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What if Dogs could Breed Humans?

I sometimes wonder, what a world would.look.like.if canines could indeed impregnate human women. What would that be like?

Sometimes I Rp online about such things and honestly it really gets me going.

I hate kids, but if I were having a few puppies suckling on my G-H sized breasts, I wouldnt object.
The number of chromosome sets is far too far apart to produce a human-dog hybrid. There are cases where Man and Woman are not compatible enough to produce offspring. So how is this supposed to work between humans and dogs? A human has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and a dog has 78 chromosomes (39 pairs)... Chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan have 48 chromosomes.

Okay, there are real hybrids like the sheep & goat hybrid, and its cells contain 57 chromosomes, a number halfway between 54 in sheep and 60 in goats.

Lol, Sable antelopes have 46 chromosomes, also the Chinese muntjac and the Coppery titi monkey. Maybe these species are more compatible candidates for a human hybrid?
There is another more extensive thread on this topic.
But the short answer is - 90% of men would be lonely, and 90% of women would be walking male dogs and sipping Starbucks

Okay, there are real hybrids like the sheep & goat hybrid, and its cells contain 57 chromosomes, a number halfway between 54 in sheep and 60 in goats.

Lol, Sable antelopes have 46 chromosomes, also the Chinese muntjac and the Coppery titi monkey. Maybe these species are more compatible candidates for a human hybrid?
But what about ligers? joking I do not need the numbers. Just wanted to mention them
The number of chromosome sets is far too far apart to produce a human-dog hybrid. There are cases where Man and Woman are not compatible enough to produce offspring. So how is this supposed to work between humans and dogs? A human has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and a dog has 78 chromosomes (39 pairs)... Chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan have 48 chromosomes.

Okay, there are real hybrids like the sheep & goat hybrid, and its cells contain 57 chromosomes, a number halfway between 54 in sheep and 60 in goats.

Lol, Sable antelopes have 46 chromosomes, also the Chinese muntjac and the Coppery titi monkey. Maybe these species are more compatible candidates for a human hybrid?
It was more of a "what if" instead of a "is it possible" I know it's not possible
The number of chromosome sets is far too far apart to produce a human-dog hybrid. There are cases where Man and Woman are not compatible enough to produce offspring. So how is this supposed to work between humans and dogs? A human has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and a dog has 78 chromosomes (39 pairs)... Chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan have 48 chromosomes.

Okay, there are real hybrids like the sheep & goat hybrid, and its cells contain 57 chromosomes, a number halfway between 54 in sheep and 60 in goats.

Lol, Sable antelopes have 46 chromosomes, also the Chinese muntjac and the Coppery titi monkey. Maybe these species are more compatible candidates for a human hybrid?
You're focusing on the wrong thing for this scenario lol
Honestly, even as a trans guy, I've always hated the thought of giving birth to my own kids. However, when I first had my dog's cum in me for the first time, I did think about how nice it would be to carry his puppies. Just straight up regular puppies though. Would absolutely love to see the doctor's face when they look at the ultrasound 🤣
I think that in order to save the human race, males need to grow a knot, increase their semen output, raise their body temp to 102, and maybe get hairier! lol Oh, and learn how to fuck 100 mph for 30 minutes!
Fantasy: you pay an overseas surgeon to transplant one of your testicles into your male dog (and vice versa).

Now both you and your dog can impregnate human women as well as dogs.
I mean, assuming the surgery is successful, would the sperm of one species try to destroy the other? Hmmm.... :unsure:
Well.... Besides the litter after litter as well as the need to birth control. Unless it's woman breeds one at a time while man onto female dog creates litters.

There would also be the problem with human nature ruining things for the sake of territory. (Putting it lightly)

There would have to be plenty of safeguards to avoid this exploitation in order to make it "fair" instead of militarized since more numbers equals more man (or doggo) power.
The world will be filled with freaks and human rights issues will rise to a new level. The chaos that will occur will be something you definitely wouldn't react to with 😍 .