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So many people walking dogs...do you ever wonder?

I'm out several times a day walking multiple dogs at once, all unfixed. I think I make it pretty obvious for any dog owners that are doing the same thing lol. I do have a hard time telling with anyone that isn't making it obvious(Like some of the people that tell me my dogs are very pretty in a tone of voice that makes me a little uncomfortable honestly) but I tend to rule out anyone with fixed dogs. 85% of the time if not more if someone has a fixed dog and it isn't a rescue they're probably not doing anything with them.
How if you wonder you should stop and ask them? And return to us with the replies that you get
That's too dangerous to do. Also in most parts of the world sex with animals is VERY illegal. And usually gets a lot of people wanting to kill you. If you want to see how most people think of us since they think we all abuse our animals check out a video on youtube called "Twitter's Zoophile community is disgusting". It's by some ordinary gamers and the comments speak for themselves.

As an example:

> "These people don't deserve hatred." Yes they do. So... when do we start the crusade?


Another one:

Animals can give consent" Yes, I can shoot someone with permission if they glance towards me.


Then there's this one:
It makes me sick that they’re promoting it, and finding pride in it instead of seeking help. They are the most disgusting human beings.


Then there's this one: I actually support them having an identifying tattoo/symbol attached to their community. It'll make collection easier for......u know......the incinerator.


Then there's this one:
Even if I'm at my lowest point in life, I'll always be happy again when I remember that I'm not one of these monsters


Best not to ask, my friend.
That's too dangerous to do. Also in most parts of the world sex with animals is VERY illegal. And usually gets a lot of people wanting to kill you. If you want to see how most people think of us since they think we all abuse our animals check out a video on youtube called "Twitter's Zoophile community is disgusting". It's by some ordinary gamers and the comments speak for themselves.

As an example:

> "These people don't deserve hatred." Yes they do. So... when do we start the crusade?


Another one:

Animals can give consent" Yes, I can shoot someone with permission if they glance towards me.


Then there's this one:
It makes me sick that they’re promoting it, and finding pride in it instead of seeking help. They are the most disgusting human beings.


Then there's this one: I actually support them having an identifying tattoo/symbol attached to their community. It'll make collection easier for......u know......the incinerator.


Then there's this one:
Even if I'm at my lowest point in life, I'll always be happy again when I remember that I'm not one of these monsters


Best not to ask, my friend.
I was joking.I don't think the op would be that stupid and if he is then really does not need to be here.
Not to often, but sometimes I wonder. What I mostly think about while I'm at horse shows/fairs is. That I cant be the only guy that had sex with mares here. Especially at the bigger fairs.
I mostly wonder why it took a pandemic for people to start walking their dogs. I've seen these dogs on their properties during my strolls around town, but never seen their owners exercising them until this year.
I mostly wonder why it took a pandemic for people to start walking their dogs. I've seen these dogs on their properties during my strolls around town, but never seen their owners exercising them until this year.

Cabin fever. People can't go out to bars, restaurants, the movies, ect, shouldn't visit friends, might be working from home. Going to walks might now be one of their few chances to get out of the house and might as well bring the dog. I'm sure dogs are loving this, going on walks and their humans are home way more often. Cats must be hating it though, because their humans are home way more often.
Cabin fever. People can't go out to bars, restaurants, the movies, ect, shouldn't visit friends, might be working from home. Going to walks might now be one of their few chances to get out of the house and might as well bring the dog. I'm sure dogs are loving this, going on walks and their humans are home way more often. Cats must be hating it though, because their humans are home way more often.
Going for walks isn't the issue. The fact they all weren't walking their dogs before the pandemic is though. I have an odd sleep schedule, so I would have at least seen someone walking these dogs at some point around town, but I never did. Just feels like they weren't exercising their dogs properly prior to this.
Guys I was looking for this thread! Here in my town exactly the same. So many allone living people with K9 dogs that are perfectly groomed and you can often see it in the look of both, the owner and the dogs. There are so many obvious signs that are evidence for relationships between dog and owner. Just watch my recently published thread :)
Exactly the same over here in EU bros!
Because of corona, I already often go with our dog at lunchtime and it's so damn obvious. I have noticed so many people in the last few weeks who are clearly enjoying their quarantine with their dogs. ;)
In my city I clearly noticed three:
An attractive woman with a gsd, she has a zoo tattoo but i have only seen her once.
Another woman, she lives in my neighborhood and has no husband, but a great dane. She is very noticeable and my parents once said as a joke that she doesn't need a husband because she has her dog. Every zoo will see that the dog is her loverboy.
And another man with whom it is very obvious. He and his mastiff are so hot asf!!! He is about 20-30 y/o and gives the dog kisses with tongue in the middle of the park.
It may be that he saw it at me too, as he recently said in such a emphatic voice that I had a beautiful K9. But I don't dare to speak to him :(
That’s an interesting point. Dogs can mark a territory but you’d think that smell would go away after a shower? But interesting thought.
In fact dogs communicate with hormones and smelling the scents from sperm of another dog is like reading a journal for a them. They are smelling which dog had fun in your butthole and when (even through your clothes and depending on how much perfume your shower gel has, they can mostly even smell it after a shower).
If you have several dogs at home, someone else will hump on you if he smells that you were fucked.
It is exactly the same like marking their territory. Dogs always pee in the places where others peed before.
The thought that the other dogs running behind me in the park know what happened is very funny lol

