Do you like sleeping with your dog in your own bed?

Alright ill just come out abd say it. I also sleep with my dog. How do yall.... deal with the fuckin uhhhhhh... juices they leave behind?
I use one of those "leak proof" mattress covers that you put on BEFORE you put on the bottom sheet. Mattress stays clean, and these covers wash 'n dry with the rest of the bedding. Works for me. 🐕
My bigger small dog literally can't go to bed without me, he HAS to be under the covers by my feet, and our chihuahua usually on my chest lol..
100%. Well, 98% Big groany gumpus, making all his funny guy sounds as he grumbles in happiness to be curled up in his pack, or stretched out if he's too warm. The little running motions and half woofs he borks out when dreaming are the cutest. The only downside comes at thunderstorm time, when he decides he's so scared he needs to curl up on my head (poor dog). So, yes, co-sleeping is a lovely, lovely thing. (Just be prepared to do more laundry for that fresh sheet feeling).
so sweet. I love it :love:
Unfortunately my girl passed away approx 5 years ago of old age. Yes I use to have her in my bed at night and she was the perfect companion. Great to cuddle into and she loved it as well. She did like spreading out and quietly push me to the edge of the bed. I did fall out of bed a few times. Bit of an abrupt wake up when you land on the floor. I do miss her and her adorable personality. My thoughts are always with her.
Always, mine will throw a tantrum if she doesn't get to sleep in bed with me and if I stay up too late she'll try to pull me to bed so we can sleep. She's the best
Dogs are pack animals so it makes sense to share a bed. Is there a case for having a romantic or sexual love and not permit them in the house? Seems odd. Is there anyone who does this? Do people think it is wrong to draw that boundary? Is there a point to make on breed/personality making particular dogs suited for that seperation?
Not sleep all night, because I'm a light sleeper and I wake up at the slightest movement.🥲
But taking a nap doesn't matter to me cuddling😄
I always let my dogs sleep with me on my bed if they want to.

My bed feels empty without them, honestly.
I always sleep with my dog, he reassures me and so does he and he keeps me warm in winter, but a little less in summer 😂
It's warm, nice and cozy.
But he prefers his own bed. I let him lose in the pet store for him to pick out his own bed, and yes, he is very spoiled.
I sleep in bed with my girl every night :) we're always as close together as possible and sleeping naked with her feels amazing.