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How to Please a Stallion


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
How to receive sex from male horses


This guide is completely inadequate to prepare anyone for life with a horse. It only gives tips and an overview of the possibilities. If you haven't realized it yet, commitment to a horse is a life decision. You won't be ready to start until you are through with school and able to acquire the land and facilities horses require, say mid twenties at the earliest. Horses live upwards of forty years. That means you will be retiring about the same time the horse does. Your horses' offspring could easily outlive you.

Throughout that forty years your horse will expect to spend time with you every single day. Being separated from the herd is frequently a fatal experience for horses so they don't like it for themselves or for any member of their family. You will be obligated to greet them first thing every morning, immediately upon arriving from work or any other absence, and last thing every evening.

Please believe me when I say that horses are the most accurate and reliable timekeepers on the planet. If you are late with dinner, you *will* hear about it.

They have to tolerate the weather so you do too.

You will have to learn their language and ways, buy expensive tools like a forty six thousand dollar tractor, forgo opportunities that require travel, just generally shape your life (sometimes even your body) to suit their needs.



Horses are even less like humans than dogs. They are, as a species, born to be someone else's dinner and this shapes most of their instincts and reflexes. You are a predator and therefore an enemy from their point of view. To get from enemy to potential sex partner will usually take some time and may not ever happen for some horses. Because of the harsh realities of life as a food source, sex among horses is quick and to the point. Even if no one makes it to orgasm, they will back off and look around in under a minute.

On the plus side a stallion is born to breed a number of mares in a relatively short time. Horses should breed in the spring after the end of freezing weather and before bugs get heavy. With an eleven month gestation the foal will be born about a year after the current foal leaving all summer and fall for mare to eat for three. This means that the stallion will have a very strong libido and little or no use for it most of the year so once you become a sex object for him you will spend more time talking him out of sex than into it.

A small horse is much safer and easier to keep than a drafter but remember that "small" is a very relative term around horses. Technically most horses weighing under half a ton are either ponies or minis. Only the smallest of minis will weigh less than you and even they will be faster and stronger than you. So you absolutely must have a clear understanding of your horse's behavior and he must have a clear understanding of yours. He may be extremely sorry after he accidentally kills you but you will just be dead.

It can take years to prepare both of you for sex. The larger the horse, the longer it will take to prepare yourself and the more you must prepare him. With a mini you can take some shortcuts like standing between him and a mare in heat but with a full size stallion that will get you ground to paste. If you want to allow him to penetrate you, you must work your way up to far beyond the human norm. Even if you choose one of the alternatives to penetration, you must have a good enough relationship with him to disregard every safety procedure in the manual and trust him to take care of you.

For the best possible results you should start with your horse as soon as practical after his birth. The procedure is called "imprinting" and will enable him to fully relate to you as though you were one of his own species. It is not necessary that you personally imprint the colt but if no one does you will have to assume the mannerisms of a horse for him to relate to you and much more time must be spent teaching him about human fragility. At the very least he must be comfortable enough with humans in general and you in particular to relax in your presence, otherwise you will never see his penis.

The amount of time necessary to prepare the horse dictates that you must own the horse and a secure facility for him. Facilities for stallions are NOT the same as for other horses. By the time you are knowledgeable enough to handle a stallion, you know what is needed and why. Don't even think about it until you have that knowledge and the resources to implement it.

The Horse:

Horses are masters of unspoken communication. If you want to have a relationship as intimate as sex with a horse you must become very proficient in their way of communication. Not only will you need to know how and when to ask for sex, you must know how to reply to his wishes and how to tell him "yes" or "no". If you send an excited thirteen hundred lb stallion mixed signals, he may make some decisions for you. He also needs to know your limitations. Without a detailed understanding of the ways and fragility of humans he will treat you like a thousand lb mare and be very surprised when you come apart suddenly.

Horses have very good detailed memories but they don't work just like yours. Some things will have to be taught separately for left and right sides. If he likes what you are doing, it will become a right in short order. If he does not, you have no way at all to force him. So take your time and be sure that he enjoys himself. Social grooming is always a good idea.

Horses are herd animals first and foremost. In order for a horse to eat, drink, or rest someone must keep watch or they may fall victim to a predator. The herd is a social group of horses that take turns doing this for each other. Without a herd the horse may not be able to relax properly and just like you will become irrational after long periods of no rest. A band is a family group of horses consisting of a stallion with his mares and offspring. The more you can share in the daily life of the herd, the easier it will be for him to accept you as one of his kind and eventually into his band.

One of the adaptations of the horse to this way of living is that they are able to walk and follow the herd within minutes of being born. This is one of the main reasons for the eleven month gestation period. The foal typically weighs one tenth of his mother's weight and is half of her height at birth. This is why mares have a huge butt (pelvis) and vagina. It is necessary for the mare's health that her vagina run at least somewhat downhill from her cervix to the outside world. When a mare doesn't, she is called "tilted" and subject to repeated infection from retained urine and debris.

The Stallion's Equipment:

The stallion has some matching adaptations. First, his penis is long enough to be certain of reaching her cervix. Depending on the overall size of the horse, that could be anything from just over a foot (30 cm) to more than a yard (meter). Because mini horses are something of a mutation don't be surprised to find one with a penis the same size as one of his larger ancestors.

In order to keep all this penis safe from thorns and avoid beating himself while running, he has a retractor muscle running the length of it and stores it inside his belly when he doesn't need it. His skin is attached to the erectile tissue underneath for about the first third of it behind the glans. The end of that section is clearly marked by his medial ridge (or fold). Above that his skin turns inside out when his penis is retracted forming what is commonly called his "sheath". All of this skin is common skin the same as everywhere else on his body save that it has no fur on it.

He has two separate masses of erectile tissue that both run the length of his penis. The largest is the one you see the most. It fills in the body of his penis when he drops or lowers his penis but isn't extremely rigid. The second is only used in sexual situations and feels like a pointed iron bar running through his penis. By flexing his retractor muscle against this second erectile tissue he can cause his penis to curve up or down as an aid to finding his target.

Second, his glans can expand very rapidly when he orgasms to prevent the sperm from running back out of the mare's vagina and being wasted. This is called his "flare". Again, depending on the horse, his flare can be any size from twice the diameter of his shaft to large as a melon. Some flares are soft and others are rock hard. His flare will have a roughly mushroom shape with a hollow pocket in the front of it containing his urethra and sometimes a hard kernel of debris called "the bean". His glans is very sensitive to pressure, temperature, and texture enabling him to find and center himself within the mare's vagina.

