Have you ever...

lol, yeah, I didn't understand that either and I'm an IT guy...

RSX-11 was the "Assembly Language"/"Machine Language" development environment on the old DEC PDP series of minicomputers. You'd write your code, run it through the assembler,/linker, then run the results. If you screwed something up, you got pointed to a file containing the "core dump" (basically, grab everything in your assigned hunk of memory and turn it into a long string of hexadecimal (or, optionally, octal) numbers so you can start going through it byte-by-byte to figure out what you got wrong) You'd then feed that file to the line-printer, and after collecting the hard-copy, you'd go find a quiet place to alternate between searching for the problem, and crying because you can't find it :)

No pet frogs! :(
HYE had a pet snake?
No snakes here, thanks...

HYE eaten a live bug?
RSX-11 was the "Assembly Language"/"Machine Language" development environment on the old DEC PDP series of minicomputers. You'd write your code, run it through the assembler,/linker, then run the results. If you screwed something up, you got pointed to a file containing the "core dump" (basically, grab everything in your assigned hunk of memory and turn it into a long string of hexadecimal (or, optionally, octal) numbers so you can start going through it byte-by-byte to figure out what you got wrong) You'd then feed that file to the line-printer, and after collecting the hard-copy, you'd go find a quiet place to alternate between searching for the problem, and crying because you can't find it :)

No snakes here, thanks...

HYE eaten a live bug?
RSX-11 was the "Assembly Language"/"Machine Language" development environment on the old DEC PDP series of minicomputers. You'd write your code, run it through the assembler,/linker, then run the results. If you screwed something up, you got pointed to a file containing the "core dump" (basically, grab everything in your assigned hunk of memory and turn it into a long string of hexadecimal (or, optionally, octal) numbers so you can start going through it byte-by-byte to figure out what you got wrong) You'd then feed that file to the line-printer, and after collecting the hard-copy, you'd go find a quiet place to alternate between searching for the problem, and crying because you can't find it :)

No snakes here, thanks...

HYE eaten a live bug?

Yes. I involuntarily eat live ants on a weekly basis. They're everywhere!

HYE caught tadpoles and bullfrogs while wading in swamp water with a 🪣 and "flushing the toilet" behind them?
I have caught bull frogs and tadpoles for fun. Catch and release though, no flushing!

Have you ever caught a wild turtle?
I have! I grew up in Florida so we were always rescuing turtles crossing the street. Sometimes we’d make them pets lol

Have you ever used anything besides milk, in your cereal?
I have! I grew up in Florida so we were always rescuing turtles crossing the street. Sometimes we’d make them pets lol

Have you ever used anything besides milk, in your cereal?
I tried orange juice once. Would not recommend.

Have you ever eaten wild blackberries off the bush?
More than I can count. The creek that ran near the house was so thick with 'em that you could practically walk across on their backs without getting your boots wet above the welt when the run was on. Of course, I wasn't "sport" fishing, so used some rather unorthodox methods... Who needs a fishing pole or net when you've got a pitchfork and a 4 foot gaff hook? :) House reeked of fish for weeks after the run started every year - Canned salmon is AT LEAST as good as tuna, and I can't even guess at how many quart jars of it were still stocked in the basement when I moved out on my own.

Have you ever harvested wild blueberries?
RSX-11 was the "Assembly Language"/"Machine Language" development environment on the old DEC PDP series of minicomputers. You'd write your code, run it through the assembler,/linker, then run the results. If you screwed something up, you got pointed to a file containing the "core dump" (basically, grab everything in your assigned hunk of memory and turn it into a long string of hexadecimal (or, optionally, octal) numbers so you can start going through it byte-by-byte to figure out what you got wrong) You'd then feed that file to the line-printer, and after collecting the hard-copy, you'd go find a quiet place to alternate between searching for the problem, and crying because you can't find it :)

No snakes here, thanks...

HYE eaten a live bug?
This how code is written? 😳
More than I can count. The creek that ran near the house was so thick with 'em that you could practically walk across on their backs without getting your boots wet above the welt when the run was on. Of course, I wasn't "sport" fishing, so used some rather unorthodox methods... Who needs a fishing pole or net when you've got a pitchfork and a 4 foot gaff hook? :) House reeked of fish for weeks after the run started every year - Canned salmon is AT LEAST as good as tuna, and I can't even guess at how many quart jars of it were still stocked in the basement when I moved out on my own.

Have you ever harvested wild blueberries?
No sadly
hye harvested wild mushrooms
No sadly
hye harvested wild mushrooms
Yes. Morels every spring while I was growing up. At least where I grew up, trilliums were the "signal" - When the trilliums start blooming, it's time to start looking for morels and beefsteaks. Gotta be careful with ththe beefsteaks, though - for some people, they're serious bad news, though usually not fatal - just "wish I'd just die and get it over with" miserable. For those who can eat 'em, they's seriously good stuff. Yum!

Haven't harvested mushrooms but have dried them for preservation.

Have you ever tried those magic mushrooms?
Yep, harvested AND ate magic mushrooms. For me, psylocibin is a "Nah, appreciate the offer, but I think I'll just dip into my sack of weed and stuff a bowl/twist a doobie, thanks." item. Same for Lysergsäurediethylamid/Acid/LSD, and mescaline/peyote. Way more intense than I like anymore, and lasts way too long at that excessive intensity for my personal liking for all three.

These days, I "stay ON the grass" pretty much exclusively. Guess that makes me "old school" or some such :)

hye gone skinny-dippin' at 3 in the AM under the full moon while tripping on acid?
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never on psychedelics, but alcohol or xtc multiple times (idk if it counts if it is in my own pool though).
HYE written lewd words on your self (i think the translation is "body writing" sic.)
Umm kind of, if you count strapon stuff I have been in multiple situations where someone has had 3 things in her :
with another girl,
with another couple,
with another girl + dog
with another girl + horse
with another girl + 2 dogs
Fuck typing that out really makes me feel like a right slag but its only because the three of the girl that I had a susstained sexual relationship with sussed me out before hand so I was comfortable exploring.
but i dono what you want to count triple penetration since it would be trivial if masturbation counts, I could just put something in my rear and finger while sucking on a straw:husky_laughing:

Have you ever … lets say happened across… a friend's nudes and masturbated to them.
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Yep, lol

HYE, thrown liquid out the front window, and then have it come back in and hit the person in the back seat? lol
No, but I have done that with a paper ball

HYE witnessed someone get what was coming to them while you were driving?
No, but I have done that with a paper ball

HYE witnessed someone get what was coming to them while you were driving?
Usually, I'm always the fastest driver on the road, but it almost happens once a week when some guy decides he has to be the fastest that day in a known speed trap (by me, at least), and I slow down, and he gets busted. It's funny because I drive it all the time and assholes following me almost always get pissed by me slowing down and decide to blow by me right as they come up on the speed trap. It makes me smile every time they get busted. lol

HYE witnessed a huge wreck while driving?