Who would perform beastility in front of a group

Anyone knows if there are vids on this topic? (Maybe even links??)
Especially girls/woman performing dogsex for a group.. A bitch fucked properly by an enthousiastic dog in front of a group?
That's my ultimate fantasy!!!
Well, my husband likes to watch me getting mounted, and I dont mind people watching me being naked (I can totaly blank out the situation). But it is a question of trust and that ist the thing. For me it would not even be sex in front of people, it would more be sth like a performance, a show. Sex with my husband in front of people, I dont know, but with our dog, no problem.
Im very sexually exhibitionist, so I would sure consider it, probably be better if everyone watching was into the fetish as well. I have been with male k9 in front of 2 other guys before when young and it was a turnon.
Some aspects of such moment should be discussed beforehand, but, given the chace, I suppose that there could be space for more, if I knew them.
Possibly yes indeed, probable no idea. I've never been shy about other various sex acts engaged in with an audience in attendance. I enjoy showing off my body and my skills and very much love it when I can feel the audience becoming (in their headspace) participants with me and my partner/s. A fantastic positive feedback loop, a more expansive 'connection' than the intimate one with a partner.
Makes for some great trip sex.
So, a zoo performance? The only reason why not to would be the audience. If any hint of negative response or antagonism to the validity/intentions of the act, I'd shut it down damnably quick smart.
Yes V we must do it