Third, he is sensitive to temperature and pressure on the shaft of his penis particularly in the region of his medial ridge. When the mare "winks" she is rubbing her clitoris back and forth against his shaft in this area signaling to him that his penis is deep enough in the mare to ejaculate without wasting sperm.

Another interesting but poorly understood trait of stallions is their ability to withdraw their testicles into their body. When a stallion is fully excited and mounting his mate, his testicles will disappear into his body, possibly to protect them from a kick by a reluctant mare. For our purposes it is an sure sign of full sexual excitement.

Your Equipment:

First, you will need some lube. In fact, you will need buckets of lube. J-lube is the most popular brand because it is available as a concentrate and can be mixed to suit. Any water based lube will work and the best way to buy any of them is from a veterinary supply like eNasco.

Then you will have to decide how you want to be serviced. If you want to use an AV, you will have to buy one and once again eNasco is usually the best source. For thigh service all you need is a little well placed flab. But if you decide to go all the way (for natural service) there is a lot of work in front of you.

Unless you are *extremely* experienced or standing for a very mini mini, you will need some graduated toys to stretch yourself to his size. Whether you take him vaginally or anally, you must be sure that you can accommodate his fully flared size. As he orgasms his flare will expand with enough force to easily rupture your tissue.

A toy with a static size will NOT be suitable for deep penetration training and I highly recommend that anyone taking a horse anally train for deep penetration. It is easy to stretch your rectum large enough for all but the biggest drafters and one of the advantages of large horses is that they start too large to make it through your pelvis. Rectal only is what you see most men in vids doing but is not what the horse really wants. Like most males he wants *all* of his penis buried in his mare and will try to find a way to achieve exactly that. You need a toy that can expand after it passes your pelvis because that is exactly what he is going to do some day. Not being prepared for this situation is what causes the majority of injuries and death.


Whatever he is going to fuck must be completely ready before you approach him. He will be aroused, active, either disappointed or satisfied, and walk off in minutes. You can use an AV, the fleshy part of your thighs, your anus, or your vagina to satisfy him but whichever it is, it must be clean, relaxed, and well lubed. Mares are soft, loose, and *VERY* wet going in. He will expect you to be the same.

If you are going the anal route, enema and enema again. He is going to stretch you and pump you full of lube. If there is any debris within you, it will come out. If something goes wrong, being clean can be a lifesaver.

Horses have very sensitive noses so it is a good idea to not have any scent on you that might offend him. Many "deodorants" and colognes will kill the mood. I have noticed that horses like the smell of menthol (like Halls cough drops).

After you have dressed and prepared, call him to the gate or fence. Let him sniff and lick you through the fence while you wave your butt at him. Just watch how the mares do it. You will know if you are doing it right when he gets a stiffy. He will "talk" to you with a particular kind of nicker. Kicking and screaming is permitted.

The Act:

It's all about timing. A lot of things must happen in sequence and without interruption or you just have to start over again from the beginning. Most stallions will enjoy you playing with their penis as long as you don't get too rough with it but getting one to complete is much trickier.

You will have to engage in foreplay by posturing for him and letting him sniff and nibble you or you will have to provide him with someone else (like a mare) for inspiration. He will need to mount his target but that does not necessarily mean taking his weight. The key element seems to be centering himself over his target so that his penis is in a direct line with whatever is being used for a vulva in this session.

He will probe with a soft headed penis until he feels soft slickness (no fur and no anus). When he feels himself slipping into warm and wet, he will thrust / walk in as much penis as as will fit using that "iron rod".

If you are going the anal route, when his penis is in a line above your spine it can pass easily through your pelvic opening and up your colon. When he flares on the other side of a male pelvis, he isn't coming out until his flare goes down. Be very sure you have a calm horse before you get in this situation. If he spooks, you are going with him.


Once he has penetrated you, the AV, or what ever is being offered as his target he will continue to thrust until he feels something around his shaft at or behind his medial ridge. If you are not deep enough to allow this, you will need to reach around and provide some manual stimulation. Most stallions will eventually ejaculate anyway but he may do some damage if he expects a mare sized vagina and you fail to provide one.

The feeling of muscular contractions around his shaft as you orgasm is what he lives for. When he feels the stimulation on his shaft (or sometimes earlier if he is excited enough) his glans will flare. The feeling of something stretching around his glans is the primary trigger for his orgasm. Pressure against the front of his flared glans is also helpful with some stallions.

If his glans is inside of you there isn't much you can do but enjoy the ride. If you took him between you legs or through an AV, you can grab his glans and hold it against your belly. Or you can put a plastic bag or condom over it before it expands.

You want to pleasure him as much as possible because the better it feels, the longer he will stay on / in you. If you are doing it just right he may go limp briefly on your back. Expect anywhere from three to nine pumps in his ejaculation. Ideally he will go soft before he tries to pull out (this is why you want him to stay longer) but don't take that as a given. Some equines like donkeys will always pull out flared but it works for them because they have a more slender penis and flare.


Horses have "PC blues" just like humans but don't expect them to last near as long. Nor should you assume that just because he had a full ejaculation he is done. Most stallions like to keep their mare around for a while and may mount and breed several times in secession before taking a break to eat or sleep. Teasing him as he herds you about makes for high intensity orgasms for both parties.

If you went the penetration route try to retain as much of his ejaculate as you can. There is no better lubricant on the planet. Do not be surprised if you feel a strong need to urinate. He can put a lot of direct pressure on your bladder. Squatting and pissing is a sign of a properly serviced mare so don't hesitate do it as soon as he steps back. If he really loves you, he will cover your piss with his own. Consider that an official declaration of marriage in horse language.

Life with a Stallion:

Long term life with a stallion that is covering you regularly can be interesting. On the upside, it is normal for the alpha mare to run the day to day activities of the band and he will happily fit right into your plan. But for it work he must acknowledge you as his physical equal and that can be demanding. If you ever let him take sex against your will, he can beat you, out you, and otherwise destroy you. This is why sex with a full sized stallion is *NOT* for beginners or horse newbies. Read around the forums a bit and you will find stories from people that have become submissive to a large dog. Now imagine that "dog" being a twelve hundred lb Pit Bull. Once he is in charge, it will be incredibly difficult to regain control and will probably result in at least one death.

On the other hand, as long as you have control and his full co-operation there is no better body guard. A full sized stallion is completely capable of taking on any predator on the planet and will do so to protect his mares.

