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What Animal Made you Question Your Species of Attraction?



The title is pretty self-explanatory, but for those who're unsure:
What species did you normally think you're not attracted to, but then when you saw/interacted with the animal, you had to rethink?

For me, I didn't think I was really all that attracted to canines. But Dobermans and Dalmatians made me question. Then I fell for my ex-neighbor's dog.
(Also, it's kinda funny I fell for his dog since he had a crush on me lol)
I guess for me it was horses. I mean, I didn't dislike them before, I was just indifferent. But the more naughty part of the Brony Fandom kinda made me more interested in horses than I was before. Even furthermore, it made me more interested in females than I was before.
Dogs. Has always been dogs. I have never met a being so willing in my life regardless of how bad things get o got down the road. I probably would have started earlier if I haven’t lost my girl 10 years ago. I started around 3 years ago. But anyway mans best friend has been and always will be my choice, unless I can find a woman with the same mind set as me.
Pigs. Porcines haven’t really been on my radar until I got to meet a couple awesome sows. Haven’t had the chance to get to know them sexually, but I found them to be incredibly attractive and personable. Definitely not a species I previously thought I’d be into, but I’m very excited for the future possibilities.
Horses. Even though I prefer dogs now.
Horses are quite sexy looking, if I see one, it's hard for me to turn away.
Especially mares.
Goats sheep and pigs all fall into that category for me. I've been attracted to dogs all my life, and until just the past couple of years they were the only nonhuman species I was seriously attracted to. Then I saw a video with a sheep, and she was so adorable and sexy. It took a while to accept because I've internalized judgements about finding farm animals attractive, but I accepted it after a while. Same with goats. Pigs have been rather recent, but not only have I seen some videos of sex with sows that made me see them as sexy but when I watch videos of them just playing and cavorting I think I could be very happy with some pigs in my life.
Dogs have always been my first choice but the more I explore finding a big interest in pigs and horses definitely would like to try both
For me it was actually horses. But then I quickly realized I was way more attracted to large breed dogs.
I grew up fascinated by mares, their figures, their udders (some fetishes never die!) and later their pussies but then I was in the college mess hall with my friends…we all had a pretty dirty sense of humor so anything went but then my one friend mentioned that he knew someone who’d had sex with their dog and my heart kinda stopped. Others just laughed or said “ew!” but I was too intrigued to speak. He said he thought it was a female dog and that comment started the wheels in my head. About six months later I got up the nerve to do a little search online, liked what I read and eventually got to where I am now, openly admitting my attractions to myself and anyone who might happen to read this.
Dogs, I can't really tell what set it off but I remember getting interested in it fairly young when I was starting to discover porn.
The title is pretty self-explanatory, but for those who're unsure:
What species did you normally think you're not attracted to, but then when you saw/interacted with the animal, you had to rethink?

it actually wasn't until i was in my mid to late 20s that i started to really find bears attractive. now i can't imagine feeling differently. kinda the same with hyenas. prior to that it was tigers, tigers, tigers (and other big cats to some extent). i think bears' small-ish eyes, big flappy lower lip (some species, anyway) and nose (that i always found odd-looking before) put me off for a long time. i honestly don't know why those features bothered me anymore. with hyenas is was more of a mental block. had that stupid "lions vs. hyenas" idea in my head, not just from the lion king but also from a documentary i'd seen long ago that had the typical lion bias because hyenas have been vilified for ages. can't remember where i saw the hyena picture that changed it for me, unfortunately, but it was a hyena lying on its side looking very chill, right at the camera. it just suddenly fell into place for me -- it was absolutely beautiful.

as time has gone by since my youth, i've found more and more beauty in more and more species. it's a blessing and a curse. so many beautiful animals that i'll most likely never get to interact with (even platonically).
I guess for me it was horses. I mean, I didn't dislike them before, I was just indifferent. But the more naughty part of the Brony Fandom kinda made me more interested in horses than I was before. Even furthermore, it made me more interested in females than I was before.
Lol mares are hard to resist. I know so many Bronies that came into the fandom not knowing what zoo was and finding out they are equine zoos because of artists like me. I have a tendency to draw ponies more like actual horses. Plus I drove the push to use mare vaginas and crotchboobs on ponies rather than human vaginas.
Lol mares are hard to resist. I know so many Bronies that came into the fandom not knowing what zoo was and finding out they are equine zoos because of artists like me. I have a tendency to draw ponies more like actual horses. Plus I drove the push to use mare vaginas and crotchboobs on ponies rather than human vaginas.
Well, it certainly added a hidden depth to the fandom that wasn't there before.
When I grew up I was mostly attracted to dogs. Breeds like German Shepherds (my first experience), Dobermann, Malinois... Anything 'pointy' and strong was so sexy to me. More so than any human ever could be.

I'm still a dog lover at heart but I've fallen for horses and they're my primary sexuality now though of course dogs are much more 'attainable'.
I see a lot of dog and horse lovers here! lol

I have always had a liking towards animals but when I got a cat things changed.
I loved him more than anything and I wondered why I hadn't been open to these things before... He helped me realize I was attracted to male humans too, though I can't exactly explain that to anybody (oof).

I've been attracted to pretty much exclusively felines ever since. They're just so beautiful to me.
Most horses scared me. Specifically their size. But that nice attitude and everything is welcoming. I love horses, just never did anything sexual... yet
While growing up I saw a Doberman "showing pink" and that turned on me much . When later I had my first experience with German Shepherd, fell in love with his long sexy cock and till the day I love large dogs. They all have amazing cocks and balls, their stamina and energy, their infinite cumming while u sucking them ....wooow
When I watched a sexy dog cock pulling out from the sheath, and his balls and muscles look remarkable on him...woooow, I never forget and I fell in love with big dogs
I would have to say other humans because horses have always been the main focus in my life and had my heart from day one. Took years before I felt anything for another human and now I do find I like the company of another like minded human though horses still dominate my life.
Let's put it in this way... since I was aware that my sexual preference was only towards animals I was only focused on dogs. But, after I met some pigs I couldn't stop to see them under a new light (sometimes, I still question if I like more dogs or pigs... :gsd_happysmile::pig_happysmile:)