
  1. T

    21m from south africa

    Heya everybody I'm a long time lurker on here. Been a zoo for years and hoping to make some friends and potentially get a zoo bf or gf too (ldr first but I'm willing to move anywhere). I'm a furry and an ultra nerd into computers history languages music etc.. very chill and open person who likes...
  2. GingerUnicorn

    Heya hiya everybody!

    Hiyas all 27yo and UK based here, been into zoo stuff since I found it manyyyy years ago! Never engaged in it IRL (yet!) but always find myself drawn back to watching people of all genders loving or being loved by their animals <3 Love my work, video games, and animated shows/movies! Simply...
  3. kaleidoskull

    (20F Newbie!!)

    Hiii i'm new !! ^_^ i'm also someone whos new to zoophilia and bestiality in general, i'm not sure if im really "into" it but ive been very very very interested for a long time.. im specifically interested in dogs/canines and pigs.. and maybe horses? (horses are a lil scary haha im short id get...
  4. RaveRat

    Hii I don’t know where to start!

    Helo! I don’t exactly know where to start here, but I’ve been a zoo for a while now, I’ve had a few animal partners and I would love to be a part of a bigger community like this I just dunno where to start! If anyone could help me out I would super appreciate it! I go by Taylor and I live in...
  5. Dalian2023

    Familiar Faces

    Anyone been scrolling these forums/chats and saw a pic and realised you know them? If so, have you mentioned it to them? And if you did see someone's pic that you knew, would you mention it? Just out of interest......
  6. I

    19 (ftm) looking to make friends

    I haven't really said much on here kinda just been lurking. But I'm mainly into guys that do stuff with dogs (get licked, fuck, get fucked) prefer guys around my age but I'm always down to make new friends even if they aren't what I'm interested in.
  7. gatomontes

    ¿Centro Americanos?

    Hola, thread para hacer amigos y conversar sobre nuestras pasiones y fantasias
  8. S

    New and ready for everything

    Hey 25yo male from the North East of England. Never had to guts to look for local zoo communities but here for it now. Found zoo hot for a long time but had only a couple of experiences and would love to try out everything haha
  9. huskylover23

    New to the site

    Hey everyone new to the site but have been into zoo for as long as I can remember, 23 gay Male living in soca looking to make new friends and more if the opportunity arises, can’t wait to chat and make new friends
  10. knottydog916

    20’s fit f NorCal

    Heya! I’m in the Sacramento area, looking for likeminded friends and animal play partners 😋 Drop a pic of your favorite/ideal animal partner 🥰 pic of my 🍑 for tax
  11. KnotSock

    People with Packs, How did it Happen?

    How did you end up with your dogs? Is it something you had planned on, or did they fall into your lap?
  12. TylerKnotts

    Hello everyone! Stright 25M looking to meet new friends.

    Hello, I'm new here but not new to zoo I've been addicted to zoo since I was 14 horses mostly and dogs. I'm a watcher or helper I prefer to watch females get bred by said animals one day I hope to meet a woman that I can be open with and make her zoo dreams come true. Excited to meet like minded...
  13. F

    Hello Forum

    Hello everyone:), friends, how are you? I have been on the site for some time and still haven't written anything about myself, so I decided to correct this omission,my name is Lydia, I am 26 years old, I am from Ukraine 🇺🇦,in search of good communication and friends,I have some experience in...
  14. S

    My friend shows me a lot of signs but are she really suggestive?

    Hi, first sorry for my general quietness. I'm on this place about half of 2022 and it's my first thread. Sorry for my mistakes, english iss not my main language. I used the search tool here and I saw various topics about "knowing if someone is into zoo" just in case, but i'm on a different...
  15. LoveNottLust1

    Caught by whom

    Comment if whom you've been caught by isn't listed
  16. alisacolato

    Secret codes for zoo lovers

    I know the title of the thread may sound like a james bond movie lol. But I want to know if there are codes you use to let other people know you are into zoo (of course I´m talking about codes that only another zoophile would understand so in case someone that doesn´t like it sees/hears the...
  17. chuckyfan20

    Looking for people to talk to

    I'm looking for some people to talk to (man or women) to talk about our experiences and other stuff
  18. mrbishop

    New guy, in Poland

    I was lucky to finally find a forum to be around like minded people, it's great. I'm originally from the states, but ok have been studying in Poland. I haven't been able to connect with people here. Hopefully that will change. Would love to have to people to chat with! 33/M
  19. N

    New Here

    Hey hey, I'm a guy, 18 years old, from Czech Republic. I love dogs, but I've never tried anything yet. Really vibe with this forum and would like to make some new friends.
  20. J

    New here

    Hey y'all! Gay couple here, 30 and 42 years old, in the Savannah, Georgia area looking for like-minded friends. We are both pretty new to this as far as speaking about it openly, but have both been very very interested in both male and female K9 & horses for as long as we can remember. So happy...
  21. KigaliTheForestPupper

    New England Rollcall and greetings!

    Hello all! I want to get to know some like minded individuals in my area, and wanted to see if there are genuinely any of us around. I also want to make some new friends to chat with and everything so feel free to message me :) New Hampshire here, Rochester to be exact. ^w^
  22. L

    Zoo Friends (Men Only)?

    Looking for one-on-one conversations (we’ll stay anonymous) to indulge in some fun chats and photo/video exchanges ❤️ Me: F/25/Dog owner Looking to see if there’s any interest—DM!
  23. Kaukau

    gimme friends

    Hi hi! I'm kanna, i'm a cis male and i'm here for friends and to try to possibly meet people like me! I mainly like playing video games and thats about it maybe draw on the low sometimes. I have a discord if anyone wants it just dm me
  24. W

    Tennessee here

    Idk why I'm even trying. But I'd love to become friends with someone near me. Just to talk about it with someone it feels normal with. We ain't even gotta meet up just talk. Hmu 😌
  25. intel358

    Hello from South Wales

    Just to say Hello from South Wales, UK. Single man, living alone and planning to get a male dog, hopefully soon. May be Staffie (not sure yet). Looking for open minded people around in South Wales. Kind of new in to all this, but have enough free time. It will be nice to make some local...