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My plans went out the window

Considering the content!? Are you insinuating having relations with a puppy?
Nope, I meant if he adopted the puppy so he could have sex with her as an adult dog.

I mean, this is a zoophilia forum, it's just kind of weird to see any posts without any sexual implications towards animals, I guess I got surprised.
Nope, I meant if he adopted the puppy so he could have sex with her as an adult dog.

I mean, this is a zoophilia forum, it's just kind of weird to see any posts without any sexual implications towards animals, I guess I got surprised.
Please be more specific in the future. Do not leave room for interpretation as that can get you banned if it is mistaken.
Since I joined the forum, which wasn't too long ago, I've been asking around and reading, and I had sort of developed a "plan" for ownership of a dog. I thought I was gonna wait until I bought a house, and I was certain that I was gonna adopt an adult female lab.

And in the middle of last month, that entire plan went right out the window.

About January 12th or so, a local mama dog who comes to my/my parents place that I feed, who I haven't been able to get within about 3 feet of, dumped off a puppy at my doorstep and ran off. So of course I had no choice but to take the little girl in. She was frightened so she hid under my bed, and did so for about 2 days. On the third day, she decided that my feet were her friend, and decided to curl up to them, and let me pet her, but she'd sleep under the bed still. My parents, of course, said that we needed to find her a new home when she got a little bigger / suited to find a new home, as we already had a 10 month old lab mix and a slightly younger German shepherd mix that we found a month earlier. So I was trying my best not to get attached. On day 4, instead of going to sleep under the bed at night, she stood at the edge of my bed wanting to be picked up, and so I did, where she slept the whole night. And that was the exact moment where I got attached. So now she's cuddling up with me every night, and about 2 weeks go by, and I'm planning on asking/begging if I can keep her, when my mom asks me, out of the blue, if I wanted to keep her, because she said she could tell that I've grown attached and that it would be wrong to re-home her when she could tell we've both started to bond with each other.

So now I have my first dog that's actually mine, and not just my parents'. I've recently gotten her microchipped and first vaccines. So, while I was going to wait to adopt an adult lab, it looks like the dog I was meant to have ended up being a husky mix puppy, way different from what I had planned.

I had wanted to share this earlier, and had alluded to bits and pieces in other posts, but finally found the time to do it.
Well aint that awesome! Congrats on a match from fate. You truly are lucky. I hope the bond just keeps growing.
She now weighs 24 lbs as of today! Fully vaccinated, too.
Last night I was able to snap a pic of her sister from the same litter. Unfortunately, I was not able to rescue her, and she is completely feral. She looks very similar, except she has a fully black nose and a smoky back. I still feel horrible that I wasn't able to get her inside, I hate that she'll have to live the "street dog life" (which is a really bad thing with the cruel people over here).

She now weighs 24 lbs as of today! Fully vaccinated, too.
Last night I was able to snap a pic of her sister from the same litter. Unfortunately, I was not able to rescue her, and she is completely feral. She looks very similar, except she has a fully black nose and a smoky back. I still feel horrible that I wasn't able to get her inside, I hate that she'll have to live the "street dog life" (which is a really bad thing with the cruel people over here).

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Don't give up buddy! I know it's cliche but rome was not built in a day anything worth having takes time. She is a beautiful prize worth winning over. Just keep trying and keep talking friendly to her whenever you see her. Set out treats if you can. Win her little puppy heart. I'm sure you can do it. It is a game worth playing. Best of luck to ya!
She now weighs 24 lbs as of today! Fully vaccinated, too.
Last night I was able to snap a pic of her sister from the same litter. Unfortunately, I was not able to rescue her, and she is completely feral. She looks very similar, except she has a fully black nose and a smoky back. I still feel horrible that I wasn't able to get her inside, I hate that she'll have to live the "street dog life" (which is a really bad thing with the cruel people over here).

