Male Chihuahua Topping? Small Breeds?


Hi, newbie 22F here! I was wondering if it is possible for a male chihuahua to penetrate in missionary, and roughly what size their cocks tend to be.

You see, I have quite the shallow vaginal depth limit at about 6 inches. 6.5 is a stretch for me, even with super soft (00-20 shore) silicone toys, and I know that since actual dog penises have the baculum, that would be a totally different story. I can handle girth up to about 8 inches quite easily though.

All that being said, after looking at the dog penis size comparsion thread, I concluded that I would likely need to go for the smallest range of dogs to be fully comfortable. I've already been interested in long hair chihuahuas for a good while, both in the zooey sense and, before I realized my attractions, just as a pet/non-sexual companion. Plus, they tend to live plenty long from what I've seen. So that is just my first guess.

I would love to see some suggestions for other breeds with cocks closer to my ideal size range, but I was also just wondering about chihuahuas lol. Would like to hear any testimonies on them topping if possible :)
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I've never heard of anyone getting topped by a chihuahua but you're not alone in your interest!! I'm personally a size queen who kinda likes the pain but there's something about the idea of getting topped by a little dog that really does it for me
I do find little dogs kinda hot, Ive gotten eaten out by a lot of dogs, but something about the crusty little white dog at my mom's turns me on so much, if he licks me I cum immediately, I would let him top me if he wasn't kinda scary.
"where's a hole, there's a way" -how every male dog thinks, probably... i know of cases where a roaming boy tied with an in-heat gal under a fence. no idea how is that even possible on a technical level. my language even has a specific word for a puppy conceived that way ("podvraťák", "dog made under gate" is the closest translation)

also, there is plenty of vids of a "really small boy" topping someone large like a great dane. don't see any reason for it to not work with someone who can make sure he reaches/fits in other ways than just standing still....

as for size, who knows. there are no "genital size" breed standards.. the one chihuahua i did see was almost dragging the tip of his penis on the ground, kinda looked like he had a fifth leg.
no idea how is that even possible on a technical level.
Female pushes her ass against the fence, the male grabs hold of it with his front legs and pulls himself up. Even knotting can be successful, but often not. However, pregnancy can still happen.
There are also videos about it on Youtube, one of the (chinese?) videos became a bit of a meme a long time ago.

I won't search for it, but you know why.