Only dogs know our secret
I always wonder what the dark figure mit be. Only a small portion off us zoos are actually on sites like this. All those unknown Taboo-fetishes are no longer unknown any longer. Even Kids nowadays have access to the internet ö so i dare to imagine that there are a lot more that stumble upon and get hooked with zoophilia now the anno 20 years ago for example. Heck, Kids with the porn were cool even in my schooldays. Today, they can pass whole websites around
not in my area, I'm the only one with large dogs. Everyone else has small-medium dogs or god-forsaken toy poodles/toy dachshunds
The odds of an individual you see walking their dog being sexually active with their dog is small but it's not THAT small. Studies of prevalence vary from as high as 8% in men and 3.6% in women in the Kinsey reports to about 1% in some newer studies. But being sexually active with your animal all but requires the animal to be intact, and in the United States 73% of dogs are spayed or neutered. So, even assuming 1%, if you see an intact dog, there is a (0.01 / 0.27) = 3.7% chance that the owner is or has been sexually active with animals at some point. Not exact science but I'd wager it's a good ballpark.

I think you forget a part of the calculation.
The most who are not dog owners are not interested in zoo.
And account for the marjoting part of the approximately 99% of Non zoos

My calculation example is also NOT scientifically correct (and based mostly on Swedish information)

around: 10 380 000 citizens (In Sweden)
around: 722 000 dog owners (in Sweden)
assumes that 1% is zoo-sexuella

10 380 000/0,01 = 103 800 zoo sexuella

This is just a big guess, that about 70% of all zoo sexuella is dog owners (103 800 x 0,7 = 72 700)
around: 72 700 dog owners

72 700/722 000 = 0,10
around 10% of all dog owners is zoo-sexuella
And for larger breeds who knows what the number might be there?

It is a law that you must register ownership of dogs in Sweden.

I myself find it very difficult to believe these numbers.
That 1% of all people is zoo-sexuella, can not be too much if you compare it with Kinsey reports. (8+3,6/2= 5,8%)

if you assuming that only 50% zoo-sexuella is dog owners is it yet: (103 800/2 = 51 900 51 900/722 000 = 7,2%)
and if only 30% of zoo-sexuella is dog owner: 103 800 x 0,3 = 31 140 31 140/722 000 = 4,3%)

There is 2 variables, and no sure answers!
variable 1: How many are zoos? it is most likely round 0,5% to 2,5%
variable 2: How many zoos are dog owners? it is likely round 50%-85%

And if you think about the perspective from another country, there is also the variable: citizens / dog owners
(in Sweden: 722 000/10 380 000= 7% is dog owners.)

Now do not do anything stupid after reading these numbers‼‼‼
The calculation can also be completely wrong‼‼‼‼‼
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My town is incredibly dog friendly one if the highest percentage of dog owers live here

I am sure we have a healthy zoo pop
My stickers stayed up for months before someone tried removing one 😅

Whenever I see a woman walking a big male dog with his balls still attached, I wonder if I maybe saw her in some zoo movie and if she's ever been in a compromising situation with her dog, or if at the very least she ever entertained the notion of letting him lick her or fuck her. Nothing wrong with thoughts ;)

Whenever I see a woman walking a big male dog with his balls still attached i bite my lip and imagine being mounted and knotted by the stud pumping me full with his cum 🤤

I often wonder if dogs can tell that we've done it lol

I bet they can k9s have incredible sence of smell some breeds more than others

That’s an interesting point. Dogs can mark a territory but you’d think that smell would go away after a shower? But interesting thought.

