Deep quotes you heard or made up?

I saw this one in a public bathroom and i remembered it because it stuck with me:

"Only unconditional love can last past a lifetime; that is the universe's love for you."

Thought it was really sweet to be put in a public restroom of all places. I think about it sometimes when I'm sad.
The universe doesn't love anyone though.
The universe doesn't love anyone though.
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them. So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."
"If 'Boring' and 'Unfunny' got married, had a kid, and that kid had his sense of humor surgically removed. That kid would still be funnier than you."
by Jack Handey
When grandpa took his fishing gear and said he'd come back with dinner, we all laughed.
But we weren't laughing when he came back with a whore from town.
  • Danny Green: The rules are simple. At least that's how my brother sees it. One, avoid the infected at all costs. Their breath is highly contagious. Two, disinfect anything they've touched in the last 24 hours. Three, the sick are already dead, they can't be saved. You break the rules, you die. You follow them, you live. Maybe.
"Listen. I am a person of varied intuitions. I have a lot of feelings about a lot of things, and they're rarely wrong, but they're also rarely completely right. That's the nature of the situation. That's a reality we're going to accept. Accept it? No. Yes. Doesn't matter."
"Too many men want to either conquer the world or change the world. The second is nearly as dangerous to living things as the first."
"The young think they are immortal. Those who do not survive that mistake teach a harsh lesson to the rest of us."