Unlocking the Secrets of Lucid Dreaming: Adventure, Sexual Fantasies, Enhance Creativity, Experience anything you can think of*FULL GUIDE + TASK LIST*


I am going to make quite a LONG (Keyword: long) thread for you lucid dreaming enthusiasts !
It will feature a "Lucid dream in 30 days TASK SHEET" AND a plethora of info in guide form on how it works, and how to use it.

NOTE: The 30-60 day task sheet will be posted first, please be sure to read the *guide* below it before starting it!! *Prepare to scroll💘*

This is a topic i absolutely love and I've been lucid dreaming for sooooooooo long.

🔥Some of you want to make your sexual fantasies come to life, others want to have new experiences, some want adventure, some need an escape.
Whatever you're looking for, you can accomplish it in the dream world!🔥

Even if ONE person enjoys this and makes use of it, then ill be happy :)

30 DAY LUCID DREAM TASK LIST: (Goes up to 50 days)

Day 1-7 is all about getting used to
doing the tasks, and staying on track.

Day 1:
- READ THE GUIDE (Posted below this)
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you hear/see someone laughing
- Technique: WILD

Day 2:
- Set up your dream journal
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you hear/see someone laughing
-Technique: WILD

Day 3:
- Write in the dream journal every single day, Set up your bedroom; consider using pillow spray, dream herbs, make sure your room has good energy flow
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you hear/see someone laughing
-Technique: WILD

Day 4:
- Read articles about lucid dreaming
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you walk through a doorway
-Technique: WILD

Day 5:
- Visualize an island (exercise from the guide)
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you walk through a doorway
-Technique: WILD

Day 6:
- Perform the ‘Mantra’ exercise from the guide
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you walk through a doorway
-Technique: WILD

Day 7:
-Watch: The Matrix
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you walk through a doorway
-Technique: WILD

Day 8-14 Our focus is on sowing the seeds for lucid adventures in your mind.
It's crucial to immerse yourself in dream-related content, such as watching a film, and diligently practicing the exercises outlined in the guide.
While it's essential to stay committed, there's no need to stress over it. Simply ensure you follow the steps consistently.

Day 8:
- Watch "Inception"
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you see a cat or a dog
- Technique: WBTB or MILD

Day 9:
- Plan a day you can WBTB
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you see a cat or a dog
- Technique: WBTB or MILD

Day 10:
- Go on a random walk; be EXTRA aware of surroundings -Sights, sounds, feelings, everything.
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you look at your phone or hands
- Technique: WBTB or MILD

Day 11:
- Perform the ‘Imaginary Conversation’ scenario
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you look at your phone or hands
- Technique: WBTB or MILD

Day 12:
- Try to talk to as many people as you possibly can today. Doesn’t matter what you talk about, just get a feel for talking to
random people.
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you say ‘hi’, ‘hey’ or ‘hello’
- Technique: WBTB or MILD

Day 13:
- As you walk around today, Imagine what it would be like to be controlling objects around you with your mind
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you say ‘hi’, ‘hey’ or ‘hello’
- Technique: WBTB or MILD

Day 14:
- Review dream journal for patterns
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you say ‘hi’, ‘hey’ or ‘hello’
- Technique: WBTB or MILD

Day 15-21 This week marks a turning point where things start to come together. If you tried the WBTB technique last week, you may even find lucid dreams recorded in your dream journal. Keep up the momentum, regardless of whether you've experienced lucidity yet. As you go about your daily life this week, strive to be exceptionally aware of your surroundings.

Day 15:
- Watch "Chronicle" and imagine having such powers
- Reality Check: Looking at text or your phone/watch
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you see anything pink
- Technique: Reality Checks only

Day 16:
- Meditate 3 times today for 5-10 minutes each
- Reality Check: Looking at text or your phone/watch
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you feel happy/excited
- Technique: Reality Checks only

Day 17:
- Practice ALL 3 learned reality checks several times today
- Reality Check: Looking at text or your phone/watch
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you can see more than about 20 people at once
- Technique: Reality Checks only

Day 18:
- Observe everyone you tap to today. Look at their body language. Do they look relaxed or stressed? Don’t overthink
this but be more aware of the way people hold their bodies.
- Reality Check: Looking at text or your phone/watch
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you can see more than about 20 people at once
- Technique: Reality Checks only

Day 19:
- For today only, try not to look at your phone at all, if you can.
This task is optional. It’s to get you to focus more on what’s
going on around you.
- Reality Check: Looking at text or your phone/watch
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you feel happy/excited
- Technique: Reality Checks only

Day 20:
- Meditate 3 times for 5-10 minutes each
- Reality Check: Looking at text or your phone/watch
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you see a plane in the sky
- Technique: Reality Checks only

Day 21:
- Take a nap today. It can be for as little as 10-20 minutes, and
it can be at any time other than when you’d normally go to
sleep. Don’t try and lucid dream during this nap, just relax and
see what happens.
- Reality Check: Looking at text or your phone/watch
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you handle money
- Technique: Reality Checks only

Day 22- 31+ This week may present some challenges, but by now, you should have built up momentum from following the tasks consistently. The goal this week is to mix things up significantly.

