Would You Rather?

I hardly ever recall having any dreams, and being able to lucid dream sounds cool, so b it is

Wyr play board games, or play in VR?
Singer. Musical talent with no instruments required means you can just whip it out anywhere.

WYR be able to run 20 mph but you can't walk, or have a 200 IQ but short term memory loss after 15 min?
Such memory loss is honestly really scary. Running it is, I'll be the new Forest Gump

WYR live in artic, or in desert?
Arctic... At least you can do something about the cold however the heat has no way to stop after you take everything off.

Wyr give up food or drinking water without any consequences to your body.
Easy choice!!! Eat until I was sick. I've done that a few times including an impossible challenge that I came so close on. But, I'm awful when I'm hangry.

WYR: Be presented with a briefcase filled with a $500,000 or have a one night stand with your celebrity crush?
I'll get the money right away

WYR have the most common first name, or the most uncommon one?
I'd go for a flip phone, as every function it has can be substitued by some other device.

WYR visit far away places in space, or explore what is at the bottom of the oceans?
Now that's a hard one with no one good outcome.. I would really miss not being able to read anything, including this site. But not being able to say "I love you" to my loved one or just talk would be probably even more devastating to me. So read it is..

WYR be completly hairless, or have the so called "werewolf syndrome" and have hair all over your body?
Flying lanes sounds cooler

WYR spend the rest of your life with no game, or with no movie/video entertainment?
Skate boards are cool I guess

WYR eat a dozen donuts, or a pint of ice cream for dinner? (Asking for a friend lol)