Where is the weirdest place you have ever fucked?

the weirdest place would defiantly have to be when I went skinny dipping with a friend in a busy lake, was a lot of fun!
Had sex with a woman that was probably twice my age in the back of my 92 bronco in a bar parkinglot. Obviously the back seat wasn't in it.
With my girlfriend on the back seat of my bosses car in a Hamburg multi-storey car park.
Was on the way to pick up his wife from the airport but the flight was delayed so we needed to kill some time 😂
It didn’t smell of sex at all when we picked her up, honestly..
in the break room at the cvs I worked at when I was in HS. my girlfriend at the time was a shift leader. when we worked at night we'd leave one of the cashiers up front when it was slow and close to closing
First aid station at a construction site last year lol, my crew knew what happened didn't even get in shit
Inside of a tube slide in a playground at night. Now I know that getting caught doing anything in or near a playground slaps you directly on the sex offender's list 🙈

Honourable mentions to a rooftop garden right out in the open. Also my underground parking garage with a tarp thrown over it for privacy cause my windows aren't tinted... lol
In the front seat of my car on a suburban street in the middle of the day in California. She straddled me and rode. As we were fucking the cops pulled by, saw us and turned around. I'd invite the Guinness Book of World records to measure how fast we got dressed and were oh so innocent.