What thoughts do you have while knotted

Daddysfavorite is that human cum or dog cum in your profile picture?
It's really a turn on to chat with women who likely have dog cum inside them at this very moment.
Enjoying the orgasms. The feel of his hot cum inside me and the tight knot inside. I'm in paradise!

Once the act became routine and most of my fears had faded with experience, I would think about how this was exactly what I had been wanting for however long it was in my mind to do it again since the time prior, and trying to enjoy every second of those minutes and being for him what he needed me to be.
Maybe you could think, ok by now 100 million dog sperm is inside me, and just keep counting up to 200 million , 600 million, one billion, etc. based off the size of the dog. For a big dog maybe think ok now 2 billion dog sperm is inside me.