Day 22:
- Watch "Cloud Atlas"
- Reality Check: Different reality check each hour
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you hear/see someone laughing
- Technique: WBTB

Day 23:
- Practice all-day awareness
- Reality Check: Palm/Finger push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you look at your phone or hands
- Technique: WILD

Day 24:
- Perform the ‘Mantra’ exercise from the guide
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you say ‘hi’, ‘hey’ or ‘hello’
- Technique: MILD

Day 25:
- Review dream journal for patterns + Watch 1 movie in the guide
- Reality Check: Reading text/phone screen
- Reality Check Triggers: Reading text/Phone screen
- Reality Checks Only: Whenever you see a cat or a dog

Day 26:
- Meditate 3 times for 5-10 minutes each
- Reality Check: Different reality check each hour
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you walk through a doorway
- Technique: WBTB

Day 27:
- Review dream journal for patterns + Watch 1 movie in the guide
- Reality Check: Palm/Finger push
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you see something BLUE that’s bigger than a suitcase
- Technique: WILD

Day 28:
- Perform the ‘Mantra’ exercise from the guide
- Reality Check: Nose pinching
- Reality Check Triggers: Whenever you hear/see someone laughing
- Technique: MILD

Day 29:
- Today is all about meditation. Meditate 5 times during the
day, each time for 5-10 minutes at least.
-Reality Check: Use the preferred technique that you liked best from previous days

Day 30:
- Read several articles about lucid dreaming
- Repeat the island visualization exercise
-Reality Check: Use the preferred technique that you liked best from previous days

Note: Well done! You’ve built a habit. Keep it up, and make sure to write everything that happens in your dream

Day 31:
- Reflect on progress and adjust techniques if necessary
- Reality Check: Digital Clock Check
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you hear a car horn
- Technique: MILD

Day 32:
- Explore lucid dreaming forums or communities for tips and inspiration
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you see a flower or flowers
- Technique: WBTB

Day 33:
- Try a new relaxation technique before bed, such as progressive muscle relaxation or deep breathing
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you handle money or see someone doing it
- Technique: WILD

Day 34:
- Write a short story or create a drawing inspired by your desired lucid dream scenario
- Reality Check: Digital Clock Check
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you see a blue car
- Technique: Reality Checks Only

Day 35:
- Spend some time visualizing a specific dream scenario in vivid detail
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you think about your loved one
- Technique: MILD

Day 36:
- Experiment with different sleep positions to see if they affect dream recall or lucidity
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you hear someone laughing
- Technique: WBTB

Day 37:
- Listen to binaural beats or guided meditation tracks designed to enhance lucid dreaming
- Reality Check: Digital Clock Check
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you see a cat or a dog
- Technique: WILD

Day 38:
- Try a new lucid dreaming supplement or herb, if safe and appropriate for you
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you touch your phone
- Technique: MILD

Day 39:
- Experiment with different dream journaling techniques, such as drawing or voice recording
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you see yourself in a mirror or reflection
- Technique: WBTB

Day 40:
- Spend time in nature and focus on being present in the moment
- Reality Check: Digital Clock Check
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you trip, stumble, or fall over
- Technique: Reality Checks Only

Day 41:
- Practice mindfulness throughout the day, noting sensations, thoughts, and emotions without judgment
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you look at someone directly in the eyes
- Technique: MILD

Day 42:
- Try a new lucid dreaming induction technique you haven't attempted before
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you hear a car horn
- Technique: WILD

Day 43:
- Experiment with setting intentions for lucid dreaming before going to sleep
- Reality Check: Nose Pinching
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you hear someone laughing
- Technique: WBTB

Day 44:
- OPTIONAL: Create a dream collage or vision board depicting your lucid dreaming goals
- Reality Check: Digital Clock Check
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you handle money or see someone doing it
- Technique: Reality Checks Only

Day 45:
- Do a guided meditation
- Reality Check: Finger/Palm Push
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you see a flower or flowers
- Technique: MILD

Day 46:
- Review and reflect on your dream journal entries from the past week. Look for recurring themes, symbols, or patterns that may indicate potential dream signs.
- Reality Check: Count your fingers. Look at your hands and count your fingers. In dreams, the number of fingers may appear distorted or inconsistent, serving as a cue to trigger lucidity.
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you see a clock or watch.
- Technique: Visualization Exercise. Spend 10-15 minutes visualizing yourself becoming lucid in a dream tonight. Imagine the feeling of recognition and control as you realize you are dreaming.

Day 47:
- Experiment with setting an intention before bed. Repeat a mantra or affirmation to yourself, such as "I will have a lucid dream tonight," to program your subconscious mind for lucidity.
- Reality Check: Jump. Attempt to jump in the air. In dreams, you may experience altered gravity or float effortlessly, signaling that you are dreaming.
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you encounter a familiar object or person in an unfamiliar setting.
- Technique: Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD). Practice the WILD technique during a nap or after waking up during the night. Focus on maintaining awareness as your body transitions into sleep paralysis.

Day 48:
- Engage in creative activities during the day, such as drawing, writing, or brainstorming. Stimulating your imagination can enhance dream vividness and creativity.
- Reality Check: Count your fingers. Look at your hands and count your fingers. In dreams, the number of fingers may appear distorted or inconsistent, serving as a cue to trigger lucidity.
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you experience déjà vu or a sense of unreality.
- Technique: Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream (MILD). Before falling asleep, repeat affirmations or visualizations related to lucid dreaming, reinforcing your intention to become aware in dreams.

