The abusive porn cleanup project

I have found abusive content in the past:

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In the past few weeks I have reported an alarming number of abusive porn videos from the porn section. 90% of them were subsequently removed after a moderator reviewed them and agreed that the content violated animal abuse the rules of this forum.
Over my existence on Zooville I have personally reported content that showed:
1. Animals being forced into sex.
2. Animals being bound, muzzled, held or prevented from moving for the purpose of sex.
3. Animal genitalia being handled incorrectly which includes forceful sucking of a limp penis.
4. Animal rape.
5. Identifiable photos or videos of women being posted without their consent.
Most of which was then removed after a moderator review.
And I have seen other content which is questionable but not directly against the rules or difficult to prove to be abusive like drugged horses, fake cum or animals trained to perform sex all common in commercial zoo porn.

All of these threads and posts had dozens of praising comments and each of these videos had more than 20 likes. Including the last one which showed an unquestionable rape of a dog trying to defend himself. Yet I was apparently the first user who reported it for being abusive. (It shows a little bit about the people using this website and how much they care.)

I understand that due to the high amount of content uploaded to the website, the moderators can not review every video and thus rely on other users reporting bad content.

Because of my setup I can only review certain kinds of content. Large videos and content on some external websites is difficult for me to review because I use TOR.

Therefore I would like to ask the zoophiles of this forum who care about the lives of animals to help with cleaning the porn sections.
Please report abusive content. Use the rules your common sense, experience and knowledge of animal body language to identify bad content and report it.
It does not matter if you are wrong in some cases, all reports will be reviewed by moderators anyway and it is their job.
I believe that as zoophiles we should not allow animal abuse to thrive in zoophile communities.

Abuse on here is not isolated to animals only. Some people think that their own sexual desires allow them to post identifiable photos and videos of other people without their consent. This usually has the form of "reaction" videos or photos of someone they would love to see getting fucked. These people (mostly women) need protection too. Posting such content is against the rules and therefore such threads should be reported and removed.

If you are not sure, post a link to the thread in here so others can review it and help with making the right decision.

Also please have a look at these related threads:[/QUOTE]
your common sense, experience and knowledge of animal body language to identify bad content and report it.
It does not matter if you are wrong in some cases, all reports will be reviewed by moderators anyway and it is their job.
I believe that as zoophiles we should not allow animal abuse to thrive in zoophile communities.

Abuse on here is not isolated to animals only. Some people think that their own sexual desires allow them to post identifiable photos and videos of other people without their consent. This usually has the form of "reaction" videos or photos of someone they would love to see getting fucked. These people (mostly women) need protection too. Posting such content is against the rules and therefore such threads should be reported and removed.

If you are not sure, post a link to the thread in here so others can review it and help with making the right decision.

Also please have a look at these related threads:

Thank you.
amazing work x
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Piglet breastfeeding.
Recent commercial content.
Commercial crap porn, who else would have thought putting together juvenile animals and sex is a good idea.
Personal preferences shouldn’t be taken in consideration when moderation is in progress. Lame arguments from some who definitely don’t like girls.
Personal preferences shouldn’t be taken in consideration when moderation is in progress. Lame arguments from some who definitely don’t like girls.
Your post was removed because:
1. The video was a recent seamless flow commercial content:
content you do not have permission to post from the original author. This includes content from commercial producers such as ZooSkool / Art Of Zoo, Seamless, Mr. Unimportant, etc.
2. It showed an actress breastfeeding a piglet:
The animal must be of breeding age.
Juvenile animals in porn are not allowed here.
Read the rules next time.
Unimportant productions a commercial zoo porn producer using fake dog cum?! No? How is that even possible?
A hot and funny vid. I enjoyed I know you will too. Stay for the end.

This one is actually fascinatingly special.
It is a woman having sex with about a 25kg dog in the video claiming to have accumulated enough cum in her belly to make her look very pregnant. Then she goes to spill it all out and claims it was the dog cum. This is how the bullshit myths about animals bloating you up like a balloon are made. :D
It was just a humorous skit. It did involve a pregnant woman which is a rare vid to come across. There is like 4.

If I trim it down to just the pregnant part, is that cool?
We are not allowing fake cum here.
And anyway:
content you do not have permission to post from the original author. This includes content from commercial producers such as ZooSkool / Art Of Zoo, Seamless, Mr. Unimportant, etc.
On posting.... no.... I also don't write stories. Also I don't know the rules on what can and can't be in the written stories. I feel like youre trying to make a point, however its not very good and a little weak. You sound angry. Maybe head over to the porn section.
On posting.... no.... I also don't write stories. Also I don't know the rules on what can and can't be in the written stories. I feel like youre trying to make a point, however its not very good and a little weak. You sound angry. Maybe head over to the porn section.
You don't even have to have actually read them after that amount of time. You should have been able to get a general sense of them just by viewing the forum. Kind of like laws in real life, no body except lawyers actually reads laws, but by living in a society to pick them up through osmosis.

