
I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't looked into it
You should take a look, really, you'll learn things about how zooville, a website for zoophiles, is in reality directed by lurkers.
Yes; I agree with you. Maybe there are no "real zoo" against "beastialists".
But, today, I know, when someone is more than 30y old, and claiming itself as a zoophile, if he doesn't own an animal, something is wrong in his mind.
That's, in my mind, the disctinction between "real zoophiles" and "the others".
I'm tired of talking to people who are only looking for porn, and asking for meet with people's animals.
Yah...no. That's a hard disagree with me.
Honestly now that my brain is more awake, I think what what I was more confused about is that I expected more people to be more expressive about their romantic attraction to animals as well as the sexual attraction like I am, since that's what being zoo--in my case--is to me.
In a way, romantic feelings can be more personal than the "technical" side of sexuality. At least that is how it is for me. I surely have posted many bits of personal information over the months, but I haven't revealed my animals' names or shown images of them for example, at least partly for the sake of pseudonymity. Maybe that is one reason why I am not inclined to post about emotions a lot—it is not a cosy, private place, if I'm cautious to not even refer to my companions by their names.
In a way, romantic feelings can be more personal than the "technical" side of sexuality. At least that is how it is for me. I surely have posted many bits of personal information over the months, but I haven't revealed my animals' names or shown images of them for example, at least partly for the sake of pseudonymity. Maybe that is one reason why I am not inclined to post about emotions a lot—it is not a cosy, private place, if I'm cautious to not even refer to my companions by their names.
I can udnerstand that greatly
Honestly now that my brain is more awake, I think what what I was more confused about is that I expected more people to be more expressive about their romantic attraction to animals as well as the sexual attraction like I am, since that's what being zoo--in my case--is to me.
I think the recent term zoosexual is more accurate to me, but when I first got here I kinda expected more people to be like that as well. Obviously, attractions are different for everyone and there's no right or wrong way to be attracted to animals, y'know?
Sexual feelings is just as valid as romantic ones and vice versa.
I never had anything against bestialists (after a I learned what a they are at the roots, anyway) but I was (and still sorta am I think) surprised that more people are concerned with sex more than romantic attractions. Which is okay in my book. Doesn't mean they don't care about the animal. I was just a bit surprised I guess :p
I guess a romantic attraction is just a very special flavor that is rare even among zoos. Doesn't mean the majority doesn't love their animals, but maybe not exactly in the romantic kinda way. There are many different flavors of love in the mix for Zoos already: Paternal/Maternal love, love as a friend, love as a family member / imaginary sibling, etc. Romantic love is certainly among all those examples, but might not be as far spread as you anticipated. As I said before, the only true common denominator among us all is our (sexual) attraction towards animals. All other aspects are highly subjective.
Is zooville as zoo-ey as it’s supposed to be? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It is a site where actual zoos can talk about their romantic side. (y)
And that's something awesome that can't be done just anywhere. :eek:

Could the Personal Ads be a resource for finding people that are gushing in a moment of softness?
Softness is important. (y)

I've been with pets I was soft for. ? And farm stock. that I hard for. ? And many points in between. ?

What happens when something pulls at the tight seal that our societies place on sex and sexuality?
One possible result, masturbating to hippo videos while waiting for message replies. ? ✉ :D

I struggle with finding a word that means "non-judgemental".
The concept is so important that, we don't have a word for it. ?
Alternatively I've said "open minded". Still, it's not a word. And it sounds like your brain might accidentally fall out. :eek:
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I was always fine with the porn tbh.
So am I, pardner; generally, the porn here is crummy, but better than nothing. The written porn is better, but the visuals are short, and good ones few and far between. But that really wasn't my point. Its here to stay, as long as the site is alive. More, it KEEPS the site valuable to the advertisers, such as they are.
In general: If people ended up reading this thread, they're (you're) probably not the ones we're talking about as lurkers. (I originally guessed at 80%, but BojackFR found the thread I was talking about, and it was more like 60% were lurkers.) We can debate all we want, but I think the weird truth is that all these words won't even be noticed by a large portion of ZV's clientelle. Unless we posted this in the Meetups section!

As for gatekeeping and such, I definitely think we can advocate for healthy relationships without making it some kind of all-or-nothing line in the sand. As such, all of us posting in General are sharing our ideas and creating this zoo community, regardless of the time we spend in the porn section or our own status as caretakers of animals. And as long as we can continue to do that without driving eachother away with angry words, this community can survive.
"zoo" vs "zoo exclusive" next?
I don't think you could put words on that feelings.
For example, after stopping for years to trying to meet other zoos, I put an ad in this forum.
I received a pm of a guy, explain how he have discovered zoophilia. He was explaining he wanted to see a womand with a dog.
So, he bought a dog. He found a girl. But the dog didn't want to mount her.
So, after 2 years, he left the dog "because his new house was not big enought, and he was unhappy"... Fuck this kind of man.
I don't know if they are zoo, not zoos, beastialists or something else.
But I don't think this kind of guy have anything to do on a zoo-board.
I don't think you could put words on that feelings.
For example, after stopping for years to trying to meet other zoos, I put an ad in this forum.
I received a pm of a guy, explain how he have discovered zoophilia. He was explaining he wanted to see a womand with a dog.
So, he bought a dog. He found a girl. But the dog didn't want to mount her.
So, after 2 years, he left the dog "because his new house was not big enought, and he was unhappy"... Fuck this kind of man.
I don't know if they are zoo, not zoos, beastialists or something else.
But I don't think this kind of guy have anything to do on a zoo-board.
I wouldn't call someone a zoo for an interest to see other people have sex with animals. Zoos are rather people who are erotically attracted to animals themselves. I wouldn't call someone who doesn't engage in bestiality a bestialist either. But the person apparently had a fascination with, a voyeuristic interest in bestiality. A board were bestiality porn is shared for others to see seems to be a good place for "zoo-voyeurs" actually.

