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What does doggy cum taste and smell like

Dog cock, even on a neutered male, has a very distinct and arousing smell. I would not have thought to describe the cum as a rust taste, but that makes some sense. It's definitely not bad at all. What I first found surprising is they don't cum all at once in a big load like a horse or man.
A time salty and same time sweet, always watery and warm. Taste is not similar to human, completely more pleasant for me
I find that it has a metallic taste, like if you suck on a nickel. As for the smell. I have talked about it being the most amazing smell in the world, unfortunately I dont know how I would be able to discriptively relay that into words. Altho, Elgee was correct in saying it is a very arousing scent. I assist my wife and her pup regularly, and I can smell his cum after a couple minutes of there copulation, and after he leave her the most. I will say that the taste of there cum is way better after it has been sitting in her pussy for a bit as a creampie.
Really mixed flavor, starting salty, then becoming sweeter to end, when it's a bit bitter and really sweeeeet
It is hot, temperature wise. Thin and runny but at the same time a little metallic.

I am not sure if there are pheromones or if it is just hormones, but I find the scent very arousing. Makes me interested and can even make me want to be mounted if I am not in the mood.
I am not sure if it effects guys like that. But as a woman I know I am effected by the smells and scents
A litte salty and sweet, it's changing at times according dog cock's dripping is stronger or not. Watery, thin, runny and warm, love how it smells and tastes, I think nothing can compares to doggy sperm. Summing up, first time perhaps it seems a weird taste but when u got a mixture of his sexual scents on your tongue and juices running down your mouth and body, I'm sure u will think that's the most sexy and delicious cum in animal kingdom
For me, it's really salty and hot, too hot. Love his watery consistence, easy to swallow, and the amount of pre and post cum they spurt. When is cumming time properly, their cum is stronger, stickier and a little woody kind of flavor. Delicious, no doubt
Cannot explain it if u don't tasted yet. It's strange, but hot, very hot and sweet with a little bit spicy or bitter and drops of wood or ginger...
Exactly, it's hard to explain the more that the taste varies for different dogs. The only common thing is that it's just tasty unlike human cum, but of course it's just a matter of taste.
I think it tastes kinda copper-like.
My grandma had copper spoons and the first time I tasted a pup it reminded me of this, with a hint of salt.
Smell is almost nothing from my experience 👃
First time i read someone saying the exact thing i've experienced myself, not spunk/smell at all almost
As other have said kinda metallic and salty with like a slightly tangy type taste and his precum is very thin and when he actually cums its still much more thin then a man's but definitely not as thin as at first
Rust is the best explanation I've heard ?. Saltiness is similar to human. Pleasant in my book.
I've always wondered about the taste so thank you for the description. I always wondered about the taste of his cock itself. I imagine the shaft is smooth and warm, but is it stinky? I mean they don't shower like humans so there's gotta be some sort of unique smell and taste.
I've always wondered about the taste so thank you for the description. I always wondered about the taste of his cock itself. I imagine the shaft is smooth and warm, but is it stinky? I mean they don't shower like humans so there's gotta be some sort of unique smell and taste.
I wondered the same thing the first time too, what surprised me most about a dog's cock is how soft it is on first contact, although when it reaches full hardness it gets rougher and hotter. The smell when it comes out of the sheath is slightly that of a strange mixture of mud and urine at worst, but once it is fully out and starts to cum, that smell disappears. Then if you lick it you realize that the taste is almost neutral, very clean and aseptic, and you really enjoy how veiny and throbbing it is, although the larger penises of huge males may have a stronger taste and the semen is less sweet than in the medium ones, however the force with which a big dog cums watery juice is much more intense and exciting, considering that all canines usually give a lot of semen during the whole sexual act and, needless to say, each dog has a different taste. Generally speaking, it is as I have written. They usually have cleaner cocks than humans and have the added bonus of cumming all the time, which makes their cocks the best ones in the animal kingdom.