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  1. DaneStallion

    Suggestion for mods: filter threads by media

    Forgive me if this is the wrong place to make suggestions or provide feedback, or if this has been suggested and denied before. But this site is such a great resource for people, and could be even greater if users had the simple ability to filter threads, or even specific forums, to see posts...
  2. Knutshack

    Adding more specific areas for each country for personal ads and meetup such as north west, south west, south east, north east, etc.

    I'm from UK and most of the ads I've found are posted from the north of UK, I'm from south east and it's rare for me to find anyone else from.the same region My suggestions is that, within each country, such as United Kingdom, there could be further sections named North West, North East, South...
  3. iwanttobeabottom

    Glass butt plug suggestions

    In the last few months, I've gotten into playing with butt plugs and am looking for your expert opinions on what I can next put in my ass. The bigger one on the right is my go-to these days: It's usually the one I'll wear to work or just out and about if I go somewhere. Sometimes though, it...
  4. Bloit

    Suggestion: Auto-merge plugin for subsequent posts.

    So, there's quite some users that just don't have the mental capacity to understand they can edit posts, and sometimes post reply after reply after reply to a single thread, when rambling on... I just stumbled upon this plugin for XenForo...
  5. Parejazoolover

    Do you think the site should have some alert sound to notify us of new messages?

    I feel that this happens to many of us, and it usually happens that we receive messages and we don't know it because there is no type of alert or anything that lets us know with a sound, they believe that there is some possibility that this is possible.
  6. T

    Suggestion: Add sub-folders to the male/male porn sections.

    Hi, all. My suggestion is to add something like "active human" and "active animal" subsections for the male with male canine/equine/other sections. This would allow users to better find content with humans penetrating animals that's currently most buried in videos of animals penetrating...
  7. IAmAFunGuy

    Way to list gender and pronouns:

    I feel like there should be an optional blank here to write your desiered pronouns and your gender here:
  8. IAmAFunGuy

    Profile "About" Change

    I noticed that the "About" page on our profiles has a characters limit of 10,000. I was wonder if it would be possible to make it so that there is no limit on the number of characters you can have in your "About" page. The reason I want this is because I put lots of links on my about page...
  9. M

    The perfect dildo - collecting ideas for a project

    Hi, I am very interested in collecting your personal opinion about non-human sex toys and i would greatly appreciate any kind of feedback you can give, i'm just asking a few questions to see if i can create something (atm as a personal project) that could satisfy a lot of you or even everyone...
  10. IAmAFunGuy

    Profile Feature Suggestion

    So I know admins can pin threads to the top of certain parts of the forum. I think it would be awesome if users could pin a message on their profile, so it would always be on the top. I'm sure this wouldn't be easy to implement, but it would be amazing.
  11. IAmAFunGuy

    Articles of Research Section Suggestion

    I think it would be awesome if the admins could add a "Book" prefix to the list of available ones. Cause otherwise there isn't a good way to categorize books, unless you just put it under "Zoo Research and Data".
  12. D

    Can we have a save as draft feature?

    I really would love to start on writing stories but kinda on a busy schedule because of the pandemic and all and I really hate opening up a new word or notepad with the bajillion windows open from my work. I hoped for a save as draft feature so that whenever I visit back on this site, I could...
  13. K9FurLife

    Suggestion for the Personal Ads & Meetup Section

    Hi ZooVille, Thanks so much for setting up this amazing website! Hopefully this subject matter is in the right place. I have a suggestion for the Personal Ads & Meetup section. I love that it's broken up into different regions and then by states for the USA. I'm in California and one challenge...