Vets and Suspision

Uhh.. randomly? At a veterinary? No.
Even if she has an infection and there's swabbed mucous membrane cells sent into a labor, you usually don't have "sperm experts" sitting there on the analysis, not to talk about why they would analyze the shape and form of the sperm for any reason "randomly", if their job would actually be linked to defining an effectively working (destroying) antibiotic medical for the build-up bacteria from an infection, as example.

How long does ejaculate stay in her.. if you go for a walk afterwards, she pees two, three times and walks for half an hour, most will be outside. The movement together with peeing and self-cleaning by licking, the build up wetness getting ejected towards the opening quite quickly.

There are surely small amounts of sperm left, but it is plain impossible to take "an analysis of the whole surface of a female dog's reproductive organs internal mucous membrane" to find remaining sperm for no other good than "to find something to prove you as someone who copulated with this female dog". Hell, the amount of time and work which would go into this.. unbelievable.
Well said!
This is pretty much the truth of it, nobody has any time or care factor about these sorts of things, especially if the animal is well looked after. The resources required to do that would be insane, take ages and doesn't really have a reason to be done so...

Heck I'd say any vet that immediately goes nosing around a dog's cookie because "you mighta fucked your dog" is crazy, a really weird zoo with boundary issues, or both. If you are encountering these things it's probably time to look for another vet :LOL:
Only for street dogs in countries with high street population. I actually cannot remember ever seeing a free roaming dog. Besides that they of course try to make it hard for bad breeders go get a cheap pure breed dog for making money.
I was always kinda curious if this was a thing. Good to know you can easily social engineer your way outta this and there's no real indicator.
It's non of their business, and if they were to bring it up, it can be easily brushed off with, "I might want to breed him/her later". It's your companion, and your responsibility, if you have a non neutered male, just don't put him into a situation where he could accidentally father puppies.
Only for street dogs in countries with high street population. I actually cannot remember ever seeing a free roaming dog. Besides that they of course try to make it hard for bad breeders go get a cheap pure breed dog for making money.
In most African countries dogs roam free. It only breeders and people who have guard dogs that keep them in fenced properties and on leashes. I hardly ever walk my dog in built up areas or residential areas.
My vet has never given me any grief over why I haven't neutered my boys. Sure, she asks and talks about the health benefits for them. But when I tell her no, that's the end of the conversation until the next checkup. She has never bugged me about why not.
sounds like the vet i'd want to have tbh
My vet has never given me any grief over why I haven't neutered my boys. Sure, she asks and talks about the health benefits for them. But when I tell her no, that's the end of the conversation until the next checkup. She has never bugged me about why not.
Exactly, and you always have the possibility to change your vet whenever you want.
I keep him intact just so he cums all over me, for MY satisfaction? Because that's the buried logic of some people here.
It's not just about human satisfaction, it's also about dog satisfaction. Why deprive a dog of the pleasure of cumming? Furthermore, castration reduces sexual desire. IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL TO NEUTHER DOGS OR CANIDS IN GENERAL.
It's not just about human satisfaction, it's also about dog satisfaction. Why deprive a dog of the pleasure of cumming?
I just wouldn't use this line as an explanation to the vet as to why you want to keep your dog intact. :D
I just say that I’m keeping him intact so he matures properly and I may breed him in the future. Beyond that, it’s quite frankly none of their damn business. The whole “bob barker, spay and neuter your dog” movement is annoying and misguided. Everybody is so quick to push for sterilization, yet they have no idea what it truly does to the animal. They just parrot back the same old “He’ll bE aGgReSsIvE/uNwAnTeD pUpPiEs” bullshit. Just remember that you’re paying the vet for their services. If they have an issue, stare down their nose at you, or keep trying to sell an unnecessary surgery; take your business elsewhere.
I insist on a vasectomy. If they don't offer it, it's on them to explain why. Puts them on the defensive instead of you. Besides, most people I talked to want a choice of VAs or neuter.
A good reply, "there's too much money between her legs". Actual reason I've heard from a friend. I would just probably say "I just don't want to". I would find it pretty unprofessional to push for it. You are overthinking it! You just don't want your dog spay/neutered. There's nothing weird about it. Even if you weren't going to have sex, you probably have other reasons too.
Find a vet in a busy liberal city maybe. To the vet, you're just another anonymous client. Don't chitchat.
But I think best not to dwell on it. Except police who always see crimes, people are not like that.
Find a vet in a busy liberal city maybe. To the vet, you're just another anonymous client. Don't chitchat.
But I think best not to dwell on it. Except police who always see crimes, people are not like that.
People are, more often than not, their own worst enemies.

They get anxious and think that other people know what they're thinking, then they act weird and give themselves up.

Just be a regular dickhead off the street and be nonchalant. Just be a gray man.
People are, more often than not, their own worst enemies.

They get anxious and think that other people know what they're thinking, then they act weird and give themselves up.

Just be a regular dickhead off the street and be nonchalant. Just be a gray man.
Lots of people will accuse you of strange things regardless of what you do.
I love this grateful for it.
I've a question: I'm adopting a puppy girl soon, she's 5 weeks old. I'm concerned about explaining to a vet why I will not want to spay. Any ideas. I know it's a red flag for them. I don't believe in it, ethically.

But what about when she's older? Vets know when something has happened. Can anyone advise me?

tell them that sterilizing a perfectly healthy animal is unethical in most cases if you wouldn't do it to your human children why do it to an animal?