Day 49:
- Explore different relaxation techniques before bedtime, such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing exercises, or guided meditation. A calm and relaxed state of mind can facilitate lucid dreaming.
- Reality Check: Jump. Attempt to jump in the air. In dreams, you may experience altered gravity or float effortlessly, signaling that you are dreaming.
- Reality Check Trigger: Whenever you experience a strong emotion or heightened awareness.
- Technique: Dream Incubation. Choose a specific dream scenario or location you'd like to explore, and visualize it in detail before falling asleep. Planting the seed of intention may increase the likelihood of dreaming about your desired scenario.

Day 50:
- Celebrate your progress and achievements throughout the 50-day lucid dreaming journey. Take time to acknowledge your dedication and commitment to personal growth and self-awareness. USE your favorite reality checks, triggers, and exercises and create your own list to keep following.
- Reality Check: Jump. Attempt to jump in the air. In dreams, you may experience altered gravity or float effortlessly, signaling that you are dreaming.
- Technique: Reflection and Integration. Spend some time reflecting on your lucid dreaming experiences, insights gained, and lessons learned. Consider how you can apply lucid dreaming principles to enhance other areas of your life.

P.S Im going to make this into an excel sheet so its not such a long ass SCROLL
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Guide PART 1:

Developing a habit
typically takes around 30 days, although some suggest it may take 15 or even 60 days. On average, committing to a behavior for 30 consecutive days makes it easier for individuals to integrate it into their routine. This principle holds significant relevance in lucid dreaming, as cultivating the right habits is pivotal.

Similar to mastering any skill, forming detrimental habits, such as improper driving techniques, can pose challenges when attempting to rectify them later on. Therefore, it's imperative to focus on practicing the correct techniques from the outset to expedite your journey toward lucid dreaming.

This guide is structured to be followed diligently over a span of 30-60 days. If adhering to this schedule proves challenging at present, consider postponing until you can commit fully. Alternatively, strive to incorporate the recommended practices to the best of your ability.

For instance, implementing the WBTB (Wake Back to Bed) technique may pose difficulties if you require ample rest for a demanding day of work. In such cases, consider reserving this technique for weekends or adjusting it to suit your schedule.

This guide aims to address a common trend observed among aspiring lucid dreamers—many individuals express keen interest by purchasing products or reading literature on the subject, yet fail to take actionable steps. Months or even years may pass with a lingering fascination with lucid dreaming, but without the requisite effort to cultivate proper habits and achieve tangible results.

Initially, embracing this new habit may present challenges, much like any other endeavor. However, upon completing the 30-day period, you'll find yourself either having experienced your first lucid dream(s) or making significant strides toward achieving them. There's a high probability of encountering your first lucid dream within the initial weeks of this journey. Even if that's not the case, maintaining a positive outlook and perseverance are key, as the habits you're cultivating will inevitably lead to lucid dreaming—it's just a matter of time.

While the exact timing of your first lucid dream remains uncertain, following the outlined steps significantly enhances your likelihood of success. It could manifest tomorrow or perhaps take a few months; the timeframe varies from person to person. Remember, individual differences are natural, and there's no cause for concern if progress varies. It took me 40 days to have my first ever lucid dream on PURPOSE, while friends who have tried my guide had results in 5-15 days. Everyone is different. Now, let's discuss some essentials you may require for this journey.

Before embarking on this journey, consider acquiring some items to enhance your experience and streamline the process. These supplementary tools are designed to facilitate task completion and bolster your efforts. Please note that the lucid dreaming films mentioned later are not included in this list.

(Note regarding the films: Throughout the 30-60-day period, I recommend watching a few films centered around dreaming for inspiration. If you prefer not to obtain these films, simply disregard this suggestion. Personally, i watched as many films as i could.

  1. Binaural beats: These specialized sound waves are instrumental in facilitating lucid dreaming, particularly when employing the WBTB (Wake Back to Bed) method.
  2. Dream journal: Utilize a customized lucid dreaming journal equipped with various features tailored to enhance your experience. Alternatively, explore Amazon's selection of dream journals to find one that suits your preferences. Ensure you have a designated space ready to record your dreams.
  3. Dream supplement: Consider incorporating a basic dream supplement for additional support during your lucid dreaming journey. While not essential, it can streamline the process. These have been incredibly useful for my journey.
  4. Patience: Recognize that this endeavor spans an entire month, necessitating commitment and perseverance. Prepare yourself mentally for the duration of this journey, and refrain from giving up prematurely. The rewards of your efforts will be well worth it, and the skills you develop here will endure for a lifetime.

Dream journals: play a crucial role in lucid dreaming practices. Upon awakening each morning, it's imperative to record your dreams in a journal. This journal can be as simple as a notebook, but consistency is key. Remember, the goal is to document something about your dreams every morning without overcomplicating the process.

If you struggle to recall any dreams initially (which is common), that's perfectly alright. Simply jot down "no dreams recalled," but ensure you write something down regardless. This practice trains your mind to actively remember dreams, gradually improving your dream recall over time. Whether you opt for the lucid dream journal mentioned earlier or choose your own notebook, the important thing is to establish a routine.

