What has your experience been like using this platform?

Hey what’s up y’all!

My name is Ace and I’m new to the community. So far what has your experience been like in the Zooville community? Have your experiences been positive or negative?
Depends what your goals are. If you're just looking for a forum to post and kill time in as part of a "community", you'll probably have an alright experience. If you're looking for real life meetups, you're probably gonna have a lousy experience.
Depends what your goals are. If you're just looking for a forum to post and kill time in as part of a "community", you'll probably have an alright experience. If you're looking for real life meetups, you're probably gonna have a lousy experience.
Oh I see, is there a different platform meant for zoo meet ups?
Hey what’s up y’all!

My name is Ace and I’m new to the community. So far what has your experience been like in the Zooville community? Have your experiences been positive or negative?
My experiences here have largely been pretty good, but then, I mostly just fuck off here. I do try to genuinely help other folks here when I can though, and I have used some great resources myself, and so for that, I am thankful.
It's been difficult to have any meaningful conversations, as with any online space, newbies are swamped as soon as they join and youre one among many when you write someone.

But as a resource and a forum, it's pretty great.
I'm pretty new as well. Decided to make an account to be able to participate with people like me and educate myself by the time I'd be in a position to experiment and hopefully have a good relationship. I've enjoyed it so far and I feel like there's some great resources here.
It's been pretty good overall. People in general are pretty cool with only a few asshats. I stay clear on anything in "The Dumpster Fire" in general.
I DO feel like the old BF was better for actually making friends. And I met a few IRL as well. Maybe here is because we're so nervous about law enforcement (which is 100% legit), but BF seemed more friendly in that manner, even if the mods were wretched bastards...
Still new, but I've been surprised by how little interaction/direct contact there has been. With 230K members and 300 online at any given time, I've had conversations with hardly any. Certainly isn't I thought or was hoping it would be. I guess people only come here for the porn and not really the communal friend making, experience sharing and support. sigh.
Still new, but I've been surprised by how little interaction/direct contact there has been. With 230K members and 300 online at any given time, I've had conversations with hardly any. Certainly isn't I thought or was hoping it would be. I guess people only come here for the porn and not really the communal friend making, experience sharing and support. sigh.
Oh heard. I’ve only been on here for about a week and so far I’ve only been able to have a genuine conversation with 1 guy on here. He’s from my city and he seems really sweet. So far, the responses have been very delayed, or I haven’t received a response at all. Happy to chat :)
Still new, but I've been surprised by how little interaction/direct contact there has been. With 230K members and 300 online at any given time, I've had conversations with hardly any. Certainly isn't I thought or was hoping it would be. I guess people only come here for the porn and not really the communal friend making, experience sharing and support. sigh.
Have you been reaching out to people on here you’d like to talk to, or are you waiting for them to reach out to you? Sometimes it helps to break the ice, especially since I’d wager a lot of folks on here are social shut-ins, and probably don’t have the ambition or the courage to communicate with people first.
If you’re looking for some low-stakes, quality entertainment there’s always The Dumpster Fire section. Just hop in and say something controversial in one of the active threads.
Still new, but I've been surprised by how little interaction/direct contact there has been. With 230K members and 300 online at any given time, I've had conversations with hardly any. Certainly isn't I thought or was hoping it would be. I guess people only come here for the porn and not really the communal friend making, experience sharing and support. sigh.
Be careful what you wish for. Every thirsty guy on here is going to hit you up now 😅. I’m always happy to chat though, so feel free to shoot me a message if you want some fun conversation.