What was the first type of zoo video you liked


For me I was VERY into horse dicks when I started being into animals.i used to just like looking at pics of them and videos of them hard. and since has progressed to preferring dog knots. At the moment my absolute favorite type of porn is dog blowjobs
I think I first saw the dogs and women, didn’t like it, was disgusted even.

But after that I watched some horse and women vids. I tolerated it, well actually… I REALLY liked the vids.

I was really fascinated by the anatomy and the power in the thrusts. I had seen drugged horse videos and (obviously) they didn’t appeal to me. However consensual vids were amazing to see

I made a habit of watching active horse and women vids. Of course all I would rewatch were the same two grainy vids.

I think then after that I moved to men and mares, then bitches.

And then I joined this site and I have anything I could ever want, well, within reason.
All began with my psp like 15 or 16 years ago when i was looking at porn on it i got a ad that had a girl taking a horse cock and was mesmerized!!! Then i found a girl just taking this big dog dick and i was hooked!!
Ive always had a big soft spot for the amateur self shot movies, something about the women willing to give a peek in to there life's makes it really hot
The first video that I managed to successfully download (from WinMX I believe) was that old grainy video of a guy having sex with a female husky mix looking dog. The video itself looks like it was captured on an old home VHS camcorder from the 90s.

I had been wanting to download a video of this nature out of curiosity for awhile. I've known that I was attracted to female dogs pretty much since puberty. But I had suppressed those feelings. Eventually I started discovering that not all zoo sex was rape. So using the limited resources I had, I managed to find that one video, and I didn't manage to find anything else like it for almost an entire year. I'd consider it pretty "meh" nowadays. But at the time, it was one of the hottest pieces of pornography I had downloaded on my personal computer. I'd watch it nearly daily and did... well... you can probably figure it out. Lol
First one I ever saw was of a Russian woman knotted by a dog. I had no idea dogs' dicks have a knot at the base and I was fascinated both by that and the explosion of cum that ran out of her in the pull-out...lol.
It was early internet for me (late 90s/early 00s). I'd found a directory site called "porndir.net" . Basically there's a list of different kinks, you click the kink, and it shows a random picture fitting that kink.

There were the usual like "bondage" or "MILF" or "anal", but then I noticed some near the bottom of the list. "Dog" "Horse"

I thought they must be a joke of some kind, so I clicked on them.

Nope. There it was. A porn model and a clearly photoshopped picture of a dog with an erect cock and swollen knot.
It didn't disgust me. Intrigued me, even. So I just delved in deeper. And then I found Beastforum.
Beach Babe was the first bestialty vid I saw and i thought it was so hot.

However, there was a grainy video of a guy fucking a bitch with a big belly and a large gold ring.

Thought to myself "YOU CAN DO THAT?!" and have been hooked ever since.
To this day, videos of a wife being fucked by another man as her husband kisses her and encourages them drive me wild !
This! I really like videos of intimacy between a husband and wife while she's fucking someone/something else, rather than him just watching and getting off to it. id love a partner whose hair i could grab and neck i could kiss while she's getting throatfucked and gagged by someone else.
I can't remember how I stumbled on the website, probably just spam before I found reliable porn sites, but it just had 2-5 minutes clips of zoophilia. The video was from Maggy - Dreamy Dog Lover from kinkcafe. I think I was in 8th grade. That's where it started for me. I loved that she was a younger woman plus the wet squishy sound of the knot slamming in and out of her pussy was so hot to me.
For me I was VERY into horse dicks when I started being into animals.i used to just like looking at pics of them and videos of them hard. and since has progressed to preferring dog knots. At the moment my absolute favorite type of porn is dog blowjobs
i think mr hands was the first video i ever saw when i was like 10/11. i ended up coming back to watch it now and then until i just forgot about it for years.
Dog mounting for me. I wanted to get the gist of what it was like and those seemed like the best kinds of videos.
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Early YouTube, I watched how horses mated, loved watching stallions pump mares with hot cum, haven’t found the original video, but I sure remember how hot it was
Ironically my first experience into zoo stuff came from the fact I'm a furry, so feral stuff I discovered and then I got really curious since I'm an artist too and I was like 'well it wouldn't hurt to find references.' soon after it was videos and now its become a fetish and now I'm here.
First video I saw was a woman getting her brains fucked out by a I think it was a shepherd of sorts I can't remember. My favorite has been and still is man on female dog. There was a site called OOporn that had a handful of petlust videos I watched them when ever I could get them to buffer.
A grainy ass Webcam vid of a young woman getting mounted by a dog for me. Was over 10 years ago, havent seen it since, but it got me hooked!
For me, it all started when I stumbled across horse mating videos on youtube as I was just starting puberty. I was hooked! It took me almost a decade to go looking for more like that, but now I'm here!