Predict Something About the Next Poster

I donn't really get what you mean by "real" but I clearly love animals.

Next poster can hardly sleep when the moon is full.
yeah, morning shifts are extra hell during full moon.. i get like 1-2 hours of sleep

the next poster doesn't floss
I don't. If keeping clean makes you bleed, it's probably not worth the effort.

Next poster plans to spend tomorrow outdoors.
hell nah. lol i poos a couple times a day. at least once.

the next poster don’t drink at all
nah, i worry my mirror would break if i looked into it for too long.

the next poster handles night shifts way better than morning ones
I briefly had karate lessons over 10 years ago, but no, I don't consider myself a martial artist.

The next one can't look anyone in the eye, because they find eye contact awkward.
i have

the next one wants to know details of it 🤣
You think I'd walk around in public on this site? I'm not that brave.

The next poster is able to balance on one leg for one full minute.
Nope, I last watched Paradise PD and it was pretty good with quite a few zoo and inter-species references.

Next poster has taken nude photos of themself.
nah, the shittiest phone i remember having was siemens c35. had to borrow my father's 3310 to play some snake or the sidescrolling shooter i can't remember the name of

the next poster changes underwear multiple times a day
No, but I should at least stretch more.

The next poster's avatar is polychrome.