In high school we had a card game similar to Uno played with 4+ decks of normal cards. It had a butt load of rules, all of which forced you to draw more cards into your hand if they were broken, and the first rule was that you weren't allowed to tell anyone new to the game the rules, they had to learn them by fucking up or seeing others fuck up. You learned them pretty fucking fast just by watching the game played.

You should be able to learn the rules here pretty fast just by watching what gets deleted and who gets banned. Hell, this one thread that lists every porn deleted should be the only resource you need glance at to get a pretty fucking good idea of what you can't fucking post.
Reported the first one but I'm not 100% sure if these are against the rules? First video definitely seems forced to me but with the second one I'm not sure if it's considered forced or just "helping a dog mount" since they do seem to want to hump immediately after. It's not in the realm of abuse but I personally am not comfortable with it.

*edit to clarify, I didn't notice any picking up or moving in the initial post videos, just the two I linked.
As far as I am aware, I am the only user who does systematic reviews of the porn section thread by thread. Keeping track of where I have been and what is next.

I've considered going through entire sections old > new and checking every attachment but when I've tried I found it way too tedious for me, especially with viewing & downloading being slow as fuck on TOR. Have you posted anywhere about a good methodology to efficiently scan through forums for bad content?
Reported the first one but I'm not 100% sure if these are against the rules? First video definitely seems forced to me but with the second one I'm not sure if it's considered forced or just "helping a dog mount" since they do seem to want to hump immediately after. It's not in the realm of abuse but I personally am not comfortable with it.

*edit to clarify, I didn't notice any picking up or moving in the initial post videos, just the two I linked.
I'll be having some other mods review it as well. He seems like he's stiffed up or something.
I've considered going through entire sections old > new and checking every attachment but when I've tried I found it way too tedious for me, especially with viewing & downloading being slow as fuck on TOR. Have you posted anywhere about a good methodology to efficiently scan through forums for bad content?
I'm not too sure on how to make the process easier... It would be great if this had a feature like vBullitin had where you can see all media of a certain category before going to the thread. But everything is manual. One other way is searching by member and using type="full" to see attachments.
I'm not too sure on how to make the process easier... It would be great if this had a feature like vBullitin had where you can see all media of a certain category before going to the thread. But everything is manual. One other way is searching by member and using type="full" to see attachments.
Could you remind me how to mark all unread in an entire forum? My best bet I guess would probably be to use that to scan through every attachment in a thread one at a time, marking them as read to indicate it's checked.
Could you remind me how to mark all unread in an entire forum? My best bet I guess would probably be to use that to scan through every attachment in a thread one at a time, marking them as read to indicate it's checked.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find where that may be. Did a test in one section to see if the mark as read would change to unread, but it did not.
I've considered going through entire sections old > new and checking every attachment but when I've tried I found it way too tedious for me, especially with viewing & downloading being slow as fuck on TOR. Have you posted anywhere about a good methodology to efficiently scan through forums for bad content?
I keep a post somewhere with a link and information about the last thread I stopped at. The threads can move if someone comments there, so maybe keep two links and page number like this in case one moves: (I use deleted threads as stops which do not move and you can not see them.)

Page: 63 bottom to top

Page: 10 bottom to top

It is slow. TOR is slow, but I often manage to get 200-400kbs just by switching the tor circuit for the site a few times until I hit a nice fast one.

Maintenance mode sections (These have been fully reviewed and currently only the active threads need to be checked every day/couple of days):

This was removed two times today already earlier in the same thread for the same reason:
Your recent report has been resolved: Post in thread '(DOGGGY)'s videos' - Deleted post, thanks.
Videos of one pulling on a tail may be removed. A tail is not to be used for support or to pull an animal.
Let alone that she is quite firmly holding his legs down which is also preventing him from moving away:
No forcing an animal to stay if they're refusing to be in a position.
So, third report just filed.

7:27 holding the dog by his tail to prevent leaving and 7:57 to simulate humping. Dildogging follows.

View attachment 260412
I know that post is a bit old, but what is "Dildogging"? Is that someone who puts a dog penis into the vagina/pussy by themselves? (not the dog trying to hump)
I keep a post somewhere with a link and information about the last thread I stopped at. The threads can move if someone comments there, so maybe keep two links and page number like this in case one moves: (I use deleted threads as stops which do not move and you can not see them.)

Page: 63 bottom to top

Page: 10 bottom to top

It is slow. TOR is slow, but I often manage to get 200-400kbs just by switching the tor circuit for the site a few times until I hit a nice fast one.

Maintenance mode sections (These have been fully reviewed and currently only the active threads need to be checked every day/couple of days):
Thanks for the info. I'll probably try going through M/M Dogs thoroughly first, since that's the section I seem to report the most from relative to the time I spend there. I'm sure I can figure it out without staff privileges given that you've been doing it long before becoming a moderator.

I assume I should only post here if it's questionable vs simply report and continue if it's obvious to avoid link dumping too much.