What Do You Get Annoyed By?

When someone's standing directly over my shoulder watching what I'm doing.
When the TV remote disappears... It's been 2 weeks and I still haven't found it.
When I'm trying to scroll a website on my phone and accidentally click something and lose my place.
When I stub my toe on something... Instant rage and annoyance.
When a semi truck cuts out into the fast lane and takes 2 miles to pass another semi.
When somebody's in the fast lane going slower than the speed limit with no one head of them.
When it's a really windy day and my hair keeps getting in my eyes.
When someone is consistently late... Especially if you're carpooling to work or attending a party. I actually have anxiety over this too.
But yeah I could go on all day 😂😵
Facial hair, facial hair, facial hair! Good god learn how to shave! Started looking through dating sites today again for the first time in over a year, already out of matches, and 90% instant rejected because of fucking facial.
I mean I get that I'd prefer to be clean shaven if I could but no matter what I do, what razor I use I get razor bumps. And my hair grows back really fast. So I usually wait till my beard gets too long and then clean shave like once every 4 or 5 months. Having sensitive skin sucks...
Dating apps using phone location to show matches. I don't want to fucking see something who lives on the other side of the country just because they happen to be on vacation (or are a flight attendant currently on layover) in my city.
When someone starts replying with nothing but Telegram stickers
When people quote your post but don't actually type anything. What's even the point of that kind of reply?
That a line from one of the shit assed Transformers movies popped into my head today, and that I was able to remember where it was from.
Guilty as charged. Since we can't send PMs to lurkers we have to say "PM me" so we can chat once they become tourists.
Yeah, no. All that ever achieves is "I'm an idiot and can't figure out how, so discord me instead [now I broke the rules because I didn't bother reading them anymore than I bothered reading the new account restrictions]".

If I were a mod I'd give warning points to anyone who prompts a lurker in a way that leads them to breaking the rules, right along side the rule breakers.

And that absolutely doesn't explain or excuse settlers and above who tell other settlers and above to PM them.
People who think they need to open the attachment off their email in order to send it to me. Just forward the fucking thing!