Fake User Awareness Thread

I always ask to move to kik so they can send pics from a cam it comes up and says cam rather than here where their sending pics from google perhaps ?
So you're a massive red flag yourself. Asking to move to another platform is the first sign of phishing.
Mmmm theirs no way to verify on here an owner is genuine or have I missed a way ? On kik I can send a pic from my phone cam as can they. Also used Wickr to call owners. I’m always looking for better ways to verify so if you know some please let me know . Iv been catfished a lot and not a lot of people believe I’m a 34 year old female who has experience and wants more.
Mmmm theirs no way to verify on here an owner is genuine or have I missed a way ? On kik I can send a pic from my phone cam as can they. Also used Wickr to call owners. I’m always looking for better ways to verify so if you know some please let me know . Iv been catfished a lot and not a lot of people believe I’m a 34 year old female who has experience and wants more.
Judging by the number of people who have ghosted me on wickr, (you know who you are) I'm beginning to suspect this fucking place is haunted!
Mmmm theirs no way to verify on here an owner is genuine or have I missed a way ? On kik I can send a pic from my phone cam as can they. Also used Wickr to call owners. I’m always looking for better ways to verify so if you know some please let me know . Iv been catfished a lot and not a lot of people believe I’m a 34 year old female who has experience and wants more.
You know what. We don't have to prove anything. We're the ones with everything to lose, including having our loved ones confiscated and murdered. All so a random thirsty bitch can have her moment of fun. Here's how you can prove yourself, actually spent time to get to know us. As a person. Not as a pimp to whore out our family member as quickly as possible.
ya i only use wickr since its safe. if someone wants to chat and not use an encrypted chat im not interested. If it has any details that are required like my phone or email. Then i use an email that is temp or something. never talk to people when any details about yourself are stored. its just bad practice. Please be safe everyone! hope we all meet real people. :c
You know what. We don't have to prove anything. We're the ones with everything to lose, including having our loved ones confiscated and murdered. All so a random thirsty bitch can have her moment of fun. Here's how you can prove yourself, actually spent time to get to know us. As a person. Not as a pimp to whore out our family member as quickly as possible.
ya its not just having someone over to take the pet. Personally id hate that. where would the fun be in having a good time just to miss it tomorrow? i want a relationship
So you're a massive red flag yourself. Asking to move to another platform is the first sign of phishing.
for me wickr is more secure. im not sure how safe this site can be. so if its something that will progress into something i usually ask to go to wickr. now someone asking for kik or snap or anything like that HUGE RED FLAG. im sad to think this place could be a place where 20% are not phising or something. its hard to trust and even harder to step out and risk it all. It seems so many people just go to cat fishing like its second nature these days :c
ya i only use wickr since its safe. if someone wants to chat and not use an encrypted chat im not interested. If it has any details that are required like my phone or email. Then i use an email that is temp or something. never talk to people when any details about yourself are stored. its just bad practice. Please be safe everyone! hope we all meet real people. :c
I ask to talk on MySpace
You know what. We don't have to prove anything. We're the ones with everything to lose, including having our loved ones confiscated and murdered. All so a random thirsty bitch can have her moment of fun. Here's how you can prove yourself, actually spent time to get to know us. As a person. Not as a pimp to whore out our family member as quickly as possible.
Yeah that’s very fair and you don’t I have many friends who I have gotten to know from here that are owners Iv never met them or their pet. You do what works for you I never intended to cause such harsh reaction was simply asking a question .
In case anyone here is wondering WHY multiple users are complaining about moving over to an IM platform from ZV, especially immediately, it's due to the fact that many apps have an option for "burner messages" which is basically a self destructing message that will disappear after X amount of seconds, and are not able to be screencapped. Basically, many nefarious users will immediately try to move you from ZV to an IM client, as to avoid the dealing with the moderators here. With PMs, you can report the PM messages one by one, so that we can take action against a user. But, reporting the one message will not report the whole conversation. We can't read your PMs, they actually are private.

