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Women of ZV, what's your opinion on men fucking female animals?

Women of ZV, what's your opinion on men fucking female animals?

  • I think it's hot!

    Votes: 59 40.7%
  • I'm okay with it.

    Votes: 23 15.9%
  • I'm indifferent.

    Votes: 15 10.3%
  • I don't really care for it, but don't hate those who practice it.

    Votes: 21 14.5%
  • I don't like it at all.

    Votes: 27 18.6%

  • Total voters
I don’t agree with it… I won’t judge…
Even 4 meee … sometimes I haven’t really been in the mood… an have a guy basically push himself on me and guilt me 4 not doing it… afterwards it’s just not a great feeling… but I can at least talk about it… dogs can’t.
I have to agree, That's why for me I'm not interested in any other species except human females

So there are women who think it's disgusting when a man has sex with a female dog, because it's torture, disgusting and wrong, and the Earth is flat. But when women have sex with a male dog, is it really okay. :husky_laughing:
I have an opinion about these women, but forum rules don't allow me to write it... :husky_whistle:
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I think we can all agree that ABUSE SUCKS! No matter the gender nor sexual orientation of the person, and no matter the sex of the animal involved.
This. Anyone can be an abuser. I think it is naïve to think  some girls don't pester their dogs to get some fun with the lipstick.

So there are women who think it's disgusting when a man has sex with a female dog, because it's torture, disgusting and wrong, and the Earth is flat. But when women have sex with a male dog, is it really okay. :husky_laughing:
I have an opinion about these women, but forum rules don't allow me to write it... :husky_whistle:
I will risk myself: hypocrites. It is judging a whole because of what is available to see. Keep in mind this sexuality/paraphilia is very underground, so what we see is just the tip of the iceberg. It is just as farfetched as saying girls don't know how to ride dick because I had a bad experience with one of them...
Well, I think that is different male and female, with a dog male is easier because they are jumping when they want, but, I don't know about the dog female, it's an art if you get that you female dog get horny.
Personally, sex in general is an art for me and the main reason I am not into casual sex. The act of "mating" is a show in my humble opinion, you convince your mate with courtship. With humans the process is so varied that describing it is pointless, with animals is not so different but the courtship is more a series of moves and poses. Delighting the other's eyes to be seen as a promising mate. It is not just sensual but romantic to put in the effort to get a partner horny and read the signs. Despite penetration being the main course, we aren't going to be charged for serving and being served as many appetizers as possible. Indulging our partner with ecstasy, pleasure and the deepest form of affection and desire and being treated with the same kindness. Once the carnal hunger has reached its peak, then it is time to stop the teasing and begging and gently going in and enjoy the scrumptious meal as both parties feast on the dessert that is mutual climax.
The voting is for women in the forum and the results show 105 voters...

Who of you, ladies, voted twice??
Nobody would dare to get a desired result...right? 🤣🤣
I don’t agree with it… I won’t judge…
Even 4 meee … sometimes I haven’t really been in the mood… an have a guy basically push himself on me and guilt me 4 not doing it… afterwards it’s just not a great feeling… but I can at least talk about it… dogs can’t.
That sounds like the male isn't really getting your consent or ignoring your wishes. if a male is pushing the female into it, no matter what the species that is surely the real issue, not whether it's a human or a dog that is being pressured into it. You have to read your partners body language and be sure they truly want it before you proceed.
Hello women of Zooville,

So I'm a bit curious what a lot of women's opinions are on men having sex with female animals? I've seen seen reactions of "I think it's hot" to "I think it's nothing but rape, no matter what." So for the women of ZooVille, how do you feel about it? This is of course, taking into consideration that the animal outwardly appears to be enjoying herself as well.
I am a man, so just looking at this poll - but :
the headline and your writing about the poll is about fucking female animals - but the question in the poll is about fucking female dogs !!
the headline and your writing about the poll is about fucking female animals - but the question in the poll is about fucking female dogs !!
Yeah, I noticed that awhile back, but I was afraid that editing the question would erase the poll results. But... I just corrected it, and it looks like the poll results weren't affected. So yay! That's a good thing to know.
When you ask that question, are you referring to the porn? Or are you wondering if women look down on men that have sex with female animals? If you're asking the latter, not at all. The porn can be hot for sure.
In this case I mean men that actually have sex with female animals and not just porn. Unfortunately I've observed many women that believe that sex with female animals is always rape, no exceptions whatsoever. I am happy to see that the majority of women that have taken the poll have little to no issue with it as long as it's done in accordance of the animal's wishes on the matter.
That's just bullshit. lol...
It's an unfortunate observation I've made in my 8-9 years within the "zoo community." That's not to say that there aren't men that also believe that all sex with female animals is rape, because there most certainly are. But I tend to see more women claiming as such. This is of course separate from the general population which tend to see ALL instances of bestiality as rape.

