Do you pee in the shower or before you shower?

I always go pee in my neighbors shower before taking a shower in my own. It's been 3 years, he hasn't dared to say shit.
ive pissed in meccas cups while driving, so in teh shower isnt to big an ordeal. Ive relaxed and pissed inside a pussy while listening to relazation music and ive drunk piss from a flowing cock off the tap. golden showers are fun i guess
I have found among friends I am an odd one out who pees before, simply out of habit I think from taking baths for a while growing up and it's just what I was told to do
dunno if its just rugby players but pissing in a communal shower is perfectly fine by me. or even piss on a team mates leg
I pee on a toilet like I was taught … I like to clean myself in the shower. It’s okay if people do that but I really feel that I need to squat. 🌹❤️
In the shower... but I've got a kind of thing for it. My gf once told me that she'd do pee stuff, but wouldn't like to do stuff with animals.
I pee in the shower about 50/50 but always first because one time my dad got made because he smelled piss in the shower. so I pee first then wash body, hair and rinse. the water rinses all the pee and the shampoo disguises the rest. no more pee smell.