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She's beautiful.
As stated above by @valleyyote it might take some time and patience but it would be worth it. Even if you can't keep her. Just to get her off the street would be worth a million bucks.
She's beautiful.
As stated above by @valleyyote it might take some time and patience but it would be worth it. Even if you can't keep her. Just to get her off the street would be worth a million bucks.
Indeed. I know I won't be able to keep her, but I really do want to find her a good home. I'm afraid that she might be too feral now and will need some intense rehabilitation.
Don't give up buddy! I know it's cliche but rome was not built in a day anything worth having takes time. She is a beautiful prize worth winning over. Just keep trying and keep talking friendly to her whenever you see her. Set out treats if you can. Win her little puppy heart. I'm sure you can do it. It is a game worth playing. Best of luck to ya!
I've sure been trying, with the whole pack! Unfortunately, the only one who will even approach people is the sole male of the pack, the pitbull. But he used to have an owner as he wears a faded collar, you can see him next to the girl I took a pic of.

This right here is a pic of their mama, she also won't approach people 🙁


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Since I joined the forum, which wasn't too long ago, I've been asking around and reading, and I had sort of developed a "plan" for ownership of a dog. I thought I was gonna wait until I bought a house, and I was certain that I was gonna adopt an adult female lab.

And in the middle of last month, that entire plan went right out the window.

About January 12th or so, a local mama dog who comes to my/my parents place that I feed, who I haven't been able to get within about 3 feet of, dumped off a puppy at my doorstep and ran off. So of course I had no choice but to take the little girl in. She was frightened so she hid under my bed, and did so for about 2 days. On the third day, she decided that my feet were her friend, and decided to curl up to them, and let me pet her, but she'd sleep under the bed still. My parents, of course, said that we needed to find her a new home when she got a little bigger / suited to find a new home, as we already had a 10 month old lab mix and a slightly younger German shepherd mix that we found a month earlier. So I was trying my best not to get attached. On day 4, instead of going to sleep under the bed at night, she stood at the edge of my bed wanting to be picked up, and so I did, where she slept the whole night. And that was the exact moment where I got attached. So now she's cuddling up with me every night, and about 2 weeks go by, and I'm planning on asking/begging if I can keep her, when my mom asks me, out of the blue, if I wanted to keep her, because she said she could tell that I've grown attached and that it would be wrong to re-home her when she could tell we've both started to bond with each other.

So now I have my first dog that's actually mine, and not just my parents'. I've recently gotten her microchipped and first vaccines. So, while I was going to wait to adopt an adult lab, it looks like the dog I was meant to have ended up being a husky mix puppy, way different from what I had planned.

I had wanted to share this earlier, and had alluded to bits and pieces in other posts, but finally found the time to do it.
I wish I had this luck. Congrats!
I've sure been trying, with the whole pack! Unfortunately, the only one who will even approach people is the sole male of the pack, the pitbull. But he used to have an owner as he wears a faded collar, you can see him next to the girl I took a pic of.

This right here is a pic of their mama, she also won't approach people 🙁
I see well as I said just keep it up. Even if you just get him it is a good thing. Indeed I did see him and did wonder what the black thing was. Have you tired putting food out for the pack? You are good person I'm thinking, someone that would be fun to meet. Your heart seems to be in just the right place.