When recording your dreams, try to highlight significant aspects such as locations, characters, emotions, actions, and events. These details will prove invaluable as you reflect on your dreams later on.

Meditation: serves as the foundation of lucid dreaming, and fortunately, it's a skill that can be easily acquired. When I refer to meditation in the 30-60 day task list, I'm specifically referring to a particular approach. Meditation primarily involves calming the mind and attaining a state of 'nothingness,' although it can also serve various other purposes and come in many forms.

For the purpose of this 30-60 day challenge, we'll focus on a basic 10-minute breathing meditation aimed at detaching oneself from thoughts and emotions while enhancing self-awareness. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Find a comfortable spot to sit or lie down. I personally prefer laying on my couch, relaxing all my muscles and sinking. Choose a chair, bed, couch etc that allows you to achieve this state of relaxation.
  2. Set a timer on your phone for 10 - 15 minutes. Opt for a calming tone to gently bring you out of your relaxed state when the time is up. Avoid harsh alarm tones that might disrupt your tranquility.
  3. Begin by counting your breaths. Start with the 'in' breath, counting 1, and then count 1 again on the 'out' breath. Continue this pattern until you reach 10, then start over at 1.
Avoid overthinking and simply focus on relaxing, allowing the counting to flow naturally with your breath. Let your counting adapt to your natural breathing rhythm rather than forcing it to conform. It doesn't matter how long it takes to count to 10; the pace isn't important.

When your thoughts inevitably wander (as they will), gently redirect your focus back to the counting as soon as you realize you've become distracted. When the timer signals the end of the session, take a moment to reflect on your experience before opening your eyes and turning off the alarm.

That's the basic meditation technique we'll be using for this 30-60 day challenge. After completing the challenge, you're free to explore other meditation techniques. However, for now, we'll keep it simple to enhance adherence and effectiveness.
NOTE: There are many more meditation techniques and some are much better than the one above, but for beginner purposes that is why i am focusing on this specific one

Reality checks" are a vital aspect of lucid dreaming practice. They involve testing your reality to discern whether you're awake or dreaming. Although covered in the beginner's guide and reality checks guide, I'll provide a brief overview here.

These checks are instrumental in lucid dreaming because they help establish a habit that carries over into your dreams, prompting lucidity. While simple to perform, it's crucial to remember to do them consistently. This is where the 30-60 day template proves invaluable, as it outlines which reality checks to perform and when.

Let's delve further into the concept. A reality check entails performing a physical action while simultaneously questioning whether you're dreaming. It must yield a specific result in waking life and a different outcome in a dream, thereby signaling your dream state. Upon performing the check, you analyze the result and deduce whether you're dreaming.

To illustrate this, let's consider an example:

  1. Finger palm push: Hold your hands out in front of you and attempt to push the finger from one hand through the palm of the other. While in waking life, your finger will never penetrate your palm, in a dream, it will. The more you practice these checks while awake, the more likely they are to occur in your dreams, leading to lucidity.
Throughout the day, practice this or another reality check of your choice multiple times. In the task template, various reality checks are assigned to different weeks or days. It's essential to expect the desired outcome to happen, anticipating something that could only occur in a dream. When it does occur, you'll realize you're dreaming.

Here are a few more reality check techniques:

  1. Nose pinching: Pinch your nose shut with two fingers and attempt to breathe through your closed nostrils. In waking life, you won't be able to breathe, but in a dream, breathing is unnecessary, so you'll still be able to breathe.
  2. Checking your phone or watch: In a dream, the time or text on your phone or watch may change erratically. Check the time or text on your device, then look away and back, expecting it to have changed completely. If it has, you're likely dreaming.

Reality check triggers: serve as prompts in waking life to remind you to perform a reality check, thus increasing the likelihood of incorporating them into your dreams. They're not only important for dream recall but can also add an element of fun to the practice. Here's how to utilize triggers effectively:

  1. Identify a Trigger: Select a specific event or occurrence in your daily life that will serve as your trigger. For example, "Whenever you hear someone laughing."
  2. Mentally Prepare: Mentally acknowledge that this event will be your trigger, and commit to performing a reality check every time it happens. Practice visualizing the trigger and then immediately performing a reality check.
  3. Be Extra Aware: During the first hour of the day, remain particularly attentive and listen out for your chosen trigger. It's easy to overlook the trigger and proceed with your day without performing a reality check, but with focused effort, you can overcome this tendency.
  4. Automatic Remembrance: The ultimate goal is to condition your mind to automatically recall the need for a reality check whenever the trigger occurs. This is known as prospective memory, which is crucial for lucid dreaming as it trains your mind to remember future tasks, such as reality checks during dreams.
  5. Increased Awareness: This practice not only trains your mind for lucid dreaming but also enhances overall awareness. By consistently associating the trigger with reality checks, you'll likely encounter the same trigger in a dream, prompting the activation of your prospective memory and leading to a reality check in the dream.
  6. Visual Reminders: Initially, you can write "look out for trigger" or simply "trigger" on your wrist to serve as a visual reminder throughout the day. This will help reinforce the association between the trigger and the need for a reality check.
Remember to repeat the process for each trigger provided in the 30-60 day task template. Tell yourself, "Every time I see/do/hear [trigger], I'm going to remember to do a reality check," and make a conscious effort to remain vigilant for the triggers throughout the day. This consistent practice will gradually lead to automatic recall and incorporation of reality checks into your dream state.

