Have you ever...

Unfortunately, yes. Twas my own fault, fractured my wrist.

Have you ever times yourself to see how long you could hold your breath?
No....advice is like Poetry....you birth it, then it finds its own way in the world. If no one listens, thats their issue.
Have you ever written Poetry....real poetry, not doggerel?
Yes, doing an online "closed book" exam at home during lockdowns. I had all the PDFs open on a second laptop and CTRL + F at the ready :p

HYE totally not understood something and then clicked years later when it's no longer needed?
Yes, doing an online "closed book" exam at home during lockdowns. I had all the PDFs open on a second laptop and CTRL + F at the ready :p

HYE totally not understood something and then clicked years later when it's no longer needed?
Yes the term "honk if ur horny" I literally didn't get it until this year. Lol

Hye been to Disneyland
Fuck no, they got themself into that mess, and they certainly wouldn't do the same if it was me

Ever cleared or silenced a room with a bad/offensive joke or comment?