What Do You Get Annoyed By?

Lately I'm really annoyed by the trailer for the movie Babylon that has played before every movie I've gone to see in the past month or two. It is soooooooo obnoxious. Can't stand it! Not touching on the quality of the movie itself just the trailer. It drives me nuts. I roll my eyes and can feel my toes curling into the floor every time they show the bit where Brad Pitt does this hippity-hoppity dance before falling off the balcony that is intended to be funny and no one has ever laughed in any screening I've been to of it. I hate it hahaha. If you read all of this incredibly petty bickering about something completely inconsequential to the whole of life then... I don't know what to say.... Thanks! Have a nice day~
It's a lost cause to be annoyed by, but I just really annoys me, people who don't teach their kids to behave or let them learn something the hard way, or actually teaching them a life lesson and in general coddling their child so much they are already becoming an issue.
It will do them no good in the future and be a bigger head ache for everyone else when they think they can do no wrong, and can't get in trouble, because they've never been told no, in their life.
People tat are too sex thirsty and not taking the time and effort to know someone. In some cases it depends on individuals lol
It's a lost cause to be annoyed by, but I just really annoys me, people who don't teach their kids to behave or let them learn something the hard way, or actually teaching them a life lesson and in general coddling their child so much they are already becoming an issue.
It will do them no good in the future and be a bigger head ache for everyone else when they think they can do no wrong, and can't get in trouble, because they've never been told no, in their life.
Right and wrong is subjective.
Just started this month apparently, and from the sound of the character names on IMDB it's supposed to be a direct sequel, the judge being Harry's daughter/granddaughter(?), and Dan is still around in some respect. The reviews are awful.
Well, I am now currently annoyed by this.
people shitting and i dont like to be shitting neither. fuck the beef, no bullshit. shitting is for animals. when they got room take up that ass.

incels and woke dont exist. that people shitting thinking its real makes me mad. to much internet gab. didnt have all the shit on dialup wasnt fast enough for wack speedy brains's zoomed up fantasy to shit it.
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People dumb enough to buy clothes online. It's not going to fucking fit you're you're just going to have to return it, so take your fucking ass into a store like an intelligent human being.
hell people dont find no clothes online they dont know how to read none for it they want legos and get themselves a shirt for baby momma instead. and she mad it get sent back.