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How to give a horse the best hand job?

From what I have read, stimulating a horse to cum is pretty hard and you often have to use a fake vagina.
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The glans will always be the most sensitive part of their penis, but it’s a choreographed bit of work to provide them with maximum pleasure.
They vary some, but one sure way is to have a mare in season around. If you have another horse, sometimes if you separate them out of eye-site for a few days, then re-introduce them, they get kind of excited. But horses can be conditioned for collection using an artificial vagina, dummy mount, Crump method, having a mare around etc.

But caution is stressed. Easy to get hurt. One really needs to know their horse to make the experience enjoyable for you and for them. I always liked mutual masturbation. or laying underneath him doing whatever.
You should head over to the groups section and check out GoldStud Services, GS isn't a zoo but he's zoo friendly and shares a lot of useful info that should help answer your question.