Of course we should discourage people from getting an animal only or mostly to fulfill a sexual desire, be it voyeuristic or about own involvement, because that is not nearly enough of a basis for living with an animal and likely to lead to unhappiness of the non-human and/or human like in your example. Maybe we could discourage them better, but we can only discourage people who come here.
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Yes, but when it comes to take decision for this board, for example with the poll about the equibooru case, this guy got the same power as me when voting.
But I AM a zoophile, and HE IS NOT a zoophile, only a voyeur / lurker.
That's why, IMO, zooville IS NOT "zoo"ville.
When you ask zoophile "Well guy, there is a board, equibooru, and there are published some of stolen private video, do you want to keep the partner with them ?" he will certainly answer "Fucking NO ! maybe my private content could be published on that board !"
If you ask Zoovile's member, you are getting a large majority of people who are saying "YES ! keep the partner, because we don't produce content, we are only lurker and voyeur". And that's what happened with equibooru, for example.
But I'm new here, and I'm sure there are some older examples here.

The question is not knowing if he is doing the right or the wrong way. It's not about zoophile Vs beastiality.
It's just about "zoo"ville.
Just as with BF, it seems that 90% of the members (including me) are male, and of course many of the guys (including me) love porn. However, I think it's unrealistic to expect anyone to like every aspect of a website. I have my favorite areas, and there are areas I rarely, or never, visit.

I view it as a buffet dinner. I enjoy the foods I like and avoid the foods I don't like. I know there are others with different tastes, so I don't expect to like everything.
Yes, but the buffet dinner is not "really for you". There is no problem if you eat, because there are sooooooooo many foods on the buffet.
But when the cook comes and ask "What do you wanna eat next time ?", if everyone answer, it's a mess.
Of course the majority of users are male. Human nature isn't gonna change. Females who are into this as porn consumers are around, but less likely to let that be known. Gals into this as a kink, or as a paraphilia are going to be scarce, simply because they still have a great deal to lose getting caught at it.
Reality says only a percentage of people into this either way will come here. A smaller percentage will stay around. Yet smaller numbers will comment on anything. The smallest number will be active women looking for a human relationship along with their critter. Those ladies could be considered "Holy Grail" , but you're looking at one in a million, likely. Whatever you seek, its probably here. How much time are you willing to dedicate to finding it?
Someone mentioned earlier that some people aren't good at communicating their romantic attractions or longings or feelings. And I feel like many could feel that way, so that could be a big variable.

the romantic side of things was much more of a big deal to me before i had an animal of my own to take care of and have a sexual relationship with. before that, it was easier to romanticize such things, and to some extent, still is with species that i'm attracted to that i don't have my own to take care of. do i still have romantic feelings for animals? sure, of course! that's where the lack of communication skills tends to come in.
A lot of times the romantic side of things is a very personal experience which isn't likely to interest others so it doesn't come up a lot. I have a lot of very personal, intimate non-sexual contact with the dogs, but I don't discuss them as they're not interesting to others except in the occasional threads where someone wants to hear about them. I don't think it's much different for the average person, be they straight or gay. The experience is important to the individual, but not very interesting to others who don't have an investment in the relationship.

Who wants to hear details about me seeing my girl laying in her favorite chair, me coming up to stroke her face, tail wagging as she pushes into my hand until I go in with my face and we rub cheeks for a minute. It's a pleasant image, happened this morning, but I don't think it offers much for others to comment on, so doesn't come up that often except in specific circumstances. It may be a big thing to me, but not so much for others.

I don't have much draw for porn and if it all vanished tomorrow it would take me a while to even notice. I'm not anti-porn, I just don't care. My personal opinion is that the porn makes for a poor sight should a non-zoo show up to see whats going on. There have been non-porn forums, but none I am aware of have been very successful thus far, which I sometimes find a little sad.
There is alot of "wholesome" zoo threads on zooville and we try our best to have categorys seperating fetish desires from zoo discussion. ZV donesn't discriminate on the type of zoo or bestialists that come here.

So long as there is no abusive content or promotion of zoo sadism, everyone can find a home on ZV.
I’m very much a zoo myself, ie I have a strong romantic interest in female dogs and I get that most people on here are more of the friends-with-benefits types or bestialists as they’re called and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve been treating this forum mostly as a means to get a better understanding of my own sexual and romantic orientations and whenever I come across someone I think might be similarly inclined I usually reach out and I encourage others to do the same.
The forum has its flaws but it’s lead me to some really great niches in the community and so far one member I can call my first zoo friend so I have nothing to complain about ?
I'm gonna put my two cents in.

Some lurkers, like myself, are true zoophiles. I only lurk, though, because I rarely have anything to say. I'm also a bit shy and tend to avoid topics like these that stir up a ruckus.

If you're here for the porn, that's fine. If you're here for the community, that's great! But if you're here just to find someone who'll let you fuck their dog, well... that's basically soliciting for sex, and that's something I don't appreciate. Any true zoo would only "share" their animals with people they trust, if with anyone at all. True zoos aren't going to pimp out their animal lovers or look for any animal they can fuck.

I don't have a problem with the lurkers, per se. I have a problem with the people who make an account simply to hook up using the personal ad sections. Using them for meetups is fine, though, and that should honestly be done more often! I know I'd at least benefit from meeting other zoos in my area!

TL;DR: If you're only here to get laid, go find some other site to call home.