Indeed. I know I won't be able to keep her, but I really do want to find her a good home. I'm afraid that she might be too feral now and will need some intense rehabilitation.
Oh I think if the right persons got her she would tame right down. As I have seen many times on the tube of you many much more feral pups have turned into absolute love bugs when given the love and attention they did not know the craved.
I'm angry and heartbroken right now. I was doing some yardwork a few minutes ago, when the outdoor pack was going to cross the median to my yard. My girl's mom was almost to my yard when an asshole in a silver f-150 swerved over and sped up just to hit her. I have no words to describe how much rage that filled me, to see the condition he left her in. She was able to hobble across the street into the woods where she will most likely die. I feel so helpless knowing that there's literally nothing I can do, I tried to go over to her but she was able to muster up her last bit of strength to run away.
I'm angry and heartbroken right now. I was doing some yardwork a few minutes ago, when the outdoor pack was going to cross the median to my yard. My girl's mom was almost to my yard when an asshole in a silver f-150 swerved over and sped up just to hit her. I have no words to describe how much rage that filled me, to see the condition he left her in. She was able to hobble across the street into the woods where she will most likely die. I feel so helpless knowing that there's literally nothing I can do, I tried to go over to her but she was able to muster up her last bit of strength to run away.
You gotta be kidding me! :cry:
I can't even tell you how sorry I am to hear this. This is the kinda shit I'd end up arrested for and be perfectly OK with it.
Noo, this is so sad! I'm so sorry for the mama and that you had to witness all of that :cry:
I can't even tell you how sorry I am to hear this. This is the kinda shit I'd end up arrested for and be perfectly OK with it.
Completely agree. Such people better not cross my path or else they get a taste of pure rage.
I cannot understand how fucked up in the head you have to be to do such shit! Even the thought of accidentally hitting an animal makes me sick to my stomach. But intentionally aiming and accelerating while being fully aware that this could severely cripple her or end her life? What went wrong with them that they have not at single trace of empathy and compassion?
You gotta be kidding me! :cry:
I can't even tell you how sorry I am to hear this. This is the kinda shit I'd end up arrested for and be perfectly OK with it.
So I have a great update! I recently saw her on my ring doorbell camera getting food that I leave for the strays! I have no clue how she was able to survive those injuries but it looks like she is a trooper.
I'm angry and heartbroken right now. I was doing some yardwork a few minutes ago, when the outdoor pack was going to cross the median to my yard. My girl's mom was almost to my yard when an asshole in a silver f-150 swerved over and sped up just to hit her. I have no words to describe how much rage that filled me, to see the condition he left her in. She was able to hobble across the street into the woods where she will most likely die. I feel so helpless knowing that there's literally nothing I can do, I tried to go over to her but she was able to muster up her last bit of strength to run away.
I know I'm kinda' late to this thread but...

My heart is absolutely CRUSHED after reading this!!! I'm literally in tears as I type this... :cry: I'm not generally a mean person but... idiots like that in the F-150 need to rot in hell!!! I hate people that are so evil like this.

@SultryHellhound you're a good man. Thank you for being who you are. U rock dude! 🐕
So I have a great update! I recently saw her on my ring doorbell camera getting food that I leave for the strays! I have no clue how she was able to survive those injuries but it looks like she is a trooper.

So GOOD to hear this!!!
Wish I would've scrolled down more before posting earlier. Even though I might've made a fool of myself, it was from concern for that dog's life.

Happy to hear she's doing better... 🐕
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So GOOD to hear this!!!
Wish I would've scrolled down more before posting earlier. Even though I might've made a foo of myself, it was from concern for that dog's life.

Happy to hear she's doing better... 🐕
What you posted is exactly how I felt! I've never been so angry before.
There are certain situations where I would not mind the application of capital punishment. Scum like that who would intentionally kill a dog for fun? They qualify and then some.

I am overjoyed that she survived! It seems there is good in the world to balance the bad!
Been working on recall a ton! She almost has "come" downpat, just need to work on distractions. She has "sit" mastered, she'll do "lay" and "high five" but only when I have a treat in hand. Loose leash walking is a different story...mostly is good but she tends to go a little crazy! Here she is today after a walk:View attachment 374021
Wow! She looks so beautiful! VERY nice dog dude!!! You got yourself a real nice sweetheart, a keeper for sure. I can tell by the pic that she is quite fond of you. You've got a good connection with her I'm sure.

So happy to know that she's in a good home and will live out her years happy and well cared for.

This has made my day... 🐕
Wow! She looks so beautiful! VERY nice dog dude!!! You got yourself a real nice sweetheart, a keeper for sure. I can tell by the pic that she is quite fond of you. You've got a good connection with her I'm sure.
Thanks! I ought to add a more recent photo as she's grown a good bit!