This is an all too familiar scenario: A user reports another user on here. The report, "On telegram this user asked me if I liked young girls around the age of 10-14." We reach out to the person that reported the user, "Hey, before we can take action we need proof that this user you've reported is actually a pedophile." The reporter states, "Oh.... well.... you see... I actually don't have that. The message self destructed/I left the chat for fear of my own safety." So we're left with NOTHING we can actually do, because it becomes a "he said, she said" situation without any evidence. This type of thing happen all the fucking time, and it's quite infuriating.

Now, if you get to know someone on here for a good long while, and eventually decide to move over to an IM client for convenience, that's completely different. The ones that are shady as hell are the ones that immediately ask you to move over to an IM client, sometimes as soon as their third PM on here. A lot of times they have ulterior motives for doing so. If someone immediately wants you to move over to a IM client it really is a giant RED FLAG!
In case anyone here is wondering WHY multiple users are complaining about moving over to an IM platform from ZV, especially immediately, it's due to the fact that many apps have an option for "burner messages" which is basically a self destructing message that will disappear after X amount of seconds, and are not able to be screencapped. Basically, many nefarious users will immediately try to move you from ZV to an IM client, as to avoid the dealing with the moderators here. With PMs, you can report the PM messages one by one, so that we can take action against a user. But, reporting the one message will not report the whole conversation. We can't read your PMs, they actually are private.

This is an all too familiar scenario: A user reports another user on here. The report, "On telegram this user asked me if I liked young girls around the age of 10-14." We reach out to the person that reported the user, "Hey, before we can take action we need proof that this user you've reported is actually a pedophile." The reporter states, "Oh.... well.... you see... I actually don't have that. The message self destructed/I left the chat for fear of my own safety." So we're left with NOTHING we can actually do, because it becomes a "he said, she said" situation without any evidence. This type of thing happen all the fucking time, and it's quite infuriating.

Now, if you get to know someone on here for a good long while, and eventually decide to move over to an IM client for convenience, that's completely different. The ones that are shady as hell are the ones that immediately ask you to move over to an IM client, sometimes as soon as their third PM on here. A lot of times they have ulterior motives for doing so. If someone immediately wants you to move over to a IM client it really is a giant RED FLAG!
To add, as I've said earlier in this thread. It's also a measure of trusting gulibility. If you are willingly open to freely giving out a piece of contact information, encrypted source or not, it's a sign that you're overly trusting and open and will be more likely to fall for scams and/or click viral links. If you're not willing to divulge that "simple safe" information you're not worth scammers time.
catphishers are everywhere, and there are tons of gullible horndogs to fall for them. scammers don't even have to try hard, just show up somewhere with a female username or female PFP and horny dudes will basically line up eager to get scammed.

i once did an experiment on beastchat, i logged in with a female username. holy fucking shit i immediately get slammed with disgusting DMs. all these horny dudes sending unsolicited dick pics, and willing to send me just about anything i asked for, if i would come fuck their dog or send titty pictures or whatnot. i could probably have gotten them to send me their social security numbers and debit card + pin if i tried.

One of my friends investigated a member by adding her on KiK. We found out that she is a catfish.

The "Camera" below photos uploaded to KiK means they took the photo using the KiK camera app, however it can be faked which is what this user did. The black bar at the top of the image wouldn't exist if it was a photo taken from KiK camera, but the user used a program to trick KiK into thinking a photo sent from gallery was sent using the KiK camera, they forgot to remove the black bars though which can happen when you screenshot a photo and don't crop it correctly.
This is a photo is also sent from KiK camera but you can clearly see the dog paw has been edited into the photo since the shadow from the Paw indicates its floating above her leg. I don't believe levitating dogs exist, at least yet :)
AlexaG has uploaded nude photos with her dog to the site, however the photos have a painted filter over the top which they claim is for "privacy reasons", but their own profile picture and banner has their full face on display and they have uploaded a full face photo before without this filter, so privacy isn't the reason. The real reason is because they used a site such as this:

This site allows you to upload photos of people clothed and it makes them look nude, however it leaves an artifical look to the photos which coincidentally can be covered up by using filters such as the painted filter Alexa used. You can see in multiple spots where the website doesn't correctly remove her red trousers in the second photo.


