I have never...

I have never stopped wondering why a deer was just having sex while just starring right at me in my backyard. Was he trying to assert dominance? Hek if I know.
IHN had sex with a woman that was also (at the moment) having sex with a dog.
Neither have I, unless you count alcohol, then I did it twice - I don't like drinking and don't plan to ever get into it but my parents suggested I try a sip of two wines, once a few years back on vacation and once this year when we found a bottle of red wine the previous owners had left for us. That one was worse than the last 😂 never tasted something so bad it literally almost made me throw up and spit it out, though I did have a certain kind of soup when I was like 4 that provoked that reaction but I had a stomach sickness or something (and thus now have soup PTSD XD) so I guess it was the closest I've come to spitting anything out since then....... the wine also burned in the back of my throat for a few minutes.......