You're looking at someone who turns you on...

I would look away as quickly as possible, I would be super embarrassed. Social situations and me do not get along very well. ?
That's completely understandable, but also, slipping just a little out of your comfort level could be rewarding for you.
Knowing myself I would try to mantain eye contact and fail miserably after something like 1 second.
I'm pretty shy for this stuff. I'm much better when there's a conversation but I'm terrible at doing the first move.
I understand perfectly. It's not for everyone. Thank-you for commenting.
Of course I look away. They wouldn't waste their time with me anyway, So I feel no need to bother them any further with eye contact.
I would look anyway. is not forbidden. I rather find a compliment when someone looks.
Sometimes someone is just soo hawt I'm like this is why I have eyes to see.
It could be anywhere in public and from a distance. You've never seen this person before, and they are not looking at you.
Your eyes are glued to this person for fear they'll leave your sight.
Then, (gasp!) they turn and look at you. Do you look away?
I would. Since I'm not attractive at all, women have been off-put by my initial appearance, and would approach me and tell me to not look at them anymore and/or leave them alone.
I would. Since I'm not attractive at all, women have been off-put by my initial appearance, and would approach me and tell me to not look at them anymore and/or leave them alone.
Do yourself a favor and move on from the people who would put you down, especially considering how down you already are. Those kinds of people would only give you more heartache than you already have.