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One of my friends investigated a member by adding her on KiK. We found out that she is a catfish.

View attachment 300093View attachment 300095
The "Camera" below photos uploaded to KiK means they took the photo using the KiK camera app, however it can be faked which is what this user did. The black bar at the top of the image wouldn't exist if it was a photo taken from KiK camera, however the user used a program to trick KiK into thinking a photo sent from gallery was sent using the KiK camera, but they forgot to remove the black bars which can happen when you screenshot a photo and don't crop it correctly.
View attachment 300098View attachment 300100
This is a photo is also sent from KiK camera but you can clearly see the dog paw has been edited into the photo since the shadow from the Paw indicates its floating above her leg. I don't believe levitating dogs exist, at least yet :)
View attachment 300104View attachment 300105
AlexaG has uploaded nude photos with her dog to the site, however the photos have a painted filter over the top which they claim is for "privacy reasons", but their own profile picture and banner has their full face on display and they have uploaded a full face photo before without this filter, so privacy isn't the reason. The real reason is because they used a site such as this:
View attachment 300107
This site allows you to upload photos of people clothed and it makes them look nude, however it leaves an artifical look to the photos which coincidentally can be covered up by using filters such as the painted filter Alexa used. You can see in multiple spots where the website doesn't correctly remove her red trousers in the second photo.
I knew she felt sketchy and just dumbbbb

One of my friends investigated a member by adding her on KiK. We found out that she is a catfish.

View attachment 300093View attachment 300095
The "Camera" below photos uploaded to KiK means they took the photo using the KiK camera app, however it can be faked which is what this user did. The black bar at the top of the image wouldn't exist if it was a photo taken from KiK camera, however the user used a program to trick KiK into thinking a photo sent from gallery was sent using the KiK camera, but they forgot to remove the black bars which can happen when you screenshot a photo and don't crop it correctly.
View attachment 300098View attachment 300100
This is a photo is also sent from KiK camera but you can clearly see the dog paw has been edited into the photo since the shadow from the Paw indicates its floating above her leg. I don't believe levitating dogs exist, at least yet :)
View attachment 300104View attachment 300105
AlexaG has uploaded nude photos with her dog to the site, however the photos have a painted filter over the top which they claim is for "privacy reasons", but their own profile picture and banner has their full face on display and they have uploaded a full face photo before without this filter, so privacy isn't the reason. The real reason is because they used a site such as this:
View attachment 300107
This site allows you to upload photos of people clothed and it makes them look nude, however it leaves an artifical look to the photos which coincidentally can be covered up by using filters such as the painted filter Alexa used. You can see in multiple spots where the website doesn't correctly remove her red trousers in the second photo.
You are fucking amazing. Keep up the good work.

One of my friends investigated a member by adding her on KiK. We found out that she is a catfish.

View attachment 300093View attachment 300095
The "Camera" below photos uploaded to KiK means they took the photo using the KiK camera app, however it can be faked which is what this user did. The black bar at the top of the image wouldn't exist if it was a photo taken from KiK camera, but the user used a program to trick KiK into thinking a photo sent from gallery was sent using the KiK camera, they forgot to remove the black bars though which can happen when you screenshot a photo and don't crop it correctly.
View attachment 300098View attachment 300100
This is a photo is also sent from KiK camera but you can clearly see the dog paw has been edited into the photo since the shadow from the Paw indicates its floating above her leg. I don't believe levitating dogs exist, at least yet :)
View attachment 300104View attachment 300105
AlexaG has uploaded nude photos with her dog to the site, however the photos have a painted filter over the top which they claim is for "privacy reasons", but their own profile picture and banner has their full face on display and they have uploaded a full face photo before without this filter, so privacy isn't the reason. The real reason is because they used a site such as this:
View attachment 300126

This site allows you to upload photos of people clothed and it makes them look nude, however it leaves an artifical look to the photos which coincidentally can be covered up by using filters such as the painted filter Alexa used. You can see in multiple spots where the website doesn't correctly remove her red trousers in the second photo.
God damn! That is some damn good investigating. I thought i was good, lol!

Shes gone now.