


It’s very early in the morning and I’m sure this is just me and my tired brain being dumb, but does anyone else get the vibe that zooville isn’t as zoo-ey as it’s supposed to be? It feels more like another beast forum to me and dominated by people here just for the porn and taboo.
I’m just as horny and sexual as the next degenerate, but I can’t seem to find the people having a gushing moment of “holy shit animals are so pretty I’m soft for them” y’know? I’m not saying people here are fakers just because they focus on the porn. Tbh I come here mostly for that too so call me a hypocrite (hippo-crite because animals haha I’m tired), but you’d think a zoo site would be less beast forum and more zoo forum with a bit more of a quote end-quote, “wholesome” area than beast forums. Idk what the word I’m looking for is. It’s not wholesome but it’s really the only thing I can think of atm. I have no clue if anything I’m saying is making sense XD
Like. It feels like just another site to get off to animals more than it feels like a site where actual zoos can talk about not just their sexual side but also their romantic. Y’know?
I’m probably looking in the wrong places, though, so who knows. ?‍♀️

Now that my brain is more or less functioning again, I think what I was more or less feeling initially was surprise that everyone experiences their attraction to animals differently and people express those attractions even MORE differently.
It should have been common sense from the get go, if I'm honest, and I did a poor job of explaining that to begin with. But something I'd like to go ahead and throw out there is that:
A.) I never really had a problem with the porn here or lewdness to begin with. Is this site perfect? Of course not. But what site is? And my grievances don't really have anything to do with lewdness in and of itself. I'm fine with the mature content and discussion here. That was never in doubt.

B.) I don't have a problem with anyone here "just being in it for the porn" or anything like that. And I'm firmly against people calling others "fake zoos" or "posers" or telling them "they're being a zoo wrong." Of course if they're advocating the harm of animals or harming animals, that's one thing. But what I'm talking about is labeling someone a "fake zoo" because they don't talk about the "wholesome" side of being a zoo or have that attraction. Someone pointed out that being a zoophile is strictly about being attracted to animals. It doesn't really specify much outside of that. I think what I was more expecting were those who were more of what people are now saying, "zoosexuals" (something I myself identify with.) The difference (to the best of my knowledge thus far and how I identify with the term) is someone who is also ROMANTICALLY attracted to them and capable of an emotional bond.
I think THAT'S what I was mostly expecting and was surprised when I didn't see it at first. Was I upset about that discovery? Nope. Not even a little bit. Just surprised because, like I said, I didn't realize that people can experience attractions differently.

NOTE: If I define something incorrectly, please let me know :)c
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I'm still too new to really judge but so far I've read posts from several folks who seem genuinely zoo. I'm sure that we are the minority though.
I get the feeling most traffic on sites like these will be the bestialists, but there are some zoos here. I've been scrolling through the New Posts area (https://www.zooville.org/whats-new/posts/) and marking the whole forum as read each time, and there's been enough good discussion, but I kind of wish I could hide the porn and meetup forums on that page. (It's a lot of scrolling!)
I think the user base would look quite different, smaller and more to your liking, if porn wasn't allowed here. I have fond memories of the zoophilesdestiny forum—it's what I think of at the moment. On the other hand you said that you are mostly here for the porn, too, @doggo_deer, so maybe you would miss something else in a more zooey community then.
It just depends who you talk to. Most people won't say anything about anything because they are a little to on the cautious side. But some people you talk to are more than happy to discuss things with you, the lustful and the passionate side of being a zoo. The connections and the sex with animals :3 the cute turn ons and what makes you get so attached and connected to them and the parts that keep you hard 24/7 in your pants XD
yeah but who really needs the distinction. I'm willing to bet your definition of zoo's is a small minority in this site. Most people here love their animals and do indeed get horny and do stuff with them. So porn exists. But after the "deed is done" you can go to the entire other half of the website where it is just zoo's talking about being zoo's.