If you teach him that he can "bring you into heat" by being affectionate and courting you, he will use his talents to seduce you. Tease him back for a while and you will find yourself excited enough for a major orgasm fifteen seconds into the act.


Horses are living beings and have their own wants and desires. Adjust your expectations to something he can live with. You have forty years to work him around to your way of thinking so take your time.

Wash his penis frequently with plain warm (105 to 110 F) water and soft cloth. Give a little extra attention to his glans and let him thrust a little. He will associate you with sexual stimulation and this is a good first step towards intercourse.

Expect for him to need an in heat mare for inspiration the first few times he covers you. Once he knows how to recognize that you are available for sex, this won't be a problem but making the association against everything that he has been taught up to that point is tough.

Wear something thick and tough over your back and neck. Stallions have a need to bite to hold on and you simply aren't tough enough to take it.

Steel toed shoes can save a lot of pain. In the excitement of sex you will be stepped on.

Consider a helmet also. Even after you teach him to mount without flailing hooves there is still a very large head with rock hard jaws waving around right by your ear.


If you hang out with excited critters that weigh many times more than you do, sooner or later there will be a misstep and you will get hurt.

DO NOT assume that what you see when he masturbates has any relationship at all to what will happen when he orgasms. A stallion can pop a flare many times the diameter of his shaft. Prepare for twice what you expect.

You have to be more than just careful around the str8s. Not only will he out you, if he feels like someone is threatening you, he may kill them. Stallions are not real big on forethought but they are born to protect their mares.

You will not spend a lot of time on human social events. Not only will you be forced to live far from urban centers to find enough land for your lover but you won't have much money left over anyway.

Nor will you travel much. Horse metabolism is based on continuous flow so you have to be there to feed at least twice a day every day. Breaking the rhythm can cause colic (a frequently fatal condition).

This guide is copyright and may be reproduced only in its entirety including attributions.



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Horse lovers please help me. There is a small, inconsequential red herring in this guide. Don't point it out. I put it in after finding it being used almost word for word as the basis of a "real life" story for a fake.
Don't think I'll ever be needing this, haha.

I hope not at least, couldn't imagine taking a stallion.

Thanks for sharing!
How to receive sex from male horses


This guide is completely inadequate to prepare anyone for life with a horse. It only gives tips and an overview of the possibilities. If you haven't realized it yet, commitment to a horse is a life decision. You won't be ready to start until you are through with school and able to acquire the land and facilities horses require, say mid twenties at the earliest. Horses live upwards of forty years. That means you will be retiring about the same time the horse does. Your horses' offspring could easily outlive you.

Throughout that forty years your horse will expect to spend time with you every single day. Being separated from the herd is frequently a fatal experience for horses so they don't like it for themselves or for any member of their family. You will be obligated to greet them first thing every morning, immediately upon arriving from work or any other absence, and last thing every evening.

Please believe me when I say that horses are the most accurate and reliable timekeepers on the planet. If you are late with dinner, you *will* hear about it.

They have to tolerate the weather so you do too.

You will have to learn their language and ways, buy expensive tools like a forty six thousand dollar tractor, forgo opportunities that require travel, just generally shape your life (sometimes even your body) to suit their needs.



Horses are even less like humans than dogs. They are, as a species, born to be someone else's dinner and this shapes most of their instincts and reflexes. You are a predator and therefore an enemy from their point of view. To get from enemy to potential sex partner will usually take some time and may not ever happen for some horses. Because of the harsh realities of life as a food source, sex among horses is quick and to the point. Even if no one makes it to orgasm, they will back off and look around in under a minute.

On the plus side a stallion is born to breed a number of mares in a relatively short time. Horses should breed in the spring after the end of freezing weather and before bugs get heavy. With an eleven month gestation the foal will be born about a year after the current foal leaving all summer and fall for mare to eat for three. This means that the stallion will have a very strong libido and little or no use for it most of the year so once you become a sex object for him you will spend more time talking him out of sex than into it.

A small horse is much safer and easier to keep than a drafter but remember that "small" is a very relative term around horses. Technically most horses weighing under half a ton are either ponies or minis. Only the smallest of minis will weigh less than you and even they will be faster and stronger than you. So you absolutely must have a clear understanding of your horse's behavior and he must have a clear understanding of yours. He may be extremely sorry after he accidentally kills you but you will just be dead.

It can take years to prepare both of you for sex. The larger the horse, the longer it will take to prepare yourself and the more you must prepare him. With a mini you can take some shortcuts like standing between him and a mare in heat but with a full size stallion that will get you ground to paste. If you want to allow him to penetrate you, you must work your way up to far beyond the human norm. Even if you choose one of the alternatives to penetration, you must have a good enough relationship with him to disregard every safety procedure in the manual and trust him to take care of you.

For the best possible results you should start with your horse as soon as practical after his birth. The procedure is called "imprinting" and will enable him to fully relate to you as though you were one of his own species. It is not necessary that you personally imprint the colt but if no one does you will have to assume the mannerisms of a horse for him to relate to you and much more time must be spent teaching him about human fragility. At the very least he must be comfortable enough with humans in general and you in particular to relax in your presence, otherwise you will never see his penis.

The amount of time necessary to prepare the horse dictates that you must own the horse and a secure facility for him. Facilities for stallions are NOT the same as for other horses. By the time you are knowledgeable enough to handle a stallion, you know what is needed and why. Don't even think about it until you have that knowledge and the resources to implement it.

The Horse:

Horses are masters of unspoken communication. If you want to have a relationship as intimate as sex with a horse you must become very proficient in their way of communication. Not only will you need to know how and when to ask for sex, you must know how to reply to his wishes and how to tell him "yes" or "no". If you send an excited thirteen hundred lb stallion mixed signals, he may make some decisions for you. He also needs to know your limitations. Without a detailed understanding of the ways and fragility of humans he will treat you like a thousand lb mare and be very surprised when you come apart suddenly.

Horses have very good detailed memories but they don't work just like yours. Some things will have to be taught separately for left and right sides. If he likes what you are doing, it will become a right in short order. If he does not, you have no way at all to force him. So take your time and be sure that he enjoys himself. Social grooming is always a good idea.

Horses are herd animals first and foremost. In order for a horse to eat, drink, or rest someone must keep watch or they may fall victim to a predator. The herd is a social group of horses that take turns doing this for each other. Without a herd the horse may not be able to relax properly and just like you will become irrational after long periods of no rest. A band is a family group of horses consisting of a stallion with his mares and offspring. The more you can share in the daily life of the herd, the easier it will be for him to accept you as one of his kind and eventually into his band.

