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Avatars, are you using your own or taking someone else's material?

Do you use someone elses material as your avatar or has someone used your material as avatar?

  • A) Yes, I use an avatar of material I did not create.

  • A) No, I created my own avatar.

  • B) Yes, I have seen my material used as an avatar and pisses me the hell off.

  • B) Yes, I have seen my material used as an avatar and it makes me proud \ don't care

Results are only viewable after voting.
This was on duckduckgo.

I didn't want to post a picture of an actual dog, because people may think i'm an owner and get confused.
All of mine have been stolen. My current one was drawn by RedRaptor16 from Fur Affinity (who does some amazing stuff). I'll probably never use anything of my own, as I can't draw and I won't be sending anyone any dick pics or anything let alone using one as my pfp
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Our Beast Forum avatars (we met on BF) were original work. Our current one is from the internet because it looks a lot like my fiancee's longtime companion and lover when he was younger.
It’s my butt...I’d hope no one else is using it lol. In all fairness, I use it and this screen name in hopes that a couple people from beastforum if they’re here recognize them.

Yes we do; hard to forget a nice butt <3. We suggest you contact Saddlebum or Wombat for information re the Beast Forum Group!
I remember back in the good ole BF days I would scour my videos for hours over several days to make sure there was no identifiable things on them, which in turns means I remember every single frame of them.

That brings me to this poll, How many of you use material that someone else created or posted as an avatar? I personally have seen at least 17 members using my material, which pisses me the hell off at first, but then I remember I put that name to rest and that includes ownership of that material and then it makes me a little proud.

My current avatar is a modified animated version of a non zoo meme I found to be extremely cute.

On that same note, how many of you have seen your material used as an avatar? Do you care? Does it bother you or make you proud?

I voted for the first and last.

Please feel free to elaborate and tell your story :)
I am a little different. I did not create my avatar, but it was created specifically for me (thank you to the several people over the years that have created different versions, all of them I like).

I have seen more than person that has used my material as their avatar. I do not mind. I am in many ways happy that they like my material enough to use it. I also see gifs of my material out there, and I see my material spread around all over the place. While I am happy people like my material, I do wish I would get credit for it. All too often my watermarks are removed which makes me sad others can claim it as theirs, or at the very least people wondering who made it don't know, but,, is what it is I guess. The nature of the internet.
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I remember back in the good ole BF days I would scour my videos for hours over several days to make sure there was no identifiable things on them, which in turns means I remember every single frame of them.

That brings me to this poll, How many of you use material that someone else created or posted as an avatar? I personally have seen at least 17 members using my material, which pisses me the hell off at first, but then I remember I put that name to rest and that includes ownership of that material and then it makes me a little proud.

My current avatar is a modified animated version of a non zoo meme I found to be extremely cute.

On that same note, how many of you have seen your material used as an avatar? Do you care? Does it bother you or make you proud?

I voted for the first and last.

Please feel free to elaborate and tell your story :)
Does it count that I purchase the photo that I used? I mean, I could use a photo of my balls instead of sexy deer balls if everyone prefers!
Does it count that I purchase the photo that I used? I mean, I could use a photo of my balls instead of sexy deer balls if everyone prefers!
Hmmmmm..... I guess if you have total license for it, then it is indeed your material.
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found my boye on e621, i love this pic, some hot horny passive stallion. i use it for rp too hehe
I had an original photo of my dogs as my avatar. A member (I don't know if he'll like it if I mentioned his name so I'm not going to) downloaded my profile pic and made it into a gif and reuploaded it for me to add it my profile pic after I asked him if uploading a gif for the profile pic was the same process as a photo. I like what he did to it. Reminds me of the good old days of dropping acid. So far, I haven't seen my stuff on someone else's shit.
I answered A, B, and C.
A and B because my Avatar is a pic of my t-shirt (so it’s mine), but I didn’t draw it (so it’s not mine).
And C because I’ve seen my tits and pussy pics used in other people’s profiles on other sites and it pisses me off! Don’t act like they’re yours!
Usually I'm using avatar pictures of myself. At the moment, though, i'm using a picture i found on an imageboard.