I wouldn't frequent a website that discouraged lewd conversations because I'm not hiding from what sexuality is. Most people are going to come here for that.
Also ignoring the logistics of having to run an entire other website when countless other porn sites specific for that purpose exist.
People are indeed "Wholesome" about zoophilia and shit here, just give it a chance and try interacting with those posts then. and ignore the posts about how perfect the canine penis is etc.
Well, most of the conversation on this site is by about thirty people. There was once a very specific poll that happened to split people based on that 'zoophile/bestialist' axis, and it looked like only the zoophiles ever made conversation in that thread. So it looks like 80% of the people who use this site also aren't conversing in these threads.

(I guess that also means that everyone who's replying is at least that much more community-minded, even if they're brusque and don't fulfill your Happy Zooey Times hopes!)
I'm just questionning myself about this king of question too.
I'm from France, and in France, we have a kind of "zoo only" board. And, year after year, there were less and less topics and messages.
Today, I'm looking for zooville, because there are sooooo much content to read and topic to participate with.
But, yes, this "beastiality side" sometimes fears me.
For example, there is, in "Partner Site" tabs in the main menu, a link to EquiBoroo. And, as far as I know, this website is really not recommanded for zoo, and like BF was doing before, they steal content from "real" zoos, and use those content to make traffic, and I think money.

So, yes, you're right, there are, in my opinion, too many beatialists here, but if you remove them, the board himself will auto destruct because you reall y CAN'T make a zoo only board, there are not enought people.

EDIT : As far as I'm looking for "reals zoos" (I mean people who have balls, and make their life to have their animal, not the people who are crying "ho my god, I can't have a dog, 'cause of my dog/parents/wife/mother/anything else)", it's not really easy to find them here.
I think I found 5 or 6, but not more for now.
I think you are just pointing out the reality of things. There is always going to be that group of lurkers who are only here for the porn. And the other reality is that those who are genuinely community oriented whom aren't just in it to try and find zoo partners or use animals for sex, are simply a small amount. I have waves myself, visit here to check out the wonderful content. And only when I am in a real nice mood do I come here and converse with people. Because in general, people have been really nice and understanding here.

And you can't get rid of "Beastials" because that defines most zoo's, most of the time. With how scarce a community like this is, people should focus on coagulating the community rather than fragmenting it.

What you are describing is just what happens to ANY COMUNITY. the elitist"top end" of the community get annoyed by the "newcomers" to that community so much so to the point where gatekeeping happens.

A zoo can be a50 year old rancher who has kept his secret quiet all his life. Or it can be the 22 year old who genuinely loves his dog so much, he extends that intimacy to sex, and thus finds himself on a forum like this, as he is trying to find his place in the world.
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I'm just questionning myself about this king of question too.
I'm from France, and in France, we have a kind of "zoo only" board. And, year after year, there were less and less topics and messages.
Today, I'm looking for zooville, because there are sooooo much content to read and topic to participate with.
But, yes, this "beastiality side" sometimes fears me.
For example, there is, in "Partner Site" tabs in the main menu, a link to EquiBoroo. And, as far as I know, this website is really not recommanded for zoo, and like BF was doing before, they steal content from "real" zoos, and use those content to make traffic, and I think money.

So, yes, you're right, there are, in my opinion, too many beatialists here, but if you remove them, the board himself will auto destruct because you reall y CAN'T make a zoo only board, there are not enought people.

EDIT : As far as I'm looking for "reals zoos" (I mean people who have balls, and make their life to have their animal, not the people who are crying "ho my god, I can't have a dog, 'cause of my dog/parents/wife/mother/anything else)", it's not really easy to find them here.
I think I found 5 or 6, but not more for now.
im not in it for the porn though. the social interaction is what i crave 2ndly i treat my girl as a individual not a object. whenever i do see a random dog/cat or whatever i wonder what pulls their strings (i thinking God pulls them with a menacing laugh lol).
As a collective, I have found this little society tremendously supportive, not just as a platform for zoo discussions, but also for my other interests. It is surely inevitable that something like Zooville will have it's individual groups focussed on other beast and zoo subjects. Is that a bad thing? We all find those with whom we want or, in some cases, need to chat.