One of the adaptations of the horse to this way of living is that they are able to walk and follow the herd within minutes of being born. This is one of the main reasons for the eleven month gestation period. The foal typically weighs one tenth of his mother's weight and is half of her height at birth. This is why mares have a huge butt (pelvis) and vagina. It is necessary for the mare's health that her vagina run at least somewhat downhill from her cervix to the outside world. When a mare doesn't, she is called "tilted" and subject to repeated infection from retained urine and debris.

The Stallion's Equipment:

The stallion has some matching adaptations. First, his penis is long enough to be certain of reaching her cervix. Depending on the overall size of the horse, that could be anything from just over a foot (30 cm) to more than a yard (meter). Because mini horses are something of a mutation don't be surprised to find one with a penis the same size as one of his larger ancestors.

In order to keep all this penis safe from thorns and avoid beating himself while running, he has a retractor muscle running the length of it and stores it inside his belly when he doesn't need it. His skin is attached to the erectile tissue underneath for about the first third of it behind the glans. The end of that section is clearly marked by his medial ridge (or fold). Above that his skin turns inside out when his penis is retracted forming what is commonly called his "sheath". All of this skin is common skin the same as everywhere else on his body save that it has no fur on it.

He has two separate masses of erectile tissue that both run the length of his penis. The largest is the one you see the most. It fills in the body of his penis when he drops or lowers his penis but isn't extremely rigid. The second is only used in sexual situations and feels like a pointed iron bar running through his penis. By flexing his retractor muscle against this second erectile tissue he can cause his penis to curve up or down as an aid to finding his target.

Second, his glans can expand very rapidly when he orgasms to prevent the sperm from running back out of the mare's vagina and being wasted. This is called his "flare". Again, depending on the horse, his flare can be any size from twice the diameter of his shaft to large as a melon. Some flares are soft and others are rock hard. His flare will have a roughly mushroom shape with a hollow pocket in the front of it containing his urethra and sometimes a hard kernel of debris called "the bean". His glans is very sensitive to pressure, temperature, and texture enabling him to find and center himself within the mare's vagina.

Third, he is sensitive to temperature and pressure on the shaft of his penis particularly in the region of his medial ridge. When the mare "winks" she is rubbing her clitoris back and forth against his shaft in this area signaling to him that his penis is deep enough in the mare to ejaculate without wasting sperm.

Another interesting but poorly understood trait of stallions is their ability to withdraw their testicles into their body. When a stallion is fully excited and mounting his mate, his testicles will disappear into his body, possibly to protect them from a kick by a reluctant mare. For our purposes it is an sure sign of full sexual excitement.

Your Equipment:

First, you will need some lube. In fact, you will need buckets of lube. J-lube is the most popular brand because it is available as a concentrate and can be mixed to suit. Any water based lube will work and the best way to buy any of them is from a veterinary supply like eNasco.

Then you will have to decide how you want to be serviced. If you want to use an AV, you will have to buy one and once again eNasco is usually the best source. For thigh service all you need is a little well placed flab. But if you decide to go all the way (for natural service) there is a lot of work in front of you.

Unless you are *extremely* experienced or standing for a very mini mini, you will need some graduated toys to stretch yourself to his size. Whether you take him vaginally or anally, you must be sure that you can accommodate his fully flared size. As he orgasms his flare will expand with enough force to easily rupture your tissue.

A toy with a static size will NOT be suitable for deep penetration training and I highly recommend that anyone taking a horse anally train for deep penetration. It is easy to stretch your rectum large enough for all but the biggest drafters and one of the advantages of large horses is that they start too large to make it through your pelvis. Rectal only is what you see most men in vids doing but is not what the horse really wants. Like most males he wants *all* of his penis buried in his mare and will try to find a way to achieve exactly that. You need a toy that can expand after it passes your pelvis because that is exactly what he is going to do some day. Not being prepared for this situation is what causes the majority of injuries and death.


Whatever he is going to fuck must be completely ready before you approach him. He will be aroused, active, either disappointed or satisfied, and walk off in minutes. You can use an AV, the fleshy part of your thighs, your anus, or your vagina to satisfy him but whichever it is, it must be clean, relaxed, and well lubed. Mares are soft, loose, and *VERY* wet going in. He will expect you to be the same.

If you are going the anal route, enema and enema again. He is going to stretch you and pump you full of lube. If there is any debris within you, it will come out. If something goes wrong, being clean can be a lifesaver.

Horses have very sensitive noses so it is a good idea to not have any scent on you that might offend him. Many "deodorants" and colognes will kill the mood. I have noticed that horses like the smell of menthol (like Halls cough drops).

After you have dressed and prepared, call him to the gate or fence. Let him sniff and lick you through the fence while you wave your butt at him. Just watch how the mares do it. You will know if you are doing it right when he gets a stiffy. He will "talk" to you with a particular kind of nicker. Kicking and screaming is permitted.

The Act:

It's all about timing. A lot of things must happen in sequence and without interruption or you just have to start over again from the beginning. Most stallions will enjoy you playing with their penis as long as you don't get too rough with it but getting one to complete is much trickier.

You will have to engage in foreplay by posturing for him and letting him sniff and nibble you or you will have to provide him with someone else (like a mare) for inspiration. He will need to mount his target but that does not necessarily mean taking his weight. The key element seems to be centering himself over his target so that his penis is in a direct line with whatever is being used for a vulva in this session.

He will probe with a soft headed penis until he feels soft slickness (no fur and no anus). When he feels himself slipping into warm and wet, he will thrust / walk in as much penis as as will fit using that "iron rod".

If you are going the anal route, when his penis is in a line above your spine it can pass easily through your pelvic opening and up your colon. When he flares on the other side of a male pelvis, he isn't coming out until his flare goes down. Be very sure you have a calm horse before you get in this situation. If he spooks, you are going with him.


Once he has penetrated you, the AV, or what ever is being offered as his target he will continue to thrust until he feels something around his shaft at or behind his medial ridge. If you are not deep enough to allow this, you will need to reach around and provide some manual stimulation. Most stallions will eventually ejaculate anyway but he may do some damage if he expects a mare sized vagina and you fail to provide one.

The feeling of muscular contractions around his shaft as you orgasm is what he lives for. When he feels the stimulation on his shaft (or sometimes earlier if he is excited enough) his glans will flare. The feeling of something stretching around his glans is the primary trigger for his orgasm. Pressure against the front of his flared glans is also helpful with some stallions.

