What's the story behind your username?

I'm a naughty girl and I feel even more so when I spell it knotty. I'm a bitch in multiple meanings of the word. And who doesn't love the number 69.
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Spud was my nickname I have had for pretty much my entire life but while I was in the Navy and was playing football on the squadron team, we were playing another squadron that supposedly hadn't been beat in three years. They had a big boy playing center so I lined up over him on defense and continuously knocked him flat on his ass the entire game and we ended up winning. After the game was over and we were all out in the parking lot sitting around on the tailgates of our trucks drinking beer he and a couple of his buddies walked up and we started talking when he brought up the subject of where was I from. When I pointed to the University of Alabama sticker on my back window he started laughing and said. "I knew it, I told my teammates you had to be from Texas or Alabama to play football like that!" From that day on until I was discharged from the Navy everyone called me Texasspud.
I was playing rimworld, and got some alpacas at the time. nothing too personal to avoid anything unwanted, but nothing creative too, because I'm not a creative person.
But finally I like this username by the way
I wanted something with flare in it for dem stallions.
I thought of the WWF for some reason, so i made it Mick flare vs Rick flair
I wanted to express the fact that as a Zoo, i am not crazy to believe in what makes me happy. Also, I adore women or men who love the knot!
Well, the misses and I recently discovered after years together that we both are into zoo, and experimented in our younger years. While looking for more info we found this place and decided to share an account. We are both looking forward to her being knotted for the first time. So, knotty couple because duh, and im a ginger spawn of satan, so 666. Knottycouple666
IHO stands for Incredibly Humongous Organ.
Just kidding; it's actually pretty average. :sneaky:
IHO comes from InHeatOnline, which was a website I put together and hosted very briefly 15 or so years ago, focused more on female animals and men into female animals (yes, mostly porn :giggle:). I was very active as IHO on BeastBoard.net around the same time. I don't think I was ever on BF. After BB shut down I stepped away from the online scene for a while until ZooVille came along.
My username describes a character I created for a project I'm working on. He's a "fox spirit" (a human-like creature with the ears and tail of a fox) who tries to be everyone's friend. A friendly fox-boy.

He can turn into a fox, too. The only way to tell the difference between his fox form and an actual fox is to look at the eyes. His eyes will still be human eyes. It's actually a gift of his species, granted to them by the patron god of animals. Unfortunately, due their ties to the animal god, they exiled him from his village for being bisexual, which goes against their belief that sex is only meant for reproduction and the survival of their kind.

One day, he discovered that he could talk to animals after being persuaded into having sex with a vixen, whom he thought was another fox spirit because she could "talk." He was embarrassed by the whole encounter and keeps it a secret to this day, but he secretly wishes to do it again someday, and to one day have a lover who would be intimate with both of his forms.
For me I used to have my screen name when I first started making content after my video (caring vet) was released I was called sexydreams69 or sexy69dreams. Because I make all of your fantasies cum true. After I was hacked and exposed I was kinda forced to change my screen name and my followers helped me. Aphrodite because they consider me a goddess because of the way I treat them, and a devils advocate because I’m also involved in beast activity. And so when I was changing everything I made a zooville because most of my followers were already on here so I made aphroditedreams to bridge the two.
For me I used to have my screen name when I first started making content after my video (caring vet) was released I was called <<Previous Username 1>> or <<Previous Username 2>>. Because I make all of your fantasies cum true. After I was hacked and exposed I was kinda forced to change my screen name and my followers helped me. Aphrodite because they consider me a goddess because of the way I treat them, and a devils advocate because I’m also involved in beast activity. And so when I was changing everything I made a zooville because most of my followers were already on here so I made aphroditedreams to bridge the two.
If you got exposed under those two usernames, it wouldn't be very advisable tell people that openly. Also, if your actual name was exposed, I'd also advise that you at least cover up the tattoo in your profile pic. Which could be potentially identifiable as well.
I don't know, I stole the name!
Someone was stupid enough to use the name as password for this account and his email!
Now it's mine! ?
So you're admitting you stole someone else's account credentials? Reported.

Edit: Oops, my bad @xxixxixx420 I guess I should have checked your comment history before reporting, lesson learned. Continue on your merry way! :husky_laughing:
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My username is a word for dog in my language. It is generic and a lot of people use it in many different contexts. Which means difficult to google out.
mine is kind of a joke on dumb noun-noun-number nicknames like "pussydestroyer69" and translates to english as "someonesomething123"
If you got exposed under those two usernames, it wouldn't be very advisable tell people that openly. Also, if your actual name was exposed, I'd also advise that you at least cover up the tattoo in your profile pic. Which could be potentially identifiable as well.
While all that may be good and true, doesn't change my opinion of her
At that is I think she (Aphroditedreams) is nothing more than a poser like Whitneyn Wisconsin lol
She puts out a kennel vid then goes about selling her Snapchat on here, doesn't anymore but did previously
Still does try to promote it tho on here I guess go look at her comments
I paid for it awhile back and didn't see much of anything at all, certainly nothing like the staged vet/kennel vid

Maybe someone will say differently but that's my experience I gave up and just accepted that I was probably duped by a faker just trying to get fast cash acting like she really knots all the time and prob was just her BF ideas for $$
Bluebeard? Refers to a paradox poets struggle with. Comes from a line from an obscure poem by a brilliant but not well known poet laureate of the United States, contemporary of Frost, who was obsessed with the inadequacy of language to describe experience.

He was fascinated (frustrated?) by how the words of a language themselves are physical things, beings with their own identities and meanings that superimpose themselves on reality, replace it with their own reality. For instance, the bond you have between you and a loved one. Put *that* into words, any way you wish, in the most precise or romantic terms you can, and it is then limited to the words themselves and however the listener/reader interprets them. Reality is lost.... overwritten.

To preserve your experience, *don't* put it into words, don't overwrite it. Simply experience it, relish it, cherish it... Know it as only *you* can know it... *before* it becomes smudged and deformed by words. But then... you can't share it. Catch 22.

"To know a thing is to know a secret," he wrote,

The French folktale of Bluebeard is of a man who repeatedly marries and kills off his wives, hiding their corpses in a locked room. Similarly, I talk too much. I use too many words. In doing so, I have killed off untold numbers of lovely young realities and hidden away the evidence of their existence in the vault of our limited lexicon.

"To know a thing is to know a secret, to *keep* the secret, to hold the key to Bluebeard's room....""

Anything put into words is inevitably mere fiction.

(Now ask me about my avatar. Much happier story!)
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Cal or Callously. .. short for a very famous author's sentiment stated by one of his most prolific heroes quoted saying he was "calloused from over stimulation" or something to that effect, it's been a long while since I read that passage.
I've been shagged and knotted by a good boy and it was the best feeling I've ever experienced!