The subject matter here is wide-ranging and it is nice to be able to chat with others who hold a different view. Wouldn't it be a bit dull if we all were interested in one thing only?

I look at some of the porn, but it is not my prime reason for being here. I like the community.
I would agree it's not a "bad thing" had I not seen what happened to literally every other zoo community in the past. Fragmentation never works. People split up and go jerk off to their respective concrete definitions of what this is and then leave forever. The community then gets abandoned or shut down. I could list 5. I'm sure more zoo veterans can list countless more. There is nothing wrong with creating a community that applies to the majority.
Considering that most of the people here are male and knowing how dudes are, doesn’t surprise me at all. Between either creeps or the green as grass types tend to flood here quite often.
The only way I can see true relationships take off between everyone here is if the sex comes last and isn’t your keystone in the first place.
It’s very early in the morning and I’m sure this is just me and my tired brain being dumb, but does anyone else get the vibe that zooville isn’t as zoo-ey as it’s supposed to be? It feels more like another beast forum to me and dominated by people here just for the porn and taboo.
I’m just as horny and sexual as the next degenerate, but I can’t seem to find the people having a gushing moment of “holy shit animals are so pretty I’m soft for them” y’know? I’m not saying people here are fakers just because they focus on the porn. Tbh I come here mostly for that too so call me a hypocrite (hippo-crite because animals haha I’m tired), but you’d think a zoo site would be less beast forum and more zoo forum with a bit more of a quote end-quote, “wholesome” area than beast forums. Idk what the word I’m looking for is. It’s not wholesome but it’s really the only thing I can think of atm. I have no clue if anything I’m saying is making sense XD
Like. It feels like just another site to get off to animals more than it feels like a site where actual zoos can talk about not just their sexual side but also their romantic. Y’know?
I’m probably looking in the wrong places, though, so who knows. ?‍♀️
I guess this all boils down to the fictious idea of splitting "zoophilia" from "bestiality". The definition most zoos use was never correct to begin with, as zoophilia doesn't just relate to emotional love, while bestiality relates to animal abuse or sex with animals without emotional love, zoophilia is simply the attraction, while bestiality is the act.

I know it's hard to deal with this fact at first, as I also was introduced to this ideology, half a lifetime ago. "Zoos are good, Bestialists are bad!" was what people told me time and time and time again. And then those "good Zoos" accepted those "bad Bestialists" in their midst. Over time you just learn, that the initial concept was wrong. I saw many communities creating those unrealistic, absurd standards for their members, just to ignore then and throw them over board the moment someone stumbles in who doesn't fit those standards.

In the end, there is no zoo community, where people just faint to pictures of animal babies, without any sexual thoughts and there is no zoo community without people who are into it for porn only. All of this is part of being a zoophile. The only truely uniting feature is our sexual attraction towards animals. That's as much as most people in any given zoo community (unless they remain in closed circles) have in common. We have no choice other than to accept this fact. The sooner we do, the better.

In any case else, we would just senselessly try to split our group apart. Separation doesn't really help, also it might be unhealthy for us to be ignorant towards all the facets of what being a zoo constitutes. We may call out people who are into it just for the sex. We might call out people who only look for fuckbuddies and contacts (even in this very forum), we might call out people who treat animals as cheap sex toys, instead of living beings worthy of respect, but we really shouldn't say that "it's them, not us!", as this would just be plain simply wrong, always has been, always will be. The best course of action would be to critizise abusive behaviour, having rules in the forum against it, enforcing those rules and not associate oneself with people like that. But by pretending they are something entirely different, we just hurt our own cause, as that would blind us towards the reality that bestialism has always been a part of being a zoo and was always a part of any major zoo community.

