Count to ∞!

She could come into the most random thread topic and then spin it into being "I don't like being part of this community, yet here I am."
There was a thread asking what fetishes people got from e621, and she was the first to post, saying "The only thing e6 gave me was even more hatred." Very negative nancy. She also draws pictures of cats wearing nazi uniforms and giving a heil salute.

Better an edgelord than a dulllord!
true, edgelords are very entertaining.
i just wonder, as someone who routinely calls the users "Absolutely disgusting", and who has shown their blacklist to be a mile long, and also be set to block all non-sfw content (i.e. 80% of the site), why does she continue to use the site, post her own art there, and even moderate?
i have had quite a few favored artists that have nuked their gallery in the past

Murcat nuked her gallery when she changed her account to Pastelcore.
Jazzlioness nuked her gallery when she changed her account to Lynxbrush.
HerrAardy nuked her gallery, privated her social media, ditched her projects, and then disappeared off the internet forever.
Maim and Questly nuked their galleries entirely.
Haliaeetus nuked his gallery because 🥝🧑‍🌾 had a field day on him.
And with Blitzdrachin aka Sifyro, its just a joke - she has nuked her gallery at least four times within the past four years. she does it routinely. it's a wonder she even posts stuff to begin with.