Here are some additional reality check triggers you can incorporate into your practice:

  1. Whenever you think about your loved one: Use thoughts of your loved one as a cue to perform a reality check.
  2. Whenever you trip, stumble, or fall over: Any instance of physical mishap can serve as a reminder to check your reality.
  3. Whenever you handle money or see someone doing it: Money transactions or observations can trigger a reality check.
  4. Whenever you see a flower or flowers: The sight of flowers can prompt you to perform a reality check.
  5. Whenever you see a cat or a dog: The presence of a cat or dog can signal the need for a reality check.
  6. Whenever you hear someone laughing: Laughter from others can serve as a reminder to check your reality.
  7. Whenever you hear a car horn: The sound of a car horn can prompt you to perform a reality check.
  8. Whenever you touch your phone: Interacting with your phone can serve as a cue for a reality check.
  9. Whenever you see yourself in a mirror or reflection: Observing your reflection can remind you to perform a reality check.
  10. Whenever you see a blue car: Spotting a blue car can trigger the need for a reality check.
  11. Whenever you look at someone directly in the eyes: Making direct eye contact with someone can prompt you to perform a reality check.
These triggers can be integrated into your daily routine to increase the frequency of reality checks and enhance your chances of achieving lucidity in dreams. Remember to mentally prepare for each trigger and commit to performing reality checks whenever they occur. With consistent practice, these triggers will become automatic prompts for reality checking, both in waking life and in dreams.

Visualizing an island: is an exercise aimed at enhancing your imagination, creativity, and relaxation skills. It's particularly beneficial for newcomers to lucid dreaming as it familiarizes them with the concept and aids in relaxation. Here's how to perform this exercise:

  1. Preparation: Find a comfortable spot to sit or lie down where you won't be disturbed. Eliminate any distractions such as noise and light, and ensure your phone is on silent mode.
  2. Relaxation: Close your eyes and begin by relaxing your muscles and clearing your mind of any specific thoughts or distractions. Allow yourself to enter a state of relaxation.
  3. Imagining the Island: Visualize an island in your mind's eye. Initially, focus on the general concept of an island, and then gradually add details to the image. Picture the waves gently lapping at the sandy shore, hear the sounds of birds in the background, and feel the soft breeze against your skin.
  4. Personal Interpretation: Your visualization of the island will be unique to you. There's no right or wrong way to imagine it. Allow the scene to unfold naturally and don't try to force anything. If your island is lush with vegetation or sparse with just a bench, it's all valid. The key is to let the image develop organically.
  5. Practice: There's no need to impose a time limit on this exercise. Continue visualizing the island until you feel you've successfully captured all the details and sensations associated with it. With practice, visualizing scenes will become easier and more vivid.
By regularly practicing this exercise, you'll not only improve your ability to visualize but also cultivate a sense of relaxation and openness to imaginative experiences. It's a valuable skill that can contribute to your overall progress in lucid dreaming.

Using a mantra: is an exercise that involves repeating a phrase or word to reinforce an idea in your mind. This technique is not only effective for personal development but also for enhancing skills like lucid dreaming. Here's how to incorporate mantras into your practice:
  1. Selecting a Mantra: Choose a mantra that resonates with you from the options provided or create your own. You can stick with one mantra throughout the exercise or switch it up each time you're prompted to do the exercise during the 30-60 day challenge.
  2. Repetition: When you're instructed to do the mantra exercise, repeat the chosen phrase slowly and deliberately for 5-10 minutes. Similar to the meditation exercise, maintain a calm demeanor and gently redirect your focus back to the mantra whenever your mind starts to wander.
  3. Mantra Options:
    • "I will lucid dream tonight."
    • "Tonight when I’m dreaming, I will recognize that I’m dreaming."
    • "I will be able to control my dreams tonight."
    • "Lucid dreaming is easy for me."
    • "I can control my dreams every night."
  4. Consistency: Practice the mantra exercise regularly to reinforce the belief embedded in the chosen mantra. Over time, this repetition will help solidify the idea in your mind and increase its likelihood of manifesting in your dreams.
By incorporating mantras into your lucid dreaming practice, you're actively programming your subconscious mind to align with your desired outcome. Stay committed to the exercise, and you'll likely experience positive results in your lucid dreaming journey.

The imaginary conversation: exercise involves engaging in a simulated dialogue with an imaginary person. Here's how to perform this exercise effectively:
  1. Visualization: Begin by visualizing a person you know or creating an imaginary character in your mind. Picture them vividly, including details about their appearance, voice, and mannerisms.
  2. Initiating the Conversation: Start the conversation by addressing the imaginary person. You can talk about any topic that comes to mind, whether it's something you've been thinking about or a casual exchange.
  3. Allowing Time for Responses: As you speak in your imagination, pause and mentally anticipate the responses of the imaginary person. Give them time to 'reply' to your statements or questions as if you were engaged in a real conversation. This aspect of the exercise is crucial for training your awareness while events unfold in your imagination.
  4. Active Participation: Engage in the conversation naturally, responding to the imaginary person's 'remarks' and continuing the dialogue as if it were a genuine interaction. This practice helps enhance your cognitive awareness and mental agility.
  5. Benefits of the Exercise: While the exact mechanism behind the effectiveness of this exercise may not be fully understood, many practitioners have found it to be beneficial. Engaging in imaginary conversations can sharpen your mental focus, improve your ability to sustain attention, and foster creative thinking.
Overall, the imaginary conversation exercise serves as a valuable tool for enhancing awareness and mental engagement, which can contribute to your progress in lucid dreaming. Practice this exercise regularly to reap its full benefits.
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PART 2: (Final part)


The Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD) technique is a commonly used method to induce lucid dreaming by keeping your mind awake while your body falls asleep. Here's a breakdown of how to practice this technique:

1. Preparation: Lay down on your bed and relax ALL your muscles. Make sure you’re not tensing ANY muscles, and focus especially on your shoulders, jaw, and neck.
- Relax everything and don’t move. Then focus on your breathing. Make it relaxed but don’t force it too much. Just LET it relax and become deep and powerful. You might find it useful to count your breaths in the same way as when you do the meditation exercise mentioned here.

2. Maintaining Consciousness: Concentrate really hard on keeping your mind awake while your body goes to sleep. As you do this, several things will happen. You’ll notice that your thoughts will want to drift at first. Just like when you meditate for the first few times, you need to focus on bringing your focus BACK to what you want it on.
- You’ll find that especially if you’re tired, you’ll drift into random thoughts about unrelated things. When you catch yourself doing this, bring your focus back to what you’re trying to do which is as follows: The way the WILD technique works is that you’re going to keep your conscious mind awake while the rest of your body goes to sleep. This means you’re going to intentionally stay awake through sleep paralysis.

3. Understanding Sleep Paralysis: Sleep paralysis is a natural process that happens to everyone every night (except those with sleep disorders). It’s how your body stops you from acting out your dreams. Essentially your mind paralyzes your body when you enter the first stage of sleep so you can’t move around in the night. This is a good thing, as it stops you from trying to run out of bed when you have a bad dream.
- It CAN be a little bit scary when you stay awake during this process. People report feeling ‘trapped’ or like something is pressing down on their chest. This is normal, and if you just understand how it works it’s nothing to worry about. It’s a natural process which happens to everyone. Staying awake DURING this process is the strange part because most of us haven't done that before. Staying awake during it, you’ll notice things like a weight pressing down on you, or even hallucinations of a figure in your room as you go from being awake to dreaming. This is NORMAL, and nothing to be concerned with. It can be scary at the start but please keep reminding yourself it’s a dream and it’s normal.
- This is what everyone would experience every night if they tried to keep themselves awake during this process. Just remember that a few minutes after this ‘scary’ experience, you’ll have beautiful lucid dreams. This leads us to the next part of this process.
4. Transitioning into a Lucid Dream: After a few minutes of this, and provided you’ve not been moving at all you’ll start to hear and see things. These things are normal ‘hallucinations’ that people see when performing the WILD technique. They can be shapes, lines, patterns, or colors. It might even be fragments of memories, or other dream scenes. Don’t try to interact with these things at first. Just let them happen without judging them and trying to control or ‘inspect’ them. They’ll pass and you’ll enter the lucid dream.
- Let the images happen, and try to not get too involves with the sounds either. You might hear people talking, animals, or random noises. Don’t try and listen to them, just let them happen. The more you try and interact and respond to these things at first, the more likely you are to just end the dream and wake up.
- After a while you’ll notice that these visualizations and sounds become MORE vivid. They’ll come so clear that after a few minutes (probably about 10-20) you’ll be able to interact with them and actually just enter the dream. You’ll notice that interacting with the world around you becomes easier and easier.

5. Reality Checks: You will need to at some point do a reality check to make sure you’re dreaming. The whole time you’re doing this, constantly tell yourself in your mind ‘I’m dreaming, this isn’t real’ but also focus on remembering that you’re still ‘awake’. Remind yourself that you’re keeping your mind awake but the things around you are a dream. This will allow you to enter the dream. That’s it. The technique is simple, but not easy.

6. Practice and Persistence: Please remember this: when I ask you to do this in the 30-60 day task, please don’t be angry if you can’t do it. This is not an easy technique and for some people it takes weeks and weeks of practice. Don’t worry about this. The fact that you TRIED it on the days I ask you to is more than enough. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t ACTUALLY had a lucid dream using this technique, the fact that you’ve tried, (and kept trying on the other days) is the main thing, and that’s all that matters. Don’t lose focus, and don’t give up. Keep trying and keep going even if you don’t get results with this straight away.

The Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) technique: is closely related to the Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD) method. Here's how to practice the WBTB technique effectively:

1. Set Your Alarm: Plan to wake up approximately 6 hours after you initially fall asleep. For many people, setting the alarm for around 4 AM works well. When the alarm goes off, briefly awaken from sleep, turn off the alarm, and if necessary, use the restroom.
2. Return to Bed: After attending to any immediate needs, return to bed and make yourself as comfortable as possible. The goal is to quickly resume your sleeping position and ease back into a relaxed state.
3. Follow WILD Steps: Once back in bed, proceed to follow the steps outlined in the Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD) technique. Focus on keeping your mind awake while your body begins to relax and drift back into sleep.
4. Leverage REM Sleep: The WBTB technique is particularly effective because it allows you to target your longest period of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is associated with vivid dreaming. By waking up during this phase and then attempting to induce lucid dreaming, you increase your chances of success.
5. Practice Patience: Like any lucid dreaming technique, mastering the WBTB method requires patience and persistence. It may take several attempts before you experience success, so remain committed to your practice.
6. Combine with Reality Checks: As you engage in the WBTB technique, consider incorporating reality checks to confirm your lucid state once you enter a dream. This additional layer of awareness can help solidify your lucid experience.
7. Reflect and Adjust: After each attempt, take some time to reflect on your experience and identify any adjustments or improvements you can make for future attempts. Lucid dreaming is a personal journey, and what works best for one individual may differ from another.
Remember, the WBTB technique is just one of many approaches to lucid dreaming. Explore different methods and find what works best for you. With dedication and practice, you can enhance your ability to lucid dream and unlock the incredible potential of your dream world.

The Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream (MILD) technique: is a straightforward yet effective approach to lucid dreaming. Here's how to practice the MILD technique:

1. Prepare Your Affirmations: Begin by writing down or stating aloud five affirmations related to lucid dreaming. These affirmations should be positive statements that reinforce your intention to achieve lucidity in your dreams. Here are examples of affirmations you can use:
  • "I will be able to control my dreams tonight."
  • "I will lucid dream tonight."
  • "I will realize that I'm dreaming tonight."
  • "I will be able to control my dreams easily tonight."
  • "Lucid dreaming will happen regularly for me."
2. Repeat Affirmations: Once you have your affirmations prepared, repeat each one approximately 20 times. You can choose to write them out or say them aloud, whichever feels more comfortable for you. The key is repetition, as this helps to reinforce the messages in your subconscious mind.

3. Believe in Your Affirmations: As you repeat the affirmations, focus on truly believing in the statements you are affirming. Visualize yourself experiencing lucid dreams and feel the excitement and empowerment that comes with this realization. The more you believe in the affirmations, the more likely they are to manifest in your dreams.

4. Consistency is Key: Practice the MILD technique regularly, ideally before bedtime or during moments of relaxation throughout the day. Consistent repetition of the affirmations will strengthen your intention to achieve lucid dreaming and increase the likelihood of success.

5. Integration into Mental Attitude: Over time, you will notice that the affirmations become integrated into your mental attitude and beliefs. This shift in mindset is powerful and can significantly enhance your ability to achieve lucid dreams. Embrace this transformation and continue to reinforce your intention through the MILD technique.
By incorporating the MILD technique into your lucid dreaming practice, you can cultivate a mindset conducive to lucidity and increase your chances of experiencing vivid and controlled dreams. Stay committed to your affirmations and trust in the power of your subconscious mind to manifest your intentions in the dream world.

Here are some films that I personally recommend for inspiring lucid dreams:

1. Inception: Explore the concept of shared dreaming in this creative and exciting film directed by Christopher Nolan. Join a team of dream thieves as they navigate layers of dreams within dreams, leading to mind-bending twists and turns.
2. Chronicle: Follow the story of three high school friends who gain telekinetic abilities after encountering a mysterious object. Witness their journey as they explore the limits of their newfound powers, providing inspiration for extraordinary experiences within dreams.
3. X-Men: Immerse yourself in the world of mutants and superpowers in various X-Men films. Explore the diverse abilities of characters such as telepathy, telekinesis, and superhuman strength, offering endless possibilities for imaginative dream scenarios.
4. Cloud Atlas: Embark on a captivating journey through time, space, and interconnected lives in this visually stunning and thought-provoking film. Explore themes of destiny, reincarnation, and the power of human connection, providing ample inspiration for dreamlike worlds and experiences.
5. The Matrix Trilogy: The concept of a simulated reality and the exploration of consciousness in "The Matrix" films can stimulate thoughts about reality, control, and self-awareness, potentially influencing dream content.
6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: This film explores memory, identity, and the subconscious mind, themes that can provoke introspection and self-reflection, possibly leading to more vivid and introspective dream experiences.
7. Waking Life: An animated film that delves into philosophical concepts such as existentialism, consciousness, and the nature of reality, which may stimulate contemplation and awareness in both waking life and dreams.
8. Pan's Labyrinth: This dark fantasy film blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, inviting viewers to explore themes of imagination, escapism, and self-discovery, which could influence dream narratives and experiences.
9. Paprika: An anime film that explores the boundaries between dreams and reality, featuring a device that allows individuals to enter and manipulate dreams, which can inspire thoughts about lucid dreaming and dream control.
10. The Science of Sleep: Directed by Michel Gondry, this film explores the surreal and fantastical elements of dreams, blurring the lines between reality and imagination, which may spark creative and immersive dream experiences.
While these films are my personal recommendations, feel free to explore other movies that resonate with you and evoke a sense of wonder and creativity.
The key is to immerse yourself in narratives that stimulate your imagination and inspire lucid dreaming experiences.
It's clear that you've put in a lot of effort and dedication into your lucid dreaming practice over the past 30 - 60 days. Whether you've already had a lucid dream or not, there are important steps to take moving forward:

  1. Continue Practicing: Even if you've had some success, don't stop practicing. Lucid dreaming is a skill that can be developed further over time. Consistency is key, so keep up with your reality checks, meditation, and other techniques.
  2. Reflect on Your Progress: Take some time to reflect on what you've learned and experienced during the past month. Note any improvements in dream recall, awareness, or other aspects of lucid dreaming. Celebrate your successes and identify areas where you can improve.
  3. Adjust Your Approach: If you haven't had a lucid dream yet, don't be discouraged. It may take longer for some people to experience their first lucid dream. Consider adjusting your approach, such as trying different techniques or focusing more on certain aspects of your practice.
  4. Stay Motivated: Lucid dreaming can be a lifelong journey of exploration and self-discovery. Stay motivated and remind yourself of the incredible experiences that lucid dreaming can offer. Keep learning and experimenting with different techniques to deepen your practice.
  5. Repeat the 30-Day Challenge: If you feel that the 30-60 day template has been beneficial, consider repeating it or modifying it to suit your needs. Repetition and consistency are key to developing any skill, including lucid dreaming.
  6. Seek Support and Resources: Don't hesitate to seek support from online communities, forums, or lucid dreaming groups. Sharing experiences and tips with others can provide valuable insights and encouragement.
Remember, lucid dreaming is a journey, and progress may not always be linear. Stay patient, stay persistent, and most importantly, enjoy the incredible experiences that lucid dreaming has to offer.
Lucid Dreaming Supplements:
While there are various supplements and pills marketed for lucid dreaming, it's important to approach them with caution and consult with a healthcare professional before using them. Here's a list of some commonly mentioned supplements for lucid dreaming
  1. Calea Zacatechichi (Dream Herb): Believed to enhance dream vividness and recall, potentially promoting lucid dreaming by increasing dream intensity and clarity.
  2. Vitamin B6: Supports neurotransmitter synthesis, including serotonin and dopamine, which are involved in regulating mood and sleep cycles, leading to improved dream memory and recall.
  3. Galantamine: Acts as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain, which may enhance memory consolidation during sleep and facilitate lucid dreaming.
  4. LucidEsc: A custom lucid dreaming supplement containing various ingredients known to support dream recall, enhance cognitive function, and potentially induce lucid dreams.
  5. DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid): An omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil, DHA supports brain health and cognitive function, potentially contributing to clearer and more vivid dreams.
  6. Melatonin: Regulates the sleep-wake cycle, leading to more consistent and restful sleep, which can result in more vivid and bizarre dreams.
  7. Mugwort: Traditionally used as a dream-enhancing herb, mugwort is believed to promote lucid dreaming by increasing dream intensity and clarity.
  8. Choline Bitartrate: Precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory and cognition, which may lead to improved dream recall and lucidity.
  9. DreamLeaf: A supplement blend containing various ingredients like valerian root, huperzine-A, and 5-HTP, designed to support lucid dreaming by enhancing sleep quality and dream recall.
  10. Claridream PRO: Formulated to enhance dream recall and vividness, potentially facilitating lucid dreaming by promoting clearer dream experiences.
  11. Ginkgo Biloba: Improves blood flow to the brain, potentially enhancing cognitive function and dream clarity.
  12. Valerian Root Extract: Acts as a mild sedative, promoting relaxation and deeper sleep, which may lead to more memorable and immersive dreams.
  13. Peppermint: Known for its calming effects, peppermint may help relax the body and mind, facilitating easier and faster sleep onset.
  14. DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol): Supports cognitive function and memory, potentially contributing to clearer and more vivid dream experiences.
  15. 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan): Precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood and sleep regulation, which may lead to more intense and memorable dreams.
  16. Huperzine A: Inhibits acetylcholinesterase, leading to increased acetylcholine levels in the brain, potentially promoting clearer and more lucid dreams.
  17. Alpha GPC (Alpha-Glycerophosphocholine): Source of choline, a precursor to acetylcholine, which supports cognitive function and may enhance dream recall and lucidity.
  18. Mucuna Pruriens: Contains L-DOPA, a precursor to dopamine, which may improve mood and cognitive function, potentially enhancing dream vividness and recall.
  19. Yohimbine: Increases arousal and alertness, potentially promoting lucid dreaming by increasing awareness during sleep.
  20. Magnesium Glycinate: Supports relaxation and sleep quality, potentially leading to more restful and memorable dreams.
  21. Tart Cherry: Contains melatonin and antioxidants, which may promote deeper and more restorative sleep, resulting in more vivid and immersive dream experiences.
If anyone has any questions at all, feel free to ask!!! You can always PM me as well :)
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Ive found lucid dreams result in waking up far less rested then regular dreaming. How is that for you?
Ive found lucid dreams result in waking up far less rested then regular dreaming. How is that for you?
Ive never had this as an issue!? You should actually feel EXTRA relaxed and well rested from it!!
When i do WILD techniques or even the WBTB, I always go to bed 1 hour earlier than i normally would to account for any loss of sleep.
But you are asleep when you do this so you should not have any feelings of lethargy after. Do you have an apple watch? Check out how much deep sleep you're getting along with core sleep while you practice lucid dreaming, you can see when your body is getting optimal rest.
Maybe sure you're not eating close to bedtime either.

Also, if you are not feeling well rested after lucid dreaming, try some sleep aid supplements. They can help you stay asleep and reach deeper levels of sleep and help you with your lucid journey.

When i lucid dream i find myself feeling like i had the perfect night sleep and i wake up with a little extra zest for life