TL;DR: I know where you are coming from (in terms of your perspective), I had a similar one a long time ago, but I noticed it was a façade, a lie people told themself so they wouldn't have to deal with less pleasant people among their own ranks. But being a zoophile includes all of those people, without exception. We just have to get used to this idea.
Some very good points have been made here, so I thank everyone for sharing their insights and opinions, and I'll toss in my own.

I don't think it's necessarily as black and white as "true zoos" versus those "just in it for the porn" as it might seem. Sure, that exists, but there may be more folks in a shade of gray than one might think. I, for example, have a strong physical and emotional attraction to animals and I value the company of those who are of like mind. However, I very rarely say anything, outside of simple words of encouragement, for two big reasons:

1. I know just enough about all the doxings, hatred for zoos, and the legal landscape to make me really squeamish about putting myself out there, and,
2. If I wanted to put myself out there, socialize, make new zoo friends and whatnot, where would I even begin? That first step is always the most daunting.

On the other hand, circumstances don't let me have any animals of my own, so I satisfy my more physical desires by living vicariously, if you will, through the content posted by others. Ergo, I love the porn. :)

I do see where folks might think this site is becoming another Beast Forum, but I think much of that can be expected as the site grows. Ultimately, I think we have a good community here as is, one that seems inclusive of a great many kinds of people.
I don't know where I fall here, to be honest. I have to admit that I started out with the sexual attraction and the sexual fantasies. As the years went on, however, I began to feel a bit of a longing for the lifestyle.

It's no secret that I've had a sexual attraction to mares; I've harped on it continuously for the half-year that I've been here on various threads, and it's also no secret that I have a sexual attraction to women in the act of having sex with either a stallion or a dog. It's no secret that I've admitted my attraction to those, but it's become a bit more than that as time went on. After watching enough porn related to my attraction, I began to feel jealous of those that are already living this particular lifestyle and have made it a part of their reality; I'm jealous that I am currently unable to make this a part of MY reality.

As someone who hasn't had much success with dating in general, I still have that longing for something with permanence; I still have that desire for a long-term companion that is accommodating/accepting of this fetish of mine. With most of the women here that already live this lifestyle, I have neither the resources NOR the privilege to become part of their world...so all I can do is just hopelessly fawn and admire from a distance.
I guess this all boils down to the fictious idea of splitting "zoophilia" from "bestiality". The definition most zoos use was never correct to begin with, as zoophilia doesn't just relate to emotional love, while bestiality relates to animal abuse or sex with animals without emotional love, zoophilia is simply the attraction, while bestiality is the act.

I know it's hard to deal with this fact at first, as I also was introduced to this ideology, half a lifetime ago. "Zoos are good, Bestialists are bad!" was what people told me time and time and time again. And then those "good Zoos" accepted those "bad Bestialists" in their midst. Over time you just learn, that the initial concept was wrong. I saw many communities creating those unrealistic, absurd standards for their members, just to ignore then and throw them over board the moment someone stumbles in who doesn't fit those standards.

In the end, there is no zoo community, where people just faint to pictures of animal babies, without any sexual thoughts and there is no zoo community without people who are into it for porn only. All of this is part of being a zoophile. The only truely uniting feature is our sexual attraction towards animals. That's as much as most people in any given zoo community (unless they remain in closed circles) have in common. We have no choice other than to accept this fact. The sooner we do, the better.

In any case else, we would just senselessly try to split our group apart. Separation doesn't really help, also it might be unhealthy for us to be ignorant towards all the facets of what being a zoo constitutes. We may call out people who are into it just for the sex. We might call out people who only look for fuckbuddies and contacts (even in this very forum), we might call out people who treat animals as cheap sex toys, instead of living beings worthy of respect, but we really shouldn't say that "it's them, not us!", as this would just be plain simply wrong, always has been, always will be. The best course of action would be to critizise abusive behaviour, having rules in the forum against it, enforcing those rules and not associate oneself with people like that. But by pretending they are something entirely different, we just hurt our own cause, as that would blind us towards the reality that bestialism has always been a part of being a zoo and was always a part of any major zoo community.

