Stop saying that sex with animals would be disgusting or bad (to fit in)

Maybe not immediately and directly, but in the long run a more relaxed atmosphere in society concerning the topic may be beneficial for your mental health and the security of your dogs.
That's not going to happen. There's never going to be enough of us in numbers open and honest about it with enough power to change things. There's not going to be a more open attitude about it ever. If anything it's only getting worse as fewer sites allow it due to social media outrage and an inability to make profit because credit card companies won't let payments go through for it.

It's unfair to expect people to make that HUGE risk on an idealistic and unsubstantiated hope for a better tomorrow. We may wish the world will change, but we still have to live in it at the end of the day, and understand the world we actually live in.
It's never come up before in my life, and it probably never will, but I do have a response.

"I don't give a fuck what people do, why should I give a fuck what they fuck?"
Basically the "if it doesn't concern me I don't give a shit" defense.
If even zoos support anti-zoo sentiments, then yes, the atmosphere won't ever become relaxed. But that is not an inevitable fate. It's our choice whether we contribute to intolerance or not.
If even zoos support anti-zoo sentiments, then yes, the atmosphere won't ever become relaxed. But that is not an inevitable fate. It's our choice whether we contribute to intolerance or not.
I'd rather contribute to my continuing comfort of living on this planet. I can't fathom any good it does me, but I can fathom a lot of bad it could do me.
(Also not trying to bring the mood down or make anyone feel bad, just saying that personally I think there's no positive accepted future for zoophilia, so supporting it seems like a dangerous risk with no benefit to me. But everyone should do what's right for them. Be careful, be safe.)
I'd rather contribute to my continuing comfort of living on this planet. I can't fathom any good it does me, but I can fathom a lot of bad it could do me.
I think this is not a particular problem zoophiles have. The same thinking contributes to many problems in the world. For example when companies as well as individual persons pollute the environment. What good does it do someone not to throw their litter out of the car window, not to dispose their waste in a river that takes it away? It's certainly more comfortable than having to deal with it any longer.
I don't mean to say that you would throw waste into nature, but it's the same pattern with different nuances, different benefit/risk calculations. It's a pattern that plagues the world.
I think this is not a particular problem zoophiles have. The same thinking contributes to many problems in the world. For example when companies as well as individual persons pollute the environment. What good does it do someone not to throw their litter out of the car window, not to dispose their waste in a river that takes it away? It's certainly more comfortable than having to deal with it any longer.
I don't mean to say that you would throw waste into nature, but it's the same pattern with different nuances, different benefit/risk calculations. It's a pattern that plagues the world.
it would be "the same pattern" if there were people wanting to hurt/kill people that throw trash on the ground... there's also plethora of studies on why throwing trash in the river is bad. can you name one study about accepting zoophilia being good for the mankind/planet? so again, those two are not even in the same ball park. this is a particular problem zoos have. there is nothing to gain in not playing along with our disgusted peers. only lots to lose if we do get outed...
When everybody throws trash away, it harms us, but some trash here and there won't hurt so much. What are a few liters of poison in a big stream? They dissipate so fast ... That's the point. Each person may think that their action doesn't matter, but all their little contributions together do.

If you think that all zoos together still don't matter, because we are so few—we aren't the only minority. Maybe it doesn't hurt society too much to discriminate one group, but intolerance doesn't end with us. And we are not the only ones who have to lose something. One third of Poland has recently declared itself an LGBT-free zone, just to give you one example.

Discriminating against a tiny minority can hurt society already though: A secret zoo in a zoo-hostile environment is a security risk for society, because that zoo is susceptible to blackmail. Zoos in a tolerant environment would not be such a security risk, because they could risk getting outed rather than giving blackmailers what they want, e.g. confidential information or access to critical infrastructure.


I have said what I wanted to say. I guess I'll leave it at that. If I continue to discuss this, some of you guys will probably just feel challenged to add more and better arguments for playing along with anti-zoo sentiments.
Every individual here has his or her own life to live, and must make their own decisions regarding "mundane world" friends and family. No one policy is going to fit everyone at all times. It would be foolish to deliberately argue yourself "out"...
If I continue to discuss this, some of you guys will probably just feel challenged to add more and better arguments for playing along with anti-zoo sentiments.
Acting like an anti zoo seems like a far better option than losing my family (both my dogs and my biological family). If you want to risk losing your partners for your own pride, then so be it, but know that you'll be hurting them more than you'll be hurting yourself.
So avoiding to be hypocritical and intolerant is pride now?
While I can see where you're coming from this *might've* been feasible if we lived in an ideal world, but outing yourself is dangerous - there are people who have been forced into prison for their beast activities when they were outed (or outed themselves).

Keeping quiet is a survival tactic; and even if beast was legal, it sure as hell isn't anyone's business whether or not you bang Sheba or get banged by Fido.

Regardless this is an incredibly tricky subject and if the wrong person becomes suspicious it could wreck a zoo's life forever.

With that said, my only words are to exercise caution and judgment regardless of what one person chooses.
So avoiding to be hypocritical and intolerant is pride now?
So risking being outed and losing your partners over disagreeing with anti zoos is a smarter option? If you want to gamble with your family over some nimrods going on about how sex with animals is bad or gross, then do you. I'd hope other people are smart enough to see a situation where there are anti zoos and fuck right out of there. Treat those people like the anti's online and ignore them, GTFO of there and go cuddle with your partners.
I think this is not a particular problem zoophiles have. The same thinking contributes to many problems in the world. For example when companies as well as individual persons pollute the environment. What good does it do someone not to throw their litter out of the car window, not to dispose their waste in a river that takes it away? It's certainly more comfortable than having to deal with it any longer.
I don't mean to say that you would throw waste into nature, but it's the same pattern with different nuances, different benefit/risk calculations. It's a pattern that plagues the world.
I really, really don't see any correlation to pollution that is actually harming the planet and all who live on it, with keeping this a secret. In one you're obviously doing something wrong, in the other you're just acting in a way to avoid harm happening in your life, and in a way that doesn't cause harm to others.
I really, really don't see any correlation to pollution that is actually harming the planet and all who live on it, with keeping this a secret. In one you're obviously doing something wrong, in the other you're just acting in a way to avoid harm happening in your life, and in a way that doesn't cause harm to others.
Please note that thread's title is "stop saying that sex with animals would be disgusting or bad" and not "out yourselves". :)
Please note that thread's title is "stop saying that sex with animals would be disgusting or bad" and not "out yourselves". :)
And that's where my patented "I don't give a shit what people do, or what they fuck," comes in. I don't think that it's possible to actually defend it without outing yourself, and I wouldn't recommend anyone ever try to defend bestiality. But pretending not to give a damn is the best way to not have to say something about it.
Please note that thread's title is "stop saying that sex with animals would be disgusting or bad" and not "out yourselves". :)
and you should note that these two statements can very easily lead to each other, that's why most of us (especially those of us who happen to have an animal) resort to pretending and i find it kinda sad that you seem refuse to see that...

the one (and probably the only) time i went "i mean, if there's no harm..." instead of pretend disgust led to "so, do you fuck your dog?" pretty much immediately followed by the longest awkward silence of my life.

just face it, there is no way that not pretending shock/disgust/indifference would ever result in anything good happening.. or "the public" hating us less