There was recently a discussion here that touches the topic of fake cum used in predominantly commercial zoo porn.
That brought me to an idea of creating educational material that would undeniably demonstrate what real animal semen of different species looks like and feels like.
I have already created one such thread for dogs:
Unfortunately I only have access to dogs.
Horse reference cumshots:
Therefore I would like to ask you to help if you want to.
If you own an animal that does not have an "educational cum thread" yet, it would be great if you could create one.
You can use my thread for inspiration of what to include.
1. You are not making porn, it is educational material that focuses on conveying information in a clear and understandable way. It is more similar to semen collection than porn.
2. Make a video similar to the one I have in my thread that shows clearly:
- The consistency of the semen.
- The color of the semen.
- The behavior of the semen when you touch it and spill it...
3. You can include any other interesting information like your own description of the smell and taste of it...
4. Post your thread in a comment here so everybody knows what has already been made. I will then update this post with your threads.
Horse Question
Has anyone ever gotten a stallion to ejaculate just by sucking his cock? all i see is fakes, especially produced p0rn, they drool what looks like cum but the cock isnt even flared.
That brought me to an idea of creating educational material that would undeniably demonstrate what real animal semen of different species looks like and feels like.
I have already created one such thread for dogs:
Fake dog cum vs reality (consistency, taste, smell, appearance)
What does real dog cum look like? Some people may not know so here it is: Real cum: Dogs ejaculate semen as three distinctive fractions: 1. Pre-sperm fraction: this is usually slightly cloudy in appearance and has a volume of roughly 0.5 to 2 ml. 2. Sperm-rich fraction: in normal dogs, this...
Horse reference cumshots:
Tastes and smells
This thread aims to collect interesting information about what animal genitalia smells and tastes like for various species. If you come across a post somewhere which adds more information or a new species, feel free to post a link below and I will add it. It is intended to give you a general...
Therefore I would like to ask you to help if you want to.
If you own an animal that does not have an "educational cum thread" yet, it would be great if you could create one.
You can use my thread for inspiration of what to include.
1. You are not making porn, it is educational material that focuses on conveying information in a clear and understandable way. It is more similar to semen collection than porn.
2. Make a video similar to the one I have in my thread that shows clearly:
- The consistency of the semen.
- The color of the semen.
- The behavior of the semen when you touch it and spill it...
3. You can include any other interesting information like your own description of the smell and taste of it...
4. Post your thread in a comment here so everybody knows what has already been made. I will then update this post with your threads.
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