
  1. sandypaws

    FTM here, very new. Age is 18-22

    I am honestly very hesitant to be here, not sure what I am looking for, but hoping to get involved in the community somewhat, and meet more trans folk too. <3 I am a closet furry as well. I am very attracted to pigs for the most part, as well as horses and dogs. I’ve never engaged or practiced...
  2. HorseLoverPerv

    23M Obsessed with horse ass

    Hello everyone. I’ve been here a while but never made on of these. I’ve completely obsessed with big, thick horse asses and their donuts. Male or female. So exciting. I want to make a telegram group so like minded people can chat there. Message me if you’re interested.
  3. traye

    Wanting to get with a horse, anybody know how.

    Hello, New to the forum and I've been wondering how do you find a horse to fuck, especially if you don't own one.
  4. Z

    Favourite horses

    Love to see all your gorgeous horses. Here’s mine.
  5. D

    Taste? Smell?

    What does dog dick taste like and smell like? Its semen too. Also horses.
  6. Equinecocklover


    Hi, new member here. Just wanted to introduce my self. I mainly here to talk to like minded people and explore. I'm very interested in all things equine. Not really sure when it all started and why I like it to much. I'm just really sick of keeping this side of me locked away and hidden. Look...
  7. elijadarkfur

    Cheers from Cologne

    Hey folks, Oliver from Cologne here. 45, single, and deeply into horses and all kinds of equines since I was 12(ish). Happy having found this after being "away from forums" after the shutdown of the BF. Good to be back, I already seemd to have found some names which I remember. Have an amazing...
  8. C

    Question for active horse lovers

    Hello, I am new to this community but i have been interested in horses for over a decade. Though I am not an active member of this community, I have begun writing short stories for my own personal consumption. Recently I have been striving to write more accurate and realistic scenes. I've...
  9. luke jagger

    How to train your body for a equine

    Heeyo everyone, i hope y'all feel good and happy. I was wondering on how to train your body (specially your b-hole) to take a average equine's dick ? I've trained with a XL soft chance unflared, a XL vector is on its way too. I was wondering if it was enpoough or is there like specific ways to...
  10. dogandponyshow

    Most realistic horse toy?

    My very specific desire is to be able to play with a horse urethra with my tongue while I jerk off. Does anybody have recommendations as to what horse dildo would have the most accurate mouthfeel?
  11. Z

    Horse Cocks and Fisting?

    I am interested in knowing weather those who are into taking horse cocks are also into taking a fist? I am a gay male and have been into fisting for years before thinking and fantasising of taking a horse cock and would like to know if there are crossovers for others between the two?
  12. C

    Fantasies about zoophilia being widely accepted

    Ever fantasized about zoophilia being a widely accepted sexuality, just as (most of) the other sexualities are? Imagine zoo farms where properly trained, healthy, and happy animals can mount or be mounted by a loving human with no fear or shame! It would probably cost a decent amount of money...
  13. foxfurry

    Traveling for First time Mare, any suggestions?

    Hello, I’ve been around for while, just a little bit of a lurker. I have a dilemma and I’d like some valid input and opinions before I move forward but first I’ll try to explain. I talked with a long time friend recently who I haven’t seen in some years, a female who is engaged, her partner is...
  14. BeteDeBalo

    Most realistic horse dildo?

    Like is Chance the best shot or are there any other places that make really good and really lifelike equine toys?
  15. H

    First post a small story and maybe some advice

    Just wanted to start this off by saying hi I'm glad to be here and I hope to be kind of active here and get to know you all! As for the story I decided to share it because I think this started my slight interest in this stuff and I'm hoping to do it again at some point. To keep it short last...
  16. pasiphae

    Equine roleplay?

    Anyone interested??