Deep quotes you heard or made up?

Throw your heart hard enough at something it will shatter however if you throw metal at something the object in question will shatter if you find something with enough flexibility when you throw it it will create a perfect mold to encase and protect that certain thing.
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There's 2 sides of me one of them is a monster and the other is my humanity never neglect one or the other as they both play a role in your life.
Angels can be as much of a demon as well as demons can be an angel.

(In translation it's not your origin it's your action that defines you).

By the way this quote is deep yet subjective to each one's individual point of view
Saying you don't want to think too hard about your ideas in case you find something wrong with them is like saying you don't want to examine your drinking water lest you find out it has contaminants in it.
“Peace is an illusion. And no matter how tranquil the world seems, peace doesn’t last long. Peace is a struggle against our very nature. A skin we stretch over the bone, muscle, and sinew of our own innate savagery.”
Mankind has grown strong through eternal struggle and will only perish through eternal peace. Hitler

A single death is a tradegy, a million a stastic. Stalin

If your into that kind of thing
You mad bro?
Why you mad bro?
I ain't mean to make you sad,
yo my bad bro,
so whachu mad fo'?
Why you mad bro?
Why you mad, why you mad, why you mad bro?
"There's an old cat proverb: it's better to live an hour as a tiger than a lifetime as a worm."
Emotions is fluid without any way to grab it. Logic is solid but is hollow. To fill the void in the pot you need to stir those fluids and substance to create a new dish to enjoy.
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"Being dead is one thing, but there's a continuum of pain that exists just before death that is only fractionally better than being buried six feet under."
"What are gods but those creatures who possess power that eclipses that of those who they rule? As the power of their subjects increases, so too must the power of the gods for them to remain godly."