A female animal wouldn't put up with it if she didn't like what you were doing to her.
As much as I'd like to believe that, unfortunately that's not always the case. I've seen many instances (mostly via porn) where I've observed the female animal doing just that, putting up with it, and not enjoying it whatsoever. However, this goes for both female and male animals, especially with dogs and stallions. Mares are more likely to kick you in the chest if you're violating her against her will. They won't put up with it, just because you're the hand that feeds them.

Lots of people are gonna be ignorant when it comes to zoo stuff... we're probably just gonna have to put up with it cause it's not gonna change any time soon... not like it's their business anyway.
Heh, that's an understatement. We have a whole "how-to" section and probably only 20% of all members have visited the section at least once within their time here.
I feel like a hypocrite considering my own desires to be fucked by male dogs, but I'm not really a fan of guys fucking female animals.

Without wanting to put anyone on the spot to much. Would any of the ladies that are against it be willing to quantify or even guess why they think they might feel this way, for example do you feel a female animal is less able to consent than a male animal, or do you think the female animal will be hurt in some way?

I'm trying to understand where the perceived problem might be if the animal is willing and of a suitable size to be compatible physically what makes it better or worse just because the genders are reversed.

For a while I have to admit I had a problem with women and animals, but this was purely because of the bad porn I was seeing at the time, dog's penises being mishandled and super long fingernails that were scary to think what might happen if they ever scratch the penis. girls bouncing up and down on unerect dogs, or sucking on limp horse dicks with fake cum shot. However as much as all that stuff was a major turn off. If a woman was to treat the animal properly and respectfully how could I possibly say a woman shouldn't be having sex with a consenting dog, when I know myself how nice a knot can be and how beautiful animal genitalia can look and feel.
Hello women of Zooville,

So I'm a bit curious what a lot of women's opinions are on men having sex with female animals? I've seen seen reactions of "I think it's hot" to "I think it's nothing but rape, no matter what." So for the women of ZooVille, how do you feel about it? This is of course, taking into consideration that the animal outwardly appears to be enjoying herself as well.
I think it would be hypocritical for me to judge considering the circumstances
:( I stand corrected. I suppose it's just wishful thinking on my part that animals wouldn't just let someone hurt them if somebody tried.
I have mainly seen this in porn where people don't know, or don't care about the animals wishes and body language.

There are two common cases:
1) The desire to please, they know the human wants it and just suffer through it because they want to be rewarded or praised in some way.

2) :gsd_sad: What happens before the camera rolls or if they try and fight back is way worse than just putting up with the act itself.

But someone who knows the animal well and listens to what they are saying should never be in the situation where the animal isn't 100% on board.
:( I stand corrected. I suppose it's just wishful thinking on my part that animals wouldn't just let someone hurt them if somebody tried.
It's unfortunately why this thread Abusive Porn Cleanup Project has been pinned to the top of the Zoophilia and Bestiality Sexuality section of the forum for well over a year now. There's certain power dynamics that can be easily exploited by humans. While humans are just animals as much as dogs/cats/horses/cows/etc. humans have an abnormally high EQ and a very large prefrontal cortex. Non-human companion animals often reply on us for food, water, and shelter. As such, it is very easy to exploit non-human animals with our intelligence for malicious gains via psychological conditioning.

In a perfect world rape of any kind would not exist. But we don't live in a perfect world, far from it. It's why I always stress that when it comes to sex, the animal ALWAYS gets the right to choose, and always gets the right to terminate any sexual encounter. As soon as the animal, whether male or female, shows any signs of distress or discomfort, it's important to cease any sexual contact immediately. Not to try and "train" any discomfort out of them.
Well, I think that is different male and female, with a dog male is easier because they are jumping when they want, but, I don't know about the dog female, it's an art if you get that you female dog get horny.
Females can be more subtle a lot of the time, but I have also once woken up to a female dog lying on her side with her rear end on the pillow in front of my face. When I said good morning to her she wagged madly then draped her tail over her leg and just looked at me, with the hottest expression I have ever seen in my life. I was left in no doubt that she was horny and what she was saying at that precise second.
I was just outside doing a rather brain numbing job when my bull came over and we were discussing this thread, he said the way to please a female was to climb on her back and give her a few good hard jump thrust. I advised him that's not how humans treat their ladies, but it started me thinking I know a female zoo who says that part of the attraction to the male animals in her life is feeling dominated by them, is this a common sentiment? And could that be a concern some women might have about human males having sex with female animals. That we want to dominate them and be forceful? Because while I can only speak for myself, but I suspect Floofy would back me up here, when I'm with a female animal (or male animal for that matter) they are my world at that moment and I want to do all I can to please her. I have absolutely no interest in dominating her or making her submit in any way to obey my wishes or commands.

Anyway just a thought that occured to me whether some women might see M human on F animal as a dominance thing. I am happy to be corrected by any females if this is complete rubbish.
I feel like a hypocrite considering my own desires to be fucked by male dogs, but I'm not really a fan of guys fucking female animals.
I'm a straight male and I don't think men fucking female animals is right for some reason.im not interested in human males but I am interested in male dogs , horse's and pigs and I want to meet a girl who is interested in us both swallowing mouthful of animal cum with me and being fucked and creampied by them all as well