If his glans is inside of you there isn't much you can do but enjoy the ride. If you took him between you legs or through an AV, you can grab his glans and hold it against your belly. Or you can put a plastic bag or condom over it before it expands.

You want to pleasure him as much as possible because the better it feels, the longer he will stay on / in you. If you are doing it just right he may go limp briefly on your back. Expect anywhere from three to nine pumps in his ejaculation. Ideally he will go soft before he tries to pull out (this is why you want him to stay longer) but don't take that as a given. Some equines like donkeys will always pull out flared but it works for them because they have a more slender penis and flare.


Horses have "PC blues" just like humans but don't expect them to last near as long. Nor should you assume that just because he had a full ejaculation he is done. Most stallions like to keep their mare around for a while and may mount and breed several times in secession before taking a break to eat or sleep. Teasing him as he herds you about makes for high intensity orgasms for both parties.

If you went the penetration route try to retain as much of his ejaculate as you can. There is no better lubricant on the planet. Do not be surprised if you feel a strong need to urinate. He can put a lot of direct pressure on your bladder. Squatting and pissing is a sign of a properly serviced mare so don't hesitate do it as soon as he steps back. If he really loves you, he will cover your piss with his own. Consider that an official declaration of marriage in horse language.

Life with a Stallion:

Long term life with a stallion that is covering you regularly can be interesting. On the upside, it is normal for the alpha mare to run the day to day activities of the band and he will happily fit right into your plan. But for it work he must acknowledge you as his physical equal and that can be demanding. If you ever let him take sex against your will, he can beat you, out you, and otherwise destroy you. This is why sex with a full sized stallion is *NOT* for beginners or horse newbies. Read around the forums a bit and you will find stories from people that have become submissive to a large dog. Now imagine that "dog" being a twelve hundred lb Pit Bull. Once he is in charge, it will be incredibly difficult to regain control and will probably result in at least one death.

On the other hand, as long as you have control and his full co-operation there is no better body guard. A full sized stallion is completely capable of taking on any predator on the planet and will do so to protect his mares.

If you teach him that he can "bring you into heat" by being affectionate and courting you, he will use his talents to seduce you. Tease him back for a while and you will find yourself excited enough for a major orgasm fifteen seconds into the act.


Horses are living beings and have their own wants and desires. Adjust your expectations to something he can live with. You have forty years to work him around to your way of thinking so take your time.

Wash his penis frequently with plain warm (105 to 110 F) water and soft cloth. Give a little extra attention to his glans and let him thrust a little. He will associate you with sexual stimulation and this is a good first step towards intercourse.

Expect for him to need an in heat mare for inspiration the first few times he covers you. Once he knows how to recognize that you are available for sex, this won't be a problem but making the association against everything that he has been taught up to that point is tough.

Wear something thick and tough over your back and neck. Stallions have a need to bite to hold on and you simply aren't tough enough to take it.

Steel toed shoes can save a lot of pain. In the excitement of sex you will be stepped on.

Consider a helmet also. Even after you teach him to mount without flailing hooves there is still a very large head with rock hard jaws waving around right by your ear.


If you hang out with excited critters that weigh many times more than you do, sooner or later there will be a misstep and you will get hurt.

DO NOT assume that what you see when he masturbates has any relationship at all to what will happen when he orgasms. A stallion can pop a flare many times the diameter of his shaft. Prepare for twice what you expect.

You have to be more than just careful around the str8s. Not only will he out you, if he feels like someone is threatening you, he may kill them. Stallions are not real big on forethought but they are born to protect their mares.

You will not spend a lot of time on human social events. Not only will you be forced to live far from urban centers to find enough land for your lover but you won't have much money left over anyway.

Nor will you travel much. Horse metabolism is based on continuous flow so you have to be there to feed at least twice a day every day. Breaking the rhythm can cause colic (a frequently fatal condition).

This guide is copyright and may be reproduced only in its entirety including attributions.

I've seen plenty of videos of aroused stallions mounting and eventually reaching orgasm , but their testicles weren't drawn in. I'm not trying to prove a point, it's just something I've noticed
Thank you for this most interesting article. I always realized this couldn't be as easy as it appears in the videos, and realized it must be very easy to get injured or accidentally killed. I realize that this requires a life long commitment to an amazing animal, so is just a fantasy for most of us.... Have often fantasized about attending some sort of training vacation though...
I've seen plenty of videos of aroused stallions mounting and eventually reaching orgasm , but their testicles weren't drawn in. I'm not trying to prove a point, it's just something I've noticed
I've seen vids of limp half half dropped stallions shooting what looked like sperm. I've also noticed that most of them were preceded by a lot of heavy stimulation in the usual fashion. I don't think I'd walk up to a stallion and wait calmly for him to dump a load. Also be aware than pre is a lot easier to get than actual sperm.
I've seen vids of limp half half dropped stallions shooting what looked like sperm. I've also noticed that most of them were preceded by a lot of heavy stimulation in the usual fashion. I don't think I'd walk up to a stallion and wait calmly for him to dump a load. Also be aware than pre is a lot easier to get than actual sperm.
It's my hands and mouth that crave and wish for a thicc, fat, extra long horse cock to worship with a side of cantaloupe sized balls, that's all I want lmao

And someone to enjoy it with me, maybe a hung ranch hand in overalls that I will also passionately service or even a BUSTY bbw farmer's daughter cosplay. Hmm, both? Fuck yeah, the more the merrier ?
Thaks for this guide. I'm a beginner and helped a lot.
So, the porn vids are "fake"? Are the horses excited? We don't see the horses pumping. They all stand still while the women stimulate them while sucking or putting their penis in the vagina.
This is pretty dang great. I've been doing this for a while, and a lot of what I know and do has been learned experience that can be hard to really pass on in a meaningful way when trying to introduce others to stallions. This is infinitely more comprehensible than the jumbled mess I usually provide for guidance, which has usually been for vaginal intercourse, hence the high stakes makes the jumbles less than ideal. I do feel like it should be explicitly stated that when it comes to the larger stallions, being with them from birth and getting them accustomed to you early on is non-negotiable. Begineer or otherwise.

