Count to ∞!

Gathering of souls and feeding of males ejaculations, I would guess?
For me it is not bad. Big plans to force my SO to be very active in the spring cleaning I have decided will be this days topic. He can see it as extra workout.

How's life for the wolf of the Australian plains?

No smut today, MrsShemon?

To me, the only downside of a zoophilic relationship is the fact that my partner and I cannot have a spoken conversation. I'd love to be able to express how I love and feel about her in words and have her understand them. I'd love to be able to exchange ideas with one another. I'd love to be able to tell her how my day was and tell her if something was bothering me, and vice versa of course.

Love = A+
Sex = A+
Cuddle (when she's in the mood) = A+
Spoken conversation = F-


Oh yeah, they definitely know I love them, and I know they love me. There's no doubt about it, but still... I'd love to be able to express that in words with them. We're social creatures after all. Spoken language about the only thing our relationship is missing... that, and a lifespan to match mine. Otherwise it would be 100% perfect in my opinion.

1176 Windows 98 SE (Smut Edition)

No reaction for that last one... I see how it is!

They understand some words/phrases/commands of course. And I definitely understand doggy body language as well. But it just isn't the same as being able to have a spoken conversation with them. It's something I'd like to have, but can't. But it is the way it is.


Nah, I'm just bustin' your chops a bit! Lol

I definitely said this before on the forum. But the reason I don't consider myself zoo exclusive despite only being in a relationship with non-human animals for the fact that they can't have spoken conversations. So for me, the most ideal scenario would be getting into a relationship with a woman that's also a zoo as well. For the zoo side of things I'd have my female doggy gals, while she'd have a doggy boy of her own. I also wouldn't mind a sort of "zoo beard" situation as well, where the relationship is primarily to have someone human to mutually present to friends and family. We could be intimate with each other if we shall choose, and we could be intimate with our respective animal lovers as well. A win-win situation for all of us. But unfortunately such a situation would be a unicorn to actually have since the ratio of dudes to chicks on here is probably around 17:1.

There's still time for your post to get some traction! Nah, it's probably been long buried in a sea of new dick pics and "Wow ur smexy" posts. Lol

Yes that is sadly a highly unlikely scenario.
Heck just finding a good non zoo partner as a non zoo is not easy. Where both are non exclusive zoo's and both straight? Very rare for such to happen, but not impossible.
Of the gals here many are in a relationship, many are lesbians and many are zoo exclusive. For the remaining single, straight and non zoo exclusive gals there is a huge competition among the guys wanting a zoo girl, way above the level of any actual dating site.
But a decent fellow that is both smart and funny should have a higher chance than most.

Yepp, that post is long forgotten. Unless some people make real of their threats about making the challenge more visible.
I am both relieved and disappointed that the number is not higher, expected more from how I thought people would think about it.