Sex with a wild deer?

Yeah that sound about right. definerlty have had close encounters with does and they are pretty friendly if you feed them. But never been anywhere near a bucks.
Every tame or pet deer I've heard of has always been female, the bucks are generally returned to the wild or something and not kept as house pets like does are.
this is a specific situation. usually deer run away from humans. there are places where deer are fed, so you can approach and touch them there. but during rutting some males become aggressive and dangerous , so.
Deer still have a much stronger flight instincts so if that's triggered they become. Not just bucks but does as well. With horses that flight instinct has been surpressed through countless generations of breeding and they are also bred to be more docile overall and so much more comfortable with weird situations.
I still think bestiality should be restricted to dogs and possibly horses. They have been bred by humans for thousands of years and are the most comfortable with it.
I mean they are really docile compared to bucks so I can see it. but the second a buck hits the equivlent of pubrity good luck keep them from being dangerous.
Deer are not like horses and dogs. Even "domesticated" deer are nowhere near as comfortable around humans or doing strange things as horses are and can very easily get triggered and try to flee. Restraining them get stress them out so much that they could die just from stress alone. Horses have been bred to be fine with being handled and to go with unusual situations. Like a warhorse is expected to charge towards something loud and dangerous which is the exact opposite the horse's natural instincts tell it to do. So they were bred to make them do that.
Dogs are the same way as they usually steal from each other. The concepts of waiting for food or sharing have been bred into them by humans. Dogs and horses are tame enough and bred enough to have fun with. Cats perhaps though they aren't as bred as the other two but we should keep other animals out of it.