TL;DR: I know where you are coming from (in terms of your perspective), I had a similar one a long time ago, but I noticed it was a façade, a lie people told themself so they wouldn't have to deal with less pleasant people among their own ranks. But being a zoophile includes all of those people, without exception. We just have to get used to this idea.
Honestly now that my brain is more awake, I think what what I was more confused about is that I expected more people to be more expressive about their romantic attraction to animals as well as the sexual attraction like I am, since that's what being zoo--in my case--is to me.
I think the recent term zoosexual is more accurate to me, but when I first got here I kinda expected more people to be like that as well. Obviously, attractions are different for everyone and there's no right or wrong way to be attracted to animals, y'know?
Sexual feelings is just as valid as romantic ones and vice versa.
I never had anything against bestialists (after a I learned what a they are at the roots, anyway) but I was (and still sorta am I think) surprised that more people are concerned with sex more than romantic attractions. Which is okay in my book. Doesn't mean they don't care about the animal. I was just a bit surprised I guess :p
I think the user base would look quite different, smaller and more to your liking, if porn wasn't allowed here. I have fond memories of the zoophilesdestiny forum—it's what I think of at the moment. On the other hand you said that you are mostly here for the porn, too, @doggo_deer, so maybe you would miss something else in a more zooey community then.
I have no issue with the porn or lewdness here. I think it's great! Now that I'm more awake I think I was just more surprised that not everyone experiences the attraction like I do. It was dumb of me to expect everyone to be like that, though lmao
yeah but who really needs the distinction. I'm willing to bet your definition of zoo's is a small minority in this site. Most people here love their animals and do indeed get horny and do stuff with them. So porn exists. But after the "deed is done" you can go to the entire other half of the website where it is just zoo's talking about being zoo's.

I wouldn't frequent a website that discouraged lewd conversations because I'm not hiding from what sexuality is. Most people are going to come here for that.
Also ignoring the logistics of having to run an entire other website when countless other porn sites specific for that purpose exist.
People are indeed "Wholesome" about zoophilia and shit here, just give it a chance and try interacting with those posts then. and ignore the posts about how perfect the canine penis is etc.
No I don't want people being lewd to be discouraged! That's the last thing I want! Now that I'm more awake, I think it would be better to describe me as surprised at all the ways people could experience the attraction and that not everyone experiences it like me
I feel my relationships with my animals are personal and I am not very good at sharing that with a community of people. It's easier to talk about things I have in common with other people here. I'm the only one who knows my animals and what it feels like to know them, so no common ground there. Everyone here can appreciate sexual discussion of some kind or more objective topics.

That's just another take on why there might be more porn and less people pouring their hearts out over animals here without that making us a less zoo community. I have heart to hearts with my animals offline, not here. If you take the time to get to know people individually, I'm sure you'll find a lot more care for animals deeply than is publicly broadcasted.
I bet that's very much true as well :)
I would agree it's not a "bad thing" had I not seen what happened to literally every other zoo community in the past. Fragmentation never works. People split up and go jerk off to their respective concrete definitions of what this is and then leave forever. The community then gets abandoned or shut down. I could list 5. I'm sure more zoo veterans can list countless more. There is nothing wrong with creating a community that applies to the majority.
I definitely don't want people to be split up like that. It doesn't really make sense.
I don't want others to be called "fake zoo's" or "posers" or whatever else.
I'm just questionning myself about this king of question too.
I'm from France, and in France, we have a kind of "zoo only" board. And, year after year, there were less and less topics and messages.
Today, I'm looking for zooville, because there are sooooo much content to read and topic to participate with.
But, yes, this "beastiality side" sometimes fears me.
For example, there is, in "Partner Site" tabs in the main menu, a link to EquiBoroo. And, as far as I know, this website is really not recommanded for zoo, and like BF was doing before, they steal content from "real" zoos, and use those content to make traffic, and I think money.