I doubt a shower would.
if anything the shower masks your own scent like if you use perfume soaps,
Actually in fact i read a dog prefers your own natural body odor and not the flowery perfumes and sopes we use to attract a human mate.
Not to often, but sometimes I wonder. What I mostly think about while I'm at horse shows/fairs is. That I cant be the only guy that had sex with mares here. Especially at the bigger fairs.
Have thought the same thing; in fact was scheduled to meet up with a guy showing his horses at a fair who was really into his mares in every way.
Whenever I see a woman walking a big male dog with his balls still attached, I wonder if I maybe saw her in some zoo movie and if she's ever been in a compromising situation with her dog, or if at the very least she ever entertained the notion of letting him lick her or fuck her. Nothing wrong with thoughts ;)
Same as,
Yes. All the time. Back before the pandemic, I used to go to the dog park and wonder how many of the people I saw felt the same about their dog as I do, had the same desires, if they ever did anything. And as has been noted, I especially wonder when I see that a dog is still intact.
Yes. All the time. Back before the pandemic, I used to go to the dog park and wonder how many of the people I saw felt the same about their dog as I do, had the same desires, if they ever did anything. And as has been noted, I especially wonder when I see that a dog is still intact.
It’s interesting to think about. Even today, after posting this a while ago and kind of forgetting about it, I saw a neighbor with her intact Great Dane and just thought, “now come on, you’re good looking and he’s intact...you’ve got to be into it?!?!”. Now granted, maybe it’s just the fantasy because she was good looking and the idea of her and that Dane blew my mind, but still. Do you ever go out with your dog and wonder, “I wonder if anyone is wondering about me?” Too many wonders, I know. Ha!
Do you ever go out with your dog and wonder, “I wonder if anyone is wondering about me?” Too many wonders, I know. Ha!

Yes! I'm never certain if it's paranoia (omigod they KNOW) or a strange sense of pride, perhaps? Or another slate of emotions altogether. Though it's different with my current dog, because I'm inactive. But when I was active, I'd walk him and I would think that it was tattooed on my forehead what we'd been doing, I was certain that people could tell, and there was no question that some of the other dogs I'd encounter absolutely did know.
Yes! I'm never certain if it's paranoia (omigod they KNOW) or a strange sense of pride, perhaps? Or another slate of emotions altogether. Though it's different with my current dog, because I'm inactive. But when I was active, I'd walk him and I would think that it was tattooed on my forehead what we'd been doing, I was certain that people could tell, and there was no question that some of the other dogs I'd encounter absolutely did know.
I can only imagine. Haha. But I agree, it was just you being paranoid because no way humans can tell unless you’ve got a tattoo signifying it but certainly dogs know and I can only imagine that’s kind of hot as well. I’ve caught myself looking at a cute girl with a dog, wondering, trying to imagine a way to know and then realizing I’m staring and have to make sure I look away before I’m caught and they think I’m some creep. Haha. Why are you not active now with your current dog?
It always makes me think...so close and yet so far away. There could be all these beast women around me that I could be indulging our secret with but there's no way to actually ever know. Can't even bring it up.
Well you could bring it up and at minimum a night in jail at maximum the morgue
With COVID-19 and so many people out walking, I’ve come to realize my neighborhood has a LOT of dog owners. Most are clearly out walking their dog for exercise or protection or both. But there are so, so many people with dogs. It made me think about how I’ve joined this community and realized there are so many of you out there like me. So doing the math in my head while I drive to work, I have to imagine some of these people walking their dogs are also like me and hiding it. Sad fact. But still interesting to drive by and wonder, “hmm, are you out walking with your mate?” Just a random thought I had.
This is absolutely the case, but do keep in mind that most zoophiles probably never heard of the word "zoophile" and probably know little about other zoos. In the case of large-breed intact dogs, I suspect one out of twenty, possibly more. If the dog is intact and obviously not a purebred, then I am thinking, odds of that being a zoo dog are higher than average because keeping a dog intact is a lot of trouble if you have no intention of breeding that dog and making money off the puppies.

Of course, if that person is also obsessed with data encryption, paranoid, cynical, equally distrustful of both government and corporations, a frequent but not heavy marijuana user, and convinced that 21st Century social media constitutes a plummet into a dangerous new dark age that threatens the very existence of modern civilization rather than really a step forward, then you've probably found yourself a zoophile.
This is absolutely the case, but do keep in mind that most zoophiles probably never heard of the word "zoophile" and probably know little about other zoos. In the case of large-breed intact dogs, I suspect one out of twenty, possibly more. If the dog is intact and obviously not a purebred, then I am thinking, odds of that being a zoo dog are higher than average because keeping a dog intact is a lot of trouble if you have no intention of breeding that dog and making money off the puppies.

Of course, if that person is also obsessed with data encryption, paranoid, cynical, equally distrustful of both government and corporations, a frequent but not heavy marijuana user, and convinced that 21st Century social media constitutes a plummet into a dangerous new dark age that threatens the very existence of modern civilization rather than really a step forward, then you've probably found yourself a zoophile.
why would most zoophiles not know the term zoophile in this day and age? everyone has a fountain of knowledge (the internet) at their fingertips 24/7... i mean, it's the place where i learned what i'm called pretty much by accident maybe 17 years ago.

also, heavily neutering seems to be a thing only in usa. most dogs around here are intact... going by your guesstimate would make half my village zoophiles. it's not really that much of a hassle to keep an intact dog (keeping a female intact can be a bit troublesome because "my milkshake brings all the boys in the yard" but it's easily manageable), vets here don't even push neutering that much

the rest of your reply is too hilarious to take seriously, sorry.