Hope you don't mind if I share it around with my friends outside the forum?
Of course not. The only thing I object to is claiming it as your own work.
It'll be through direct message to people I know. So even if I tried to say it was, the lack of ranty paragraphs with overlong sentences would give it away to them immediately! I do wonder though. I'm still relatively inexperienced, my stallion isn't past a decade yet. You sound to have at least some experience on the whole journey. Does anything notable change or start as the further down the line? He has siblings as well, which are well loved by two friends of mine, but I'm starting to worry if they may suddenly stop mixing so well together, even if we've managed to keep them amicable and peaceful with each other so far.
It'll be through direct message to people I know. So even if I tried to say it was, the lack of ranty paragraphs with overlong sentences would give it away to them immediately! I do wonder though. I'm still relatively inexperienced, my stallion isn't past a decade yet. You sound to have at least some experience on the whole journey. Does anything notable change or start as the further down the line? He has siblings as well, which are well loved by two friends of mine, but I'm starting to worry if they may suddenly stop mixing so well together, even if we've managed to keep them amicable and peaceful with each other so far.
Bands mix into herds fairly peacefully as long as everybody follows the rules and doesn't go poaching. What you have when you have a long term social/sexual relationship with a horse is a band. As time goes on you gain confidence with each other and comfort. The closest thing we've had to a problem learning to be a mixed species couple is making it extra clear to him that I must be the one to deal with other humans. He's scared a few people that came around causing trouble.
Mentally, donkeys are more feral than horses. That's why they are often chosen for livestock guardians. Sexually, they are more aggressive and more adventurous. Jacks also tend to be longer and more slender by proportion. Maintaining a relationship with one will be similar to a strong willed dog like a Rottweiler. If you get crossways with one, they have a long memory and will hold a grudge.

I would pay particular attention to over penetration. He's going to want to put it all in and has the strength to make it fit. A mini may be an idea because you can control penetration by standing up higher than he can reach. Otherwise, expect to take a lot of time to reach an understanding of what can and cannot be done.
Thank you for your knowledge. I love these animals nonsexually, but if I pursue a relationship with them then it's possible donkeys may be more ideal, because at some point we'd engage in intercourse regularly. From what I can tell if the average penis of a donkey is about 14" or 15" then I should already be capable of fully accomodating the average donkey's penis. It's the width of a stallion's flare that concerns me. I'm taking a realistic approach to this and want to do it correctly from the start.
Even my mini stallion has a huge flare, my donkey is a bit smaller from what I've seen thusfar
The thing most people miss about minis is that sole qualification is height. Most are dwarfs and some are regular horses with very short legs.

I have also seen some strange things happen to mules. Some have had Clydesdale sized flares on Shetland size bodies.
Thank you for your knowledge. I love these animals nonsexually, but if I pursue a relationship with them then it's possible donkeys may be more ideal, because at some point we'd engage in intercourse regularly. From what I can tell if the average penis of a donkey is about 14" or 15" then I should already be capable of fully accomodating the average donkey's penis. It's the width of a stallion's flare that concerns me and obviously a stallion's penis length is also of concern. I'm taking a realistic approach to this and want to do it correctly from the start.
Just food for thought. My donkey jack has the longest penis of any equine on my property. My 15 hand stallions are shorter in penis length than my 11 ha d donkey. His shaft thickness is a little less, but his flare is almost as big as some of my riding sized stallions.
I have 3 mini stallions. They length is about 10 inches and the are smaller than my fist.

As to taking a stallion, i can take any of my stallions rectally. I simply use my hand to control their depth. I bend down scotch my body under them, reach back with my left hand while using my right hand for balance, grab their penis and guide it to my anus. When they thrust in i simply dont let them go in deeper than i can handle.
With my mini stallions, i let them mount me, i reach back and grab their penis, guide it to my anus, let them thrust in, then use my hand to control how deep they go.

Been doing this for about 20 years now.
More than we were lead to believe regarding being available for a 'well mannered' stallion who has bred dozens of women who were spending over two weeks at the stable caring for him... brushing, washing, feeding, riding etc... before the owners assisted with the vaginal penetrations.
Dogs I have enjoyed basically love the act without a lot of the pre-play drama. Thank you for your wisdom and insights.
The mare and a stallion that I had didn't take long to be ready for sex. They trust me immediately and i'm sure, both be horny themselves. Gives exceptions or just a feeling for the animals.
The mare and a stallion that I had didn't take long to be ready for sex. They trust me immediately and i'm sure, both be horny themselves. Gives exceptions or just a feeling for the animals.
The key it seems is that you have them near you, on a farm or ranch vs. those of us who must visit and befriend them?
The key it seems is that you have them near you, on a farm or ranch vs. those of us who must visit and befriend them?
The second hits it?

Had to befriend me first. I didn't know the stallion yet and on the second visit he let himself be pampered.
Is well and extensively written by caikgoch. I don't question that either. It's correct.
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How to receive sex from male horses


This guide is completely inadequate to prepare anyone for life with a horse. It only gives tips and an overview of the possibilities. If you haven't realized it yet, commitment to a horse is a life decision. You won't be ready to start until you are through with school and able to acquire the land and facilities horses require, say mid twenties at the earliest. Horses live upwards of forty years. That means you will be retiring about the same time the horse does. Your horses' offspring could easily outlive you.

Throughout that forty years your horse will expect to spend time with you every single day. Being separated from the herd is frequently a fatal experience for horses so they don't like it for themselves or for any member of their family. You will be obligated to greet them first thing every morning, immediately upon arriving from work or any other absence, and last thing every evening.

Please believe me when I say that horses are the most accurate and reliable timekeepers on the planet. If you are late with dinner, you *will* hear about it.

They have to tolerate the weather so you do too.

You will have to learn their language and ways, buy expensive tools like a forty six thousand dollar tractor, forgo opportunities that require travel, just generally shape your life (sometimes even your body) to suit their needs.



Horses are even less like humans than dogs. They are, as a species, born to be someone else's dinner and this shapes most of their instincts and reflexes. You are a predator and therefore an enemy from their point of view. To get from enemy to potential sex partner will usually take some time and may not ever happen for some horses. Because of the harsh realities of life as a food source, sex among horses is quick and to the point. Even if no one makes it to orgasm, they will back off and look around in under a minute.

On the plus side a stallion is born to breed a number of mares in a relatively short time. Horses should breed in the spring after the end of freezing weather and before bugs get heavy. With an eleven month gestation the foal will be born about a year after the current foal leaving all summer and fall for mare to eat for three. This means that the stallion will have a very strong libido and little or no use for it most of the year so once you become a sex object for him you will spend more time talking him out of sex than into it.

