10. woolfyFluff

    New Zoo Fur - Austria

    Hey, I am not exactly new here, but I didn’t post anything until now. So, I thought an introduction would be a good way to get to know some of you. I am a guy from Upper Austria, and really I like animals in general, although dogs are my favorites ^^ I have a lot of SFW experience with animals...
  11. G

    I'm new to the zoo scene but I've spent quite a bit of time watching content about.

    I'm a 21 year old male, I'm south of St. Louis MO and I am looking for anybody who can help me get my first zoo experiences out of the way. I'm currently only wanting to interact with K9s male or female but preferably male, and in the future I want to try equine stuff aswell, same gender...
  12. Lawnchair Pilot

    Another new person!

    Hey all, I'm new to the forum and inexperienced in zoo. It would be hard for me to explain how exactly I'm into zoo, but I've had my thoughts since I was young. Hope to meet some friends here, even if nothing having to do with kink comes from it. Just want to talk to people who share the kink...
  13. RandomArkansasGuy

    New to this

    I’m from Arkansas and I’ve been curious about this kind of stuff since I was a young teen and I want to see if some people out there could help me experience this for the first time. I’m a bi 18 m
  14. V

    New and confused.

    Hey there. I don't know how to start this off but I am a young 20 year old man and I've been kind of confused as of late. I joined this site to maybe understand my feelings and thoughts when it comes to zoo stuff. I'll be honest I am very uneducated on this. I am so confused and lost but I hope...
  15. 8

    New here

    Hey! I'm male, my english is not very good, i'm new at this of zoo, if there is any tip that someone could say i would be gratefull.
  16. Bad & Blue

    Hi potential new friendos

    New here, obviously. Relatively inexperienced, though not entirely. But that's mainly due to lack of opportunity, hoping some day to change that. For now I live vicariously through all of you and your amazing experiences, lifestyles, and shared content. All I manage to do is the occasional...
  17. newbmd2020

    New here. 39 M

    Hello. Just another long time listener, first time caller thread. I'm new to the forum but have been around on other forums and even the old bulletin boards going back to the dial up days. I'm a 39 year old guy from California and have had dogs most of my adult life. I am partial to big floofs...
  18. C


    66, bi male, near Madison WI. New here. Have been interested in zoo, especially dogs since I was in college. No actual experience, and hoping that changes from knowing you. Tend towards submissive, and prefer
  19. pittarmcpattar

    New Here

    23M, known I was a zoo Phil’s for quite a long time but just recently decided it was time to come out… at least to like minded people. I used to have a jack russel as a kid I was maybe 6 when I was playing with him and he got this huge little red rocket and it was absolutely fascinating to me...
  20. Z

    Newbie South Lake Tahoe

    Heyo, names James, 18M. feel free to pop in the DMs if y'all want. :)
  21. BeteDeBalo

    Ansty for a first

    Hey, I started as a zoo who was only into stallions (and even then always just thought it a fantasy) but the more I've talked with others who've opened up about their own zoo desires I've started being interested in k9s as well and now I'm seriously pondering about trying to find someone who's...
  22. Sissyinheat

    Looking into what it takes to be a (dog) owner, advice?

    Hi there, I’m 26 from the Midwest USA. I can say I’ve had zoo type attractions/feelings for almost 10 years. Mostly little things that didn’t amount to much. Family terrier used to lick me, mostly my rear. I loved that dog very much but never was able to get one since moving out of moms house...
  23. 7

    New M member from NV

    Hello all. New member that has been into bestiality for years. Just on here to meet people who share the same fetishes and fantasies. Have not had any experience yet but u never know I may give it a try. I deeply enjoy watching videos of females getting licked and dicked by a canine but would...
  24. Mortis

    New here

    Been looking for says trying to find more of this I’ve been missing out
  25. T

    New and nervous

    Hi y'all. Well, let me introduce myself. I'm new here (I have never joined any websites of this kind as well), and well, I'm a little afraid of all this. Let me explain, I have had two sexual encounters with my dog (I'm male, and he penetrated me), and while I have enjoyed those encounters...