So, yes, you're right, there are, in my opinion, too many beatialists here, but if you remove them, the board himself will auto destruct because you reall y CAN'T make a zoo only board, there are not enought people.

EDIT : As far as I'm looking for "reals zoos" (I mean people who have balls, and make their life to have their animal, not the people who are crying "ho my god, I can't have a dog, 'cause of my dog/parents/wife/mother/anything else)", it's not really easy to find them here.
I think I found 5 or 6, but not more for now.
I mean...I wouldn't go as far as to say most people here are "fake zoo's" or that there's really any such thing as a "real zoo." I don't think that's anyone's call. I also don't really mind the bestialists. As long as no animal harm or abuse is taking place or being encouraged in any way, I don't think it's all that bad. Everyone experiences attractions differently. That's something I had learned from this post and should have known from the beginning. And I don't think you can ever really know how someone feels about animals unless you've known them for a long time or something like that. Someone mentioned earlier that some people aren't good at communicating their romantic attractions or longings or feelings. And I feel like many could feel that way, so that could be a big variable.
You know, for what its worth, the fact that everyone here appears to be generally in agreement proves that things are fine the way they are ?
No I think everything here is fine. I don't want the lewdness to be changed in any way. That's not what my post was saying. Looking back, I didn't explain it well. But the things here are fine as far as the ratio to lewdness and general discussions.
I think the user base would look quite different, smaller and more to your liking, if porn wasn't allowed here. I have fond memories of the zoophilesdestiny forum—it's what I think of at the moment. On the other hand you said that you are mostly here for the porn, too, @doggo_deer, so maybe you would miss something else in a more zooey community then.
No I'm fine with the porn here. Honestly I don't dislike how the lewdness or anything like that is done. I don't really want that to be changed tbh.
In respect to the topic of the site, no site of this nature is going to survive without porn. Porn, visual or written makes the kink world go round. Love it, hate it....but get used to it.

In respect to the topic of the thread, what made anyone think they could make a silk purse out of the sows ear? We're lucky so far we can even speak about such things.... how are you going to instill restraint in people who think they just invented the ZOO world and that only they know how it is? Who give lip to cave paintings, but think history started the day before they were whelped? Sounds like we need to assess human nature better, and spend some time BEING human instead of trying to be bad imitations of animals
I just took a look at the Equiboorus 's drama, and I can't understand why people here wanted to keep equiboorus as partner as long as they steal private video ?
Maybe the pooling result are the zoo agains beastiality proportion in zoovile ? 37% zoophiles and 63% as lurkers, not zoophile.
I thing we should be close to the pourcentage of people who really own an animal.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't looked into it
In respect to the topic of the site, no site of this nature is going to survive without porn. Porn, visual or written makes the kink world go round. Love it, hate it....but get used to it.

In respect to the topic of the thread, what made anyone think they could make a silk purse out of the sows ear? We're lucky so far we can even speak about such things.... how are you going to instill restraint in people who think they just invented the ZOO world and that only they know how it is? Who give lip to cave paintings, but think history started the day before they were whelped? Sounds like we need to assess human nature better, and spend some time BEING human instead of trying to be bad imitations of animals
I was always fine with the porn tbh.
I mean...I wouldn't go as far as to say most people here are "fake zoo's" or that there's really any such thing as a "real zoo." I don't think that's anyone's call. I also don't really mind the bestialists. As long as no animal harm or abuse is taking place or being encouraged in any way, I don't think it's all that bad.

Yes; I agree with you. Maybe there are no "real zoo" against "beastialists".
But, today, I know, when someone is more than 30y old, and claiming itself as a zoophile, if he doesn't own an animal, something is wrong in his mind.
That's, in my mind, the disctinction between "real zoophiles" and "the others".
I'm tired of talking to people who are only looking for porn, and asking for meet with people's animals.