A small horse is much safer and easier to keep than a drafter but remember that "small" is a very relative term around horses. Technically most horses weighing under half a ton are either ponies or minis. Only the smallest of minis will weigh less than you and even they will be faster and stronger than you. So you absolutely must have a clear understanding of your horse's behavior and he must have a clear understanding of yours. He may be extremely sorry after he accidentally kills you but you will just be dead.

It can take years to prepare both of you for sex. The larger the horse, the longer it will take to prepare yourself and the more you must prepare him. With a mini you can take some shortcuts like standing between him and a mare in heat but with a full size stallion that will get you ground to paste. If you want to allow him to penetrate you, you must work your way up to far beyond the human norm. Even if you choose one of the alternatives to penetration, you must have a good enough relationship with him to disregard every safety procedure in the manual and trust him to take care of you.

For the best possible results you should start with your horse as soon as practical after his birth. The procedure is called "imprinting" and will enable him to fully relate to you as though you were one of his own species. It is not necessary that you personally imprint the colt but if no one does you will have to assume the mannerisms of a horse for him to relate to you and much more time must be spent teaching him about human fragility. At the very least he must be comfortable enough with humans in general and you in particular to relax in your presence, otherwise you will never see his penis.

The amount of time necessary to prepare the horse dictates that you must own the horse and a secure facility for him. Facilities for stallions are NOT the same as for other horses. By the time you are knowledgeable enough to handle a stallion, you know what is needed and why. Don't even think about it until you have that knowledge and the resources to implement it.

The Horse:

Horses are masters of unspoken communication. If you want to have a relationship as intimate as sex with a horse you must become very proficient in their way of communication. Not only will you need to know how and when to ask for sex, you must know how to reply to his wishes and how to tell him "yes" or "no". If you send an excited thirteen hundred lb stallion mixed signals, he may make some decisions for you. He also needs to know your limitations. Without a detailed understanding of the ways and fragility of humans he will treat you like a thousand lb mare and be very surprised when you come apart suddenly.

Horses have very good detailed memories but they don't work just like yours. Some things will have to be taught separately for left and right sides. If he likes what you are doing, it will become a right in short order. If he does not, you have no way at all to force him. So take your time and be sure that he enjoys himself. Social grooming is always a good idea.

Horses are herd animals first and foremost. In order for a horse to eat, drink, or rest someone must keep watch or they may fall victim to a predator. The herd is a social group of horses that take turns doing this for each other. Without a herd the horse may not be able to relax properly and just like you will become irrational after long periods of no rest. A band is a family group of horses consisting of a stallion with his mares and offspring. The more you can share in the daily life of the herd, the easier it will be for him to accept you as one of his kind and eventually into his band.

One of the adaptations of the horse to this way of living is that they are able to walk and follow the herd within minutes of being born. This is one of the main reasons for the eleven month gestation period. The foal typically weighs one tenth of his mother's weight and is half of her height at birth. This is why mares have a huge butt (pelvis) and vagina. It is necessary for the mare's health that her vagina run at least somewhat downhill from her cervix to the outside world. When a mare doesn't, she is called "tilted" and subject to repeated infection from retained urine and debris.

The Stallion's Equipment:

The stallion has some matching adaptations. First, his penis is long enough to be certain of reaching her cervix. Depending on the overall size of the horse, that could be anything from just over a foot (30 cm) to more than a yard (meter). Because mini horses are something of a mutation don't be surprised to find one with a penis the same size as one of his larger ancestors.

In order to keep all this penis safe from thorns and avoid beating himself while running, he has a retractor muscle running the length of it and stores it inside his belly when he doesn't need it. His skin is attached to the erectile tissue underneath for about the first third of it behind the glans. The end of that section is clearly marked by his medial ridge (or fold). Above that his skin turns inside out when his penis is retracted forming what is commonly called his "sheath". All of this skin is common skin the same as everywhere else on his body save that it has no fur on it.

He has two separate masses of erectile tissue that both run the length of his penis. The largest is the one you see the most. It fills in the body of his penis when he drops or lowers his penis but isn't extremely rigid. The second is only used in sexual situations and feels like a pointed iron bar running through his penis. By flexing his retractor muscle against this second erectile tissue he can cause his penis to curve up or down as an aid to finding his target.

Second, his glans can expand very rapidly when he orgasms to prevent the sperm from running back out of the mare's vagina and being wasted. This is called his "flare". Again, depending on the horse, his flare can be any size from twice the diameter of his shaft to large as a melon. Some flares are soft and others are rock hard. His flare will have a roughly mushroom shape with a hollow pocket in the front of it containing his urethra and sometimes a hard kernel of debris called "the bean". His glans is very sensitive to pressure, temperature, and texture enabling him to find and center himself within the mare's vagina.

Third, he is sensitive to temperature and pressure on the shaft of his penis particularly in the region of his medial ridge. When the mare "winks" she is rubbing her clitoris back and forth against his shaft in this area signaling to him that his penis is deep enough in the mare to ejaculate without wasting sperm.

Another interesting but poorly understood trait of stallions is their ability to withdraw their testicles into their body. When a stallion is fully excited and mounting his mate, his testicles will disappear into his body, possibly to protect them from a kick by a reluctant mare. For our purposes it is an sure sign of full sexual excitement.

Your Equipment:

First, you will need some lube. In fact, you will need buckets of lube. J-lube is the most popular brand because it is available as a concentrate and can be mixed to suit. Any water based lube will work and the best way to buy any of them is from a veterinary supply like eNasco.

Then you will have to decide how you want to be serviced. If you want to use an AV, you will have to buy one and once again eNasco is usually the best source. For thigh service all you need is a little well placed flab. But if you decide to go all the way (for natural service) there is a lot of work in front of you.

Unless you are *extremely* experienced or standing for a very mini mini, you will need some graduated toys to stretch yourself to his size. Whether you take him vaginally or anally, you must be sure that you can accommodate his fully flared size. As he orgasms his flare will expand with enough force to easily rupture your tissue.

A toy with a static size will NOT be suitable for deep penetration training and I highly recommend that anyone taking a horse anally train for deep penetration. It is easy to stretch your rectum large enough for all but the biggest drafters and one of the advantages of large horses is that they start too large to make it through your pelvis. Rectal only is what you see most men in vids doing but is not what the horse really wants. Like most males he wants *all* of his penis buried in his mare and will try to find a way to achieve exactly that. You need a toy that can expand after it passes your pelvis because that is exactly what he is going to do some day. Not being prepared for this situation is what causes the majority of injuries and death.


