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Verified Members

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just wondering if there is a badge or banner that could be added to a profile image that identifies is as "verified members."

after being harassed the past couple of weeks by a user claiming that i am a fraud and a man, even after uploading a pic proving otherwise, it might be a nice and easy(?) way for people to add a layer of credibility without having to constantly "verify" our reality. my AFF profile does it, and it was easy enough to take a pic satisfying the moderators that i am authentic, and for those who are reluctant to post images or vids, only the mods would see these images and could discard them once a user is verified.

just a thought.
I personally verify you milf, we've talked a lot and I've seen enough to tell people you're legit.❤
Natürlich ist es nicht in Ordnung, dass Benutzer belästigt und aufgefordert werden, aber ich bin auch nicht für eine Überprüfung. Sollte dies passieren, wird es hier im Forum sicherlich sehr ruhig sein. Jeder kennt die soziale Ausgrenzung von Zoos und viele Benutzer hätten viel zu verlieren, wenn sie in der Öffentlichkeit auftreten würden. Anonymität ist hier sehr wichtig. Jeder kann selbst entscheiden, mit wem er sprechen möchte und mit wem nicht.
That’s why I left another zoo site....they implemented a “verification” procedure for the purpose of verifying your sex. I’m a male, I think I specified that on signup. I don’t see the need to prove it.
That’s why I left another zoo site....they implemented a “verification” procedure for the purpose of verifying your sex. I’m a male, I think I specified that on signup. I don’t see the need to prove it.
Zoosbook is a shitty page and not only because the verification thing. It has another annoying issues
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Holy hell! That's very concerning and in my opinion super shady as hell. There is ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING WAY that I'm giving ZooBook access to my Facebook! That's just asking for trouble, especially if ZoosBook ever suffered a data breach OR one of the Admins on there went haywire and started outing zoos.
While I am deeply sympathetic to any women getting harassed by other members, I am completely against this idea, even an ostensibly voluntary form. There's no benefit at all to verifying one's gender or sex as 'authentic' as all genders and sexes are equally welcome. Transgender and intesex people will be further marginalized and subjected to scrutiny which nobody on the planet has the right to impose on them. To say nothing of the privacy invasion this would create as users, all of whom I expect would be women suspected to be men, would feel pressure to step outside of their comfort zone in order to gain acceptance. To say nothing still about whether the site operators are themselves trustworthy with that kind of information (sorry, but running a cool site counts for exactly nothing in my book).

Trust and reputation are earned over time, both in real life and on forums concerning delicate topics, and there is no way to speedrun this process without creating an especially toxic and pointless version of Checkmark Twitter, and risking the site's open and relatively welcoming environment by stratifying users into "somebodies" or "nobodies" based entirely on their risk tolerance, attractiveness, access to animals, willingness to produce content, or whether they're famous or well connected.

If someone can't fap to something you post without first being sure you meet their standard of beauty or orientation, that is 100% their problem, not yours. If someone wants to meet you but doesn't trust you are who you say you are, you are not obligated to do anything special, and they can fuck right off out a window.

My name is àqua, I am a blue sphere with Opinions, and my gender is, apparently, a unicorn emoji. I am not concerned with credibility, and I think you shouldn't be either.


Very well put.
Why not have a closed section for verified people. Other Forums have done that and its a good way I think.
You don´t take anything away from thosewho don´t want to verify and you give something unique to those who do. And it does not have to show up in a profile at all. Given the systems I know only allow either females, couples or petowners to verify.
I had very good expiriances with systems like that. Beeing verified means you can go to the closed section and know that the people there are verified, witch also means the contacts are just a lot better. Sorry thats how it is. Normally the verification is with video via something like qtox so no personal information have to exchange.
If you want to meet people you can use the private messaging system to work out your own arrangements to verify each other .........it’s not rocket science
True. Additionally, verification of the kind that usually happens here is no guarantee that the person isnt a troll or a stalker....just that he/she was smart enough to find a new nick that worked for re entry. Having been the target of an attempted Dox last week, I speak from experience. Do the work of getting to know the person you want to meet. Your dick or your twat can wait.
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Holy hell! That's very concerning and in my opinion super shady as hell. There is ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING WAY that I'm giving ZooBook access to my Facebook! That's just asking for trouble, especially if ZoosBook ever suffered a data breach OR one of the Admins on there went haywire and started outing zoos.
They should add the ability to upload the passport photo page, mobile number and home address to be SUPER VERIFIED
They should add the ability to upload the passport photo page, mobile number and home address to be SUPER VERIFIED
nahhh....Lets simplify....Your Drivers license or ID SHOULD BE A "Real ID chipped document". If its good enough for Homeland Security, it should be good enough.
nahhh....Lets simplify....Your Drivers license or ID SHOULD BE A "Real ID chipped document". If its good enough for Homeland Security, it should be good enough.
China has already beaten you to that one. I do believe they require IDs for access to domestic forums. What a living holy nightmare.
just wondering if there is a badge or banner that could be added to a profile image that identifies is as "verified members."

after being harassed the past couple of weeks by a user claiming that i am a fraud and a man, even after uploading a pic proving otherwise, it might be a nice and easy(?) way for people to add a layer of credibility without having to constantly "verify" our reality. my AFF profile does it, and it was easy enough to take a pic satisfying the moderators that i am authentic, and for those who are reluctant to post images or vids, only the mods would see these images and could discard them once a user is verified.

just a thought.
Well for a man, you got some amazing tits. 😂🤣
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