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Ever been caught masturbating???

Well, for one thing, notice I said I TRIED to kill myself. I did go through with it, but I survived. I won't divulge the method, as I don't want to give people ideas, but I was literally the first person any of the doctors or nurses who oversaw me at the hospital ever saw survive the method I used. I was 20 at the time, and it's been about a year and a half, and my mother still has my phone and all my decent computers locked away. I'm on here now via a laptop I used years ago that I revived.
@DinoRawr after hearing about that, I take that back. She's not a sick fuck, and I'm glad she's accepted your attraction...... sorry I just get really pissed at people that don't accept us and oppress us over something completely harmless like that. A shock for a non zoo is understandable, really. So I'm glad she's cool with it now :)
When I was early teens I was in the garage in our new car (Hillman avenger) with my legs through the steering wheel! Having one off the wrist when my dad walked in looking for me. He walked out pretty quick, never sure if he saw what I was up to but certainly wasn't gonna ask him!!🤣
when i was real little, i was to young to have the talk by my parents about sex or stuff like that. all i knew was that if i rubbed my dick against the bathroom wall it made me feel good and so i did. my brother walked in on me going to town on the wall
I am quite sure my younger sister spied through the keyhole into my room when I was masturbating but I think she was too young to realize what I was doing at that moment. When I recognized that somebody is at my door she ran into her bedroom.
I have had my little sisters walk in on me quite a few times. Once as i was nutting smh. It was the most painfully awkward experience in my life.
@DinoRawr after hearing about that, I take that back. She's not a sick fuck, and I'm glad she's accepted your attraction...... sorry I just get really pissed at people that don't accept us and oppress us over something completely harmless like that. A shock for a non zoo is understandable, really. So I'm glad she's cool with it now :)
I didn't see that message until just now (otherwise I would've responded a long time ago). Thank you for taking it back. Whenever I express my inner strife around it, she'll pretty much tell me how people get off on things I could probably never even fathom (yeah, I think it's safe to say I already knew that...) and basically I have no reason to feel shame for what I fantasize about. She pretty much chalks it up to me being a horny young buck experimenting with my sexuality. So yeah, she's really not a sick fuck.

This is for you Dino

LMAO!!!!! That was HILARIOUS!!! I must be part horse or something, I guess, as stegos sure get me going 🍆 🍆

I have to tag you now, @Stegosaur's Lover as I think you'll like that one too.