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Breeds in mind, what are good with cats?


So bit of a newbie on this site since I spend most of my time lurking, so forgive me for the shitty post.

I have a few breeds in mind I'd like to get and wanted to know which are fine with cats, since I'd rather keep all my pets alive and safe. I've owned a dog before, so I do roughly know how to handle one, but if there are any special things to note or anything like that and you can speak from experience, do let me know. I would like the dog to be able to handle sex as well, but that is in no way a priority to me, nor is it why I'm getting a dog. Still though, if you can again speak from experience on how well they can handle an average human penis or can confirm what breeds are not compatible, I'd like to know. It won't affect my decision much to be honest, since I mainly want a good companion to love, but good to know beforehand.

Anyway, the breeds I'm interested in are the following (not in any particular order, also, any other recommendations are also welcome):
Central Asian Shepherd Dog
Belgian Shepherd
Australian Shepherd
Labrador Retriever

Again, recommendations welcome, mainly want a dog that's good with cats and can exercise a fair amount (i.e. run a few kilometers comfortably, slightly tired after is fine). And once again, being able to handle sex is also a plus, but not my main focus. Mix recommendations are also welcome, but they'll be more difficult for me to get due to them usually being put up for adoption or sale and them finding a home extremely quickly (obviously a good thing). Again, apologies this post is a mess, if any additional info or whatever is needed I'd be happy to provide it.
Absolutely any dog of any size is good with cats as long as you introduce them properly. Chances are if the dog grows up with cats, he will be ok with them.
Thank you for your input. What about pray drive? Do any of the breeds I listed in particular have a noticeable prey drive or something of the sort? Also in terms of sex, from what I know, Central Asian Shepherd and Labrador Retriever are of the large breed category, so would I be correct to assume they'd be able to handle sex well, or would a bigger breed be better? To me it seems the other breeds I listed wouldn't be preferred, at least that's my assumption.
So bit of a newbie on this site since I spend most of my time lurking, so forgive me for the shitty post.

I have a few breeds in mind I'd like to get and wanted to know which are fine with cats, since I'd rather keep all my pets alive and safe. I've owned a dog before, so I do roughly know how to handle one, but if there are any special things to note or anything like that and you can speak from experience, do let me know. I would like the dog to be able to handle sex as well, but that is in no way a priority to me, nor is it why I'm getting a dog. Still though, if you can again speak from experience on how well they can handle an average human penis or can confirm what breeds are not compatible, I'd like to know. It won't affect my decision much to be honest, since I mainly want a good companion to love, but good to know beforehand.

Anyway, the breeds I'm interested in are the following (not in any particular order, also, any other recommendations are also welcome):
Central Asian Shepherd Dog
Belgian Shepherd
Australian Shepherd
Labrador Retriever

Again, recommendations welcome, mainly want a dog that's good with cats and can exercise a fair amount (i.e. run a few kilometers comfortably, slightly tired after is fine). And once again, being able to handle sex is also a plus, but not my main focus. Mix recommendations are also welcome, but they'll be more difficult for me to get due to them usually being put up for adoption or sale and them finding a home extremely quickly (obviously a good thing). Again, apologies this post is a mess, if any additional info or whatever is needed I'd be happy to provide it.
I dont think you will find a specific breed, each dog has personality as well as depending if raised around cats.
Thank you for your input. What about pray drive?
I am not that much familiar with the breeds. But breed characteristics are not very good metric anyway. Dogs and cats (animals in general) are individual, it is impossible to predict their traits by just the breed.
Raising a puppy around cats should very much ensure a peaceful relationship.
My experience with female dogs is limited. Other people will have to help with that.
Absolutely any dog of any size is good with cats as long as you introduce them properly. Chances are if the dog grows up with cats, he will be ok with them.
This is a particularly good suggestion; getting a pup would be ideal if possible. It would minimize any possibility of fights between feline and canine family members.
Central Asian Shepherds are property guardians, these dogs are intense and do not take kindly to other animals/predators that includes dogs. Even if you owned dogs before, I would not recommend this breed at all unless you live on a lot and I mean a lot of land with a farm and big livestock that need protection.
Aussies are herding dogs and will herd cats and can nip and bite them as well. They work with sheep and cattle so they can be rough with smaller creatures like cats. Cattle need force when moving so a little brush won't work, sometimes a full bite is what works.
Labs are all around good dogs, very little prey drive naturally but can chase things if not properly socialized, bored or intrigued. Lab would be the best choice out of the 4 listed.
Belgians Sheps, I don't know much about other than its known as a Belgian Sheepdog and comes in 4 coat varieties and it is not a Malinois. Probably a little less intense but still a working dog that needs a farm to work on.