I Have...something you did because you were Horny

As a kid, I tipped my pedal bike upside down onto the handle bars and seat. I would then
crank on the pedal to make the wheel spin., as it spun, I would stick my dick into the wheel
so it could vibrate off the spokes
As a kid, I tipped my pedal bike upside down onto the handle bars and seat. I would then
crank on the pedal to make the wheel spin., as it spun, I would stick my dick into the wheel
so it could vibrate off the spokes
Did you use a closepeg 😂
Something I did because I was horny:
I came across an alarm clock on Amazon which included a separate, five-inch flat disk called a "bed shaker." The bed shaker got rave customer reviews. Some put it under their mattress, but best under your pillow. I do not need an alarm clock, but because I was horny, you can bet I HAD to try this "bed shaker" thing on my ladyparts.

It arrived and I set the alarm. It went off and felt REAL good on my ladyparts. Not quite as strong as my wand, but close!
More practical side note: if your alarm doesn't wake you, you have to try it. Under your pillow, if it doesn't wake you, you may not have a pulse. Great for those with a hearing loss, because you don't have to hear it. You FEEL it. A lot.
I have gone to the stables at 3am in -10⁰C and snow... luckily mare was awake and ready to warm up in the best way possible.

At that temp though... you don't recognise yourself lol
I have.... fucked my gf in the same room I did a thesys presentation, minutes after the fucking. I got a degree on graphic design after that
Smelled my coworker's seat. I didn't masturbate in the morning...and she is a raging bitch. Like none of us on the team can stand her.

Except...that day....I would've gotten her pregnant on the spot and married her for 1000 years I was so horny. Her attitude made me even more erect.

Her figure went from "fat" to "voluptuous". You get the point...it was all working for me that day and I NEEDED IT.

She got up to leave for the day...and after about what seemed 10 unbearable minutes. Probably about 30 seconds frfr...I literally HUSTLED over to kneel the fuck down and smell her vagina through the seat and oooomg it was everything I needed and more at that moment.

I sniffed the top of the chair where the back of her hair was resting so I could get the shampoo scent. The back of the chair to ger her scent and the deepest inhales of the seat portion to lock her in.

Searched up the category I needed on xnxx when I got home and felt sooooo satisfied lmfao
I have been knotted to my boy in the backseat of my car while on the clock, with people actively talking to me on radio. Glad they didnt come look for me at my car