Bad Genie

Granted, but they only wash themselves if you stand in front of the sink and watch them and it takes about as long as it would if you did them yourself.

I wish didn't have to get up for work in the morning.
Granted, but you can't sleep when you want to. You randomly fall asleep for 4 hours every day.

I wish I could cook as good as Gordon Ramsay.
Granted, but the only thing you can cook is the F**KING RISOTTO!

I wish I had a fully stocked fallout shelter.
Granted, but it's Nerf or nothin'. You get a Nerf gun with unlimited darts.

I wish I had an unlimited supply of beer.
Granted, but teleporting means disassembling every last atom of you body and reassembling it in the other location, which also comes with the price of losing your consciousness. You'll still be alive, and you'll still have all of your memories, everyone will still see you as you, but you will no longer be you. You would be a different person and your consciousness will cease to exist.

I will I could also teleport... but without all that! Lol
Granted, now I'm free!


I wish people would stay 6 feet away from me regardless of covid.
Granted. You could be a genius. But you're not smart enough to figure out how.

I wish for my own starship.
Granted, you can go into dreams... but you can't get out.

I wish I could take my husky mate with me anywhere.
Granted, but where ever you go, you'll only be treated with the same quality of service that people would treat your husky with.

I wish that animals which have human superstitions and legends attached to them which call them evil and incite mindless hatred toward them could be freed of their undue bad reputations.
Granted, humans no longer fear them, unknowing, that deep inside, they really are evil and are slowly plotting their plan of attack against us

I wish milk foam on my coffee would stay warm a little bit longer
Granted, the foam sucks all the heat out of the surrounding air to keep itself warm with, leaving the room so cold that everything gets freeze-dried.

I wish that I could see deleted youtube videos.
Granted, but you can't choose which deleted videos you get to see, they play at random.

I wish my skills on the piano would improve a bit.