Whatever he is going to fuck must be completely ready before you approach him. He will be aroused, active, either disappointed or satisfied, and walk off in minutes. You can use an AV, the fleshy part of your thighs, your anus, or your vagina to satisfy him but whichever it is, it must be clean, relaxed, and well lubed. Mares are soft, loose, and *VERY* wet going in. He will expect you to be the same.

If you are going the anal route, enema and enema again. He is going to stretch you and pump you full of lube. If there is any debris within you, it will come out. If something goes wrong, being clean can be a lifesaver.

Horses have very sensitive noses so it is a good idea to not have any scent on you that might offend him. Many "deodorants" and colognes will kill the mood. I have noticed that horses like the smell of menthol (like Halls cough drops).

After you have dressed and prepared, call him to the gate or fence. Let him sniff and lick you through the fence while you wave your butt at him. Just watch how the mares do it. You will know if you are doing it right when he gets a stiffy. He will "talk" to you with a particular kind of nicker. Kicking and screaming is permitted.

The Act:

It's all about timing. A lot of things must happen in sequence and without interruption or you just have to start over again from the beginning. Most stallions will enjoy you playing with their penis as long as you don't get too rough with it but getting one to complete is much trickier.

You will have to engage in foreplay by posturing for him and letting him sniff and nibble you or you will have to provide him with someone else (like a mare) for inspiration. He will need to mount his target but that does not necessarily mean taking his weight. The key element seems to be centering himself over his target so that his penis is in a direct line with whatever is being used for a vulva in this session.

He will probe with a soft headed penis until he feels soft slickness (no fur and no anus). When he feels himself slipping into warm and wet, he will thrust / walk in as much penis as as will fit using that "iron rod".

If you are going the anal route, when his penis is in a line above your spine it can pass easily through your pelvic opening and up your colon. When he flares on the other side of a male pelvis, he isn't coming out until his flare goes down. Be very sure you have a calm horse before you get in this situation. If he spooks, you are going with him.


Once he has penetrated you, the AV, or what ever is being offered as his target he will continue to thrust until he feels something around his shaft at or behind his medial ridge. If you are not deep enough to allow this, you will need to reach around and provide some manual stimulation. Most stallions will eventually ejaculate anyway but he may do some damage if he expects a mare sized vagina and you fail to provide one.

The feeling of muscular contractions around his shaft as you orgasm is what he lives for. When he feels the stimulation on his shaft (or sometimes earlier if he is excited enough) his glans will flare. The feeling of something stretching around his glans is the primary trigger for his orgasm. Pressure against the front of his flared glans is also helpful with some stallions.

If his glans is inside of you there isn't much you can do but enjoy the ride. If you took him between you legs or through an AV, you can grab his glans and hold it against your belly. Or you can put a plastic bag or condom over it before it expands.

You want to pleasure him as much as possible because the better it feels, the longer he will stay on / in you. If you are doing it just right he may go limp briefly on your back. Expect anywhere from three to nine pumps in his ejaculation. Ideally he will go soft before he tries to pull out (this is why you want him to stay longer) but don't take that as a given. Some equines like donkeys will always pull out flared but it works for them because they have a more slender penis and flare.


Horses have "PC blues" just like humans but don't expect them to last near as long. Nor should you assume that just because he had a full ejaculation he is done. Most stallions like to keep their mare around for a while and may mount and breed several times in secession before taking a break to eat or sleep. Teasing him as he herds you about makes for high intensity orgasms for both parties.

If you went the penetration route try to retain as much of his ejaculate as you can. There is no better lubricant on the planet. Do not be surprised if you feel a strong need to urinate. He can put a lot of direct pressure on your bladder. Squatting and pissing is a sign of a properly serviced mare so don't hesitate do it as soon as he steps back. If he really loves you, he will cover your piss with his own. Consider that an official declaration of marriage in horse language.

Life with a Stallion:

Long term life with a stallion that is covering you regularly can be interesting. On the upside, it is normal for the alpha mare to run the day to day activities of the band and he will happily fit right into your plan. But for it work he must acknowledge you as his physical equal and that can be demanding. If you ever let him take sex against your will, he can beat you, out you, and otherwise destroy you. This is why sex with a full sized stallion is *NOT* for beginners or horse newbies. Read around the forums a bit and you will find stories from people that have become submissive to a large dog. Now imagine that "dog" being a twelve hundred lb Pit Bull. Once he is in charge, it will be incredibly difficult to regain control and will probably result in at least one death.

On the other hand, as long as you have control and his full co-operation there is no better body guard. A full sized stallion is completely capable of taking on any predator on the planet and will do so to protect his mares.

If you teach him that he can "bring you into heat" by being affectionate and courting you, he will use his talents to seduce you. Tease him back for a while and you will find yourself excited enough for a major orgasm fifteen seconds into the act.


Horses are living beings and have their own wants and desires. Adjust your expectations to something he can live with. You have forty years to work him around to your way of thinking so take your time.

Wash his penis frequently with plain warm (105 to 110 F) water and soft cloth. Give a little extra attention to his glans and let him thrust a little. He will associate you with sexual stimulation and this is a good first step towards intercourse.

Expect for him to need an in heat mare for inspiration the first few times he covers you. Once he knows how to recognize that you are available for sex, this won't be a problem but making the association against everything that he has been taught up to that point is tough.

Wear something thick and tough over your back and neck. Stallions have a need to bite to hold on and you simply aren't tough enough to take it.

Steel toed shoes can save a lot of pain. In the excitement of sex you will be stepped on.

Consider a helmet also. Even after you teach him to mount without flailing hooves there is still a very large head with rock hard jaws waving around right by your ear.


If you hang out with excited critters that weigh many times more than you do, sooner or later there will be a misstep and you will get hurt.

DO NOT assume that what you see when he masturbates has any relationship at all to what will happen when he orgasms. A stallion can pop a flare many times the diameter of his shaft. Prepare for twice what you expect.

You have to be more than just careful around the str8s. Not only will he out you, if he feels like someone is threatening you, he may kill them. Stallions are not real big on forethought but they are born to protect their mares.

You will not spend a lot of time on human social events. Not only will you be forced to live far from urban centers to find enough land for your lover but you won't have much money left over anyway.

Nor will you travel much. Horse metabolism is based on continuous flow so you have to be there to feed at least twice a day every day. Breaking the rhythm can cause colic (a frequently fatal condition).

This guide is copyright and may be reproduced only in